Chapter Three

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It was rather cold that night in the room I had been provided. The nightgown I wore went all the way to the floor, and not even the extra plush robe I had on brought me any warmth. I shivered, wrapping my frail arms around myself as my bare feet smacked against the polished, wooden floor. I tightened my robe around myself, reaching for the door to my room before I opened it and peeked into the hallway, nearly fainting in fright when I saw two armed guards glance at me from beside the door.

One of them turned more towards me, raising a thick black brow as he stared at me with gorgeous teal eyes. "My Lady, is there something you are in need of?"

I blinked, still in shock that I had two guards posted at my bedroom door. Sure, while I had been growing up in my manor we had guards, but they only patrolled our estate. They never stood guard over me, or any of my five brothers, so this was rather new to me. ", do you perhaps know where the library is? It is a tad chilly in my room and I cannot sleep. Reading usually helps me with that."

The guard with the pretty eyes kept staring at me, his long lashes casting faint shadows over his tanned cheeks as he nodded his head. "Of course, my Lady. Follow us."

I nibbled at my bottom lip. "I can find it on my own, if you allow me the direction."

Pretty eyes shook his head. "I apologize, my Lady, but we have been given strict orders to not let you out of our sights unless His Highness Prince William is with you."

I frowned. "But why? If I am to be His Highness' wife, surely he should trust me."

"It's not about trust, my Lady, it's about your protection. You are to, one day, be the Queen of England. There will be some individuals who will plot against you in order to pull you from the throne."

My heart began racing in my chest as I gulped, the other man giving me a knowing, and soft look. "A-Alright. L-Lead the way." He nodded and gave the other man a look, the taller man flanking behind me as pretty eyes began leading the way. "So...ah...if you are to be guarding me, surely I should know your names, right?"

Pretty eyes stopped walking and turned to face me, giving me an apologetic look. "I apologize for my disrespect, my Lady. I am Anthony Locke, and-"

"And I am Edward Fishbach," the freckled blond behind me spoke, giving me an award winning smile.

I smiled softly back at them, feeling a little bit better now that I knew their names. "It is a pleasure to meet the both of you."

When we made it to the library, Anthony opened the door, causing my mouth to drop when I saw the magnificence that was this room. Books, upon books filled the space, from floor to ceiling. There was even a staircase leading to a second floor, and all I could do was marvel at the immaculate space that seemed so surreal. I nibbled at my bottom lip, fingers gliding across the books I walked past, a burst of giddiness rising within me.

Being the only girl to my five older brothers, literature was basically my only escape. I would always read the books about knights and always imagined myself being the princess that was rescued. Mother always thought of me to be naive because of that...but then again, anything I did seemed to disappoint her greatly, no matter what I did. I sighed and grabbed a random book before I made my way over to one of the provided couches. I then pulled my loose hair over my shoulder and opened the story I had grabbed, getting lost in the world of knowledge and mystery.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my bed, sunlight gliding into my room as I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. How had I gotten here? Had Anthony, or Edward carried me back? When had I fallen asleep?

I shrugged and pulled the covers back, noticing a dress that had been laid over the couch, the fabric dark and soft to the touch. Nibbling my bottom lip, I snatched the dress and made my way into the bathing room, staring in awe at the large, in-ground bathtub. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering I was in a castle, yet I was still in shock over some of the over-extravagance.

Sighing, I made sure the water in the tub was heated, before I pulled my nightgown off and climbed in, sighing in content when the hot water caressed my bare, pale flesh.

Overly large tub? Perhaps. Was it comfy? Most definitely.

I nibbled at my bottom lip and leaned my head against the tub pillow, my fingers dancing across the surface of the water, allowing it to ripple in effect. This was nice, being able to relax like this, not having to pretend to be this posh, perfect woman. It was exhausting, especially when all I wanted was knowledge and adventure like the books I read, a princess to be rescued by a handsome knight.

Such things were not within the realm of possibility, however, so I was stuck living a life that was not meant for me.

Though, on another note, I was still shocked that William, Prince of our good nation, lain with other men. I hadn't really expected that at all. But I was truthful to him when I said I would not judge him for his choice in lovers, and while I would never lay with another woman, there was absolutely nothing wrong with William wanting to sleep with other men. Mother might be disgusted if she heard my views, though, I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut. Living my life so long in silence, I should be used to keeping quiet.

I closed my eyes, cupping the water in my hands before pouring what I had gathered over my head, wetting my long hair so that I may wash it. Perhaps that was why William was so cold to me upon meeting me. He preferred male company. Did Henry know? Or was William keeping his preferences a secret?

I began lathering the lavender scented oil in my hair. I wonder...just how many men had William lain with? One? Two? Ten? Would he ever tell me?

I rinsed the oil out of my hair and began lathering soap onto my body. If we are to be married, I do hope he will learn to confide in me. He was my betrothed. There was no one else for me. So I had to at least try and make this a good marriage, else we both will be miserable...and even if he doesn't ever learn to love me.

My mind then randomly shifted to Anthony, to his chiseled, tanned face, and gorgeous teal eyes. I wonder...had William bedded him? Or Edward? I blushed, splashing water against my face. Quit thinking about such perverse things, Melani. You are a proper woman, and surely Mother did not raise you to be a pervert, I chided myself, feeling my cheeks heat up.

I squeaked and almost fell completely under water when I heard a knock on the bathing room's door, my heart beating hard from the suddenness. "W-Who is it?" I called out, barely peeking out over the edge of the tub.

"I apologize for the interruption, my Lady, but Prince William wishes to meet with you for breakfast."

I instantly recognized Anthony's voice, my cheeks burning in embarrassment. "A-Alright. G-Give me a moment to make myself presentable and I will be right out."

"Of course, my Lady."

Pinching my cheeks as I climbed out of the tub, I grabbed an expensively plush towel before I dried myself and pulled on my dress, the dark lace accentuating my pale skin. I then dried my hair as best as I could, yanked on my shoes and opened the door, startling poor Anthony.

The other man pulled himself together rather quickly, clearing his throat before he gestured to the bedroom door. "Shall we, my Lady?"

A/N: Pic above is of Melani

And enjoy the chapter!

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