Chapter Twenty

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The world around me seemed to be spinning from the sheer fear that practically climbed up my spine, my heart beating wildly in my chest. What was Arthur doing here? And why had he locked the door?

I jolted in fright and backed up when he took a step towards me, his brows pinching together while his eyes narrowed, as if he couldn't fathom why I would do such a thing. "What are you afraid of, my Lady? I plan to do you no harm. There is no reason why you should be frightened of me."

I gulped, my eyes darting around the room as I attempted to find a quick exit. "If you mean me no harm, then why is it that you locked the door? If there is no ill will intended, you would have left it open." I gulped again, my heart dropping when I realized it was too far of a drop for me to escape through the windows.

I then frowned when the man began pulling off his jacket, my brows pinching together in bewilderment. What in Mary's name was he doing?

"I merely wanted to...get to know you. You are our future queen, after all, and I saw the way you had looked at that guard when I interrupted you. I mean, if you are so easily available, then why not give me a simple taste?"

My eyes widened in realization as my heart dropped, my stomach shriveling when I began to feel sick. "I-I assure you, there was nothing going on then. I am loyal to William and only him."

His shirt dropped to the floor, and the strings to his trousers were loosened. "Why deny it, my Lady? I know of William's preferences, surely he isn't satisfying you in the way God intended. And I know very well what I saw. There was lust within those beautiful grey eyes of yours, there's no need to lie to me. Now," he took another step in my direction, "do us a favor and take off those dreadful clothes of yours."

Once he was close enough, I shot my knee up and managed to smash it between his legs, causing his face to go white as I ran around him and attempted to run to the door, only to gasp when the man tackled me from behind, causing my face to slam against the floor.

I was lucky the floor was padded, else I probably would have broken my nose from the force of the fall. I struggled when he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them to the floor, the man forcing me onto my back. I then opened my mouth to scream for help, because surely, there had to be someone nearby, but the dreadful man shoved one of his hands over my mouth, causing my scream to be muffled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Arthur warned, his eyes dark as his free hand went to the front of his trousers, the man completely untying the strings before he went to mine.

At this point I began sobbing, terrified of what was to come as he pulled my strings loose. Was this really how I was going to lose my virginity? Not by the sweet caresses of my lover, but by the cruel hands of a man who was forcing me against my will? "P-Please, I beg of you, do not do this! I-I won't tell anyone, I give you m-my word! Just please don't do this!" If only my pleas were not muffled by his hand.

But I knew the man had heard me, for he tore his hand from my face and shoved his shirt in its place, causing me to cry much harder as a cruel grin formed on his face. My heart began hurting when he pulled the length of him from his trousers, before he began pulling mine down, revealing pale flesh. I closed my eyes, not wanting to witness this as I shook like a leaf for what was about to come. I-I just prayed that he didn't hurt me too badly. I didn't like pain.

"What the hell?"

I opened my eyes, taking note of the horrified stare on Arthur's face, his skin stark white as disgust swirled within those hateful blue eyes. And then it dawned on me. He had believed me to be a woman...he pretty much expected it, really. And since I wasn't a woman...this could be my chance to escape!

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