Chapter Thirty-One

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"And thus, Captain Travis not only found the one thing he had been searching for, for his entire life, but also the warm embrace of true love. The end." Anthony closed the book he had been reading me, William dead asleep beside us as the raven haired man sat the book aside and cuddled closer to me, his hand resting against the small of my back. "Well? How'd you like the book?"

I shivered when he gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers gently grazing against my heated skin. "The book was ok, not really one of my favorites, but it definitely sounded much better when you read it. You have such a soothing reading voice."

Anthony blushed and gave me a small smile, gently taking my hand in his as his fingers grazed lightly over my knuckles. "Well, if you'd like, I would love to read to you more often."

I smiled, not taking my gaze away from Anthony's gorgeous teal one. "I would love that, Anthony." Feeling rather bold in the moment, I leaned forward and kissed him, enjoying the way his hand raised to cup my jaw. His lips felt like silk against mine, his tongue like velvet as it sensually danced with mine. My cheeks were burning, completely flushed while we made out, my heart racing wildly against my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair, and after a moment, we pulled away, both of us breathless as we stared into each other's eyes, a calm warmth surrounding us in a loving embrace.

A moment passed, then two before Anthony slipped his hand under my nightshirt, his fingers stopping a little bit from my wound. A sad look crossed his handsome face and sweet Mary I couldn't help but feel guilty that I was the cause. I mean, I know it wasn't directly my fault, but I still couldn't help but feel like I was the one who caused that sad look in his eyes. I know, it was dumb of me to feel such a way, but I guess growing up with Mother had that kind of thing drilled into my mindset.

"Does it hurt at all? I know it has been a little bit of time since we've applied the numbing cream," Anthony spoke, gaze searching mine as he stroked the skin under my cut.

I shook my head. "Thankfully, it hasn't been hurting too much today. Just every once in a while as a reminder to what had transpired but a couple nights ago." I nibbled at my bottom lip, nuzzling closer to Anthony as I laid my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "If it is alright for me to is the investigation going? Any leads as of yet?"

I felt Anthony sigh as I glanced up in time to see him pinch the bridge of his nose, the man looking tired as he dropped his hand and glanced at me. "It is tedious. Though, thankfully we have narrowed it down to only fifty suspects. They not only fit the description you gave us, but all of them also lack an alibi." He bit his bottom lip, eyes glazed over in thought. "We have been working tirelessly in finding the individual that did this to you. I just hope we catch them in time before they attempt to strike again."

Anthony then pinched his nose once more and sat up, nibbling at his bottom lip. "I'm feeling a bit hungry. Would you like the servant to get you anything?"

I nodded my head. "I honestly wouldn't mind some hot tea."

Anthony nodded and stood up, the man wearing only loose trousers as he walked over to the bedroom door, waiting silently before he could flag down a servant. After a few minutes, he was able to catch the attention of one, the man quietly informing them of what we wanted before the servant nodded and scurried off. He then closed the door and padded back over to the bed, merely sitting in wait instead of laying down.

"After I eat, I may wake William so that I can get some sleep. I am utterly exhausted after today," Anthony spoke, turning that teal gaze towards me, his hand gently rubbing my upper thigh, though, in a more soothing way than aroused.

"I'll probably chat with him for a bit before I am able to sleep," I admitted, averting my gaze to William's gentle, sleeping face. "I'm afraid that after that night, the realm of dreams doesn't come easily to me."

Anthony immediately frowned, looking concerned as he searched my gaze. "Why haven't you told me this until now? I could have requested sleeping aid for you had you confided in me."

I glanced down at my nails, picking at them for no other reason than to not look at the sadness on the other man's face. "I-I did not want to burden you any more than I already have. I mean, I-I do find sleep eventually, so there's no need to worry about me too much."

My face was tilted up by Anthony, the man staring at me with sad eyes as his thumb gently grazed across my chin. "You cannot tell me not to worry about you, Melani. Because whether you want me to or not, I do worry. Melani, you could have come to me about this. It is no effort at all to get you some sleeping aid, and it saddens me that you believe you would have burdened me by revealing your ailments to me. I'm here for you, and so is William, so I beg of you to come to us for help next time, ok?"

My heart clenched tightly in my chest as my cheeks warmed, my love for this man only growing stronger the more time I spent with him. I nodded and grabbed his hand, gently kissing his knuckles while maintaining eye contact with him. "Of course, Anthony. I apologize if I've made you worry."

Anthony shook his head, giving me a small smile as he pressed his hand against my cheek. "Don't apologize. Just, put your trust in us, ok?" He leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss just as there was a small knock on the door, the poor man pulling away from me with a sigh before he go up and opened the door, revealing the servant from earlier.

Anthony thanked them and rolled the cart into the room, the sight of buttered croissants making my stomach rumble with delight. Anthony chuckled, amusement in those teal eyes as he moved the cart closer to the bed. "Sounds like you're hungry. Don't worry, I had the servant bring extra for you." I smiled and went to reach for one, only for Anthony to gently grab my wrist, shaking his head. "I told you I would be checking whatever food and drink enter this room."

I winced and took back my hand, my cheeks burning in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

Anthony gave me a small smile and waved his hand nonchalantly, picking up one of the croissants before he took a small bite, both of us holding our breath before he nodded and held it towards me. "This one is good."

I thanked him and took a bite, moaning delightfully as the butter cascaded down my throat, filling my belly with its fluffy warmth. I didn't even realize just how hungry I was until I had a second one and third one, still hungry enough for a fourth. I guess my chicken broth dinner hadn't filled me up completely. And in that moment I was in food Heaven...well, until I heard a thump next to me, and when I went to look at what made the noise, my heart went still and fear crawled up my spine when I saw Anthony writhing on the floor, the man's eyes wide as he clawed at his throat. My gaze then dropped, my blood running cold when I saw the broken remnants of a tea cup, its contents spilled all over the floor.

And one thing immediately came to mind as I threw the covers away from me. The tea must have been poisoned.

Panic rushed through me as I jumped from the bed, the stitches in my wound ripping open as I fell onto my knees beside Anthony. "William! William help!" I cried as I grabbed onto Anthony's face, William's eyes slowly opening in confusion before the widened, panic settling within those sage colored orbs.

He immediately jumped out of the bed and met me on the floor, his eyes filling with tears as he shakily tried to hold Anthony still. "What's happening? What did this to him?"

"P-Poison. F-From the tea that was meant for me," I wailed, scared to death for Anthony's life.

William hastily nodded his head towards the door, gulping as he pulled Anthony closer to him. "Run to the door, scream for a healer. I do not care how many people you wake up by doing so, but scream as loud as you are able."

I nodded and darted towards the door, not caring that I was only in a night shirt as I thrust the door open and ran into the hallway, pleading for a Healer as loudly as I could, tears streaming down my face. And I don't know who was doing this to us...or even why, but I prayed a Healer got to Anthony in time. Because if they didn't...he would surely die, and I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

A/N: Oh noooooooOOOOO, Anthony, my CINNAMON ROLL! How dare anyone try to hurt that smol bean T___T

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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