Chapter Seven

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Two weeks passed faster than I could comprehend, and I was a big ball of nerves and anticipation. In just one week, I would no longer be Melani Rosethorn, only daughter to Camille and Maximus Rosethorn. I was going to be Princess Melani Featherborn of England. I wasn't as weary as I had been, though, for William and I had grown closer as friends. What I was nervous about was the fact that I was losing my virginity in a week. I just hoped that I wasn't so horrible that William laughed at me. But, then again, William was also a virgin, once upon a time. Surely he wouldn't judge me for not knowing what to do, right? He wasn't that cruel.

"Ugh, I really am not looking forward to today," William spoke from next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts as he speared some eggs onto his fork.

"And why is that? Because your cousins are coming over? Surely they're not that bad."

William side-glanced me and placed his fork down, staring at me with those intense sage eyes. "Oh trust me, Lady Melani, it is of utmost severity you stay by my side. They are spoiled, rotten, and enjoy making me miserable."

I frowned, averting my eyes to my half-eaten breakfast. "Does His Highness know how they treat you? Surely if you told him, he would-"

William shook his head. "It will do no good. They are adept at lying and deceiving. Father wouldn't know any better." He sighed and placed a tanned hand over mine, causing my heart to flip-flop in my chest. "Just try your best not to be caught alone with them at the ball tonight, ok? And especially stay away from Elliot. That man will try his damned best to get you into his trousers."

I felt my face turn crimson, embarrassment filling me at that statement. "O-Ok. I will endeavor to do my best and stay as far from them as I can humanly manage."

A small smile formed on those plush lips. "Good. On another note, your dress for tonight has been completed and is placed in your room. I haven't seen it yet, but I've been told that you will catch everyone's eyes."

And of course my blush darkened, a shy smile on my face as I tried to look everywhere but at him. "We'll see about that."

An hour later and I found myself standing awkwardly by William as an expensive carriage rolled up, causing me to tense slightly and move closer to the blond man next to me. The carriage then stopped and the door opened, revealing Lady Mary, who greeted her brother, King Henry with a smile. Next, a tall blond man stepped out, his green eyes surveying the area with an air of boredom as his feet hit the ground, the man folding his arms behind himself.

"That's Elliot," William muttered, looking less than pleased as he stared at the other man.

Elliot seemed to catch William's gaze, his lips pulling in, what I could only describe as, a cruel smile. William immediately tensed beside me, which caused me to place a hand gently on his arm. Elliot saw that, and his gaze flickered to me, turning thoughtful as those green eyes took me in. I gulped and turned my eyes away from him, instead turning my attention to the two others that stepped from the carriage.

The other man was shorter than Elliot, his hair a rich brown and gelled back. The woman, who looked much younger than the other two, was blonde, with haunting icy blue eyes as she reached out and linked her arm through the brunet's. "Arthur and Edith. Don't let their innocent looks fool you, they're admittedly worse than Elliot," William whispered, before he slapped a fake smile on his face and went to greet Lady Mary.

"Aunt Mary, it is a blessing to see your gorgeous face here," my betrothed said as he pulled the older blonde woman into his arms.

"My little William! My, you have grown into a fine young man." She pulled away, squeezing at his upper arms. "You're so strong now, my, my." She fanned herself, before those emerald eyes flickered towards me. "And who is this beautiful young woman?"

William maintained that smile as he placed a hand against the small of my back, gently leading me to the older woman. "This, Aunt Mary, is my fiance, Lady Melani Rosethorn. Lady Melani, this is my Aunt Mary, sister to His Highness, my father."

I gave a little curtsy, trying to look as proper as possible as nerves jumped around within me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lady."

I felt fingers slip under my chin, my gaze lifting to meet Lady Mary's. "You finally found yourself a wife, William? I am so overjoyed! And she is so beautiful, too!" Her blue eyes flickered to me. "Lady Melani, if there's anything you ever need, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Yes, anything at all, we will do our best to provide you with assistance."

I blinked at the new voice, my heart nearly stopping when I saw Elliot there, smiling down at me. "I-I thank you for your consideration."

Elliot's smile widened, eyes flickering to William. "Of course, Lady Melani. You are to be family soon, it's only right to extend such niceties.

William's grip tightened around me. "Thank you. Now, if you will excuse us, we must prepare ourselves for the ball tonight." I was whipped around so fast that I was filled with dizziness as William led me back into the castle, immediately talking me to his bedroom chambers.

"It seems that Elliot has his sights on you, which isn't exactly anything new to me, but Melani," those sage eyes lifted to me, "please, be careful."

I felt a warm smile form on my face as I hugged the other man, feeling his body relax as he hugged me back. "I will be fine, William. I'm sure Anthony will make sure Elliot doesn't try anything."

"Yeah, if he ever comes back from his rounds," William muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose once he pulled away.

Almost as if fate willed it, William's bedroom door opened, the man of discussion walking in before he stopped short, eyes on the both of us. "My apologies. Am I interrupting?"

Without a word, William walked over to him and laid his head on his shoulder, Anthony's teal eyes darting to me for help. "His cousins are here," I informed him, nibbling my bottom lip as I awkwardly looked away from the lovers.

"I see. And I'm on the assumption that the dastardly trio has already started their antics?" Anthony glanced at William, who merely turned his head so that we could see his face.

"Elliot has his sights on Melani. The other two haven't done anything yet, but you know they will, the bastards. They always do." He sighed and pecked the other man on the cheek. "Whatever the case, I need you to keep an eye on Melani for me tonight. She's an innocent in all of this and I would loathe for them to pull her in."

Anthony frowned. "Will, you know they'll try to get their hands on her." He placed his hands on William's shoulders, a reassuring look crossing his handsome features. "But, I'll keep an eye on her for you."

"Thank you." William glanced towards me. "The ball is in less than an hour. I'm sure that you would like some time to get ready."

I blinked when I was finally addressed and nodded, a shy blush darting over my cheeks. "O-Oh. Yes. Ah...let me go do that then." I bit the inside of my cheek and left the room, making my way into my own before a breath left me. I pinched the bridge of my nose, before I locked my doors and pulled off the dress I had been wearing, goosebumps rising on my skin as the cool air caressed my naked flesh.

I then pulled the new dress off of my bed, the fabric soft, and expensive looking. It was pale pink, layered, and fell all the way to the floor in length. It was a really pretty dress, in my personal opinion, and it fit me perfectly when I finally pulled it on. I had trouble tightening the bodice myself, but I ended up getting it after a while. I felt a bit strange with my shoulders being exposed, but I knew that I would live through it.

I made sure to pull my hair up in a fancy do, before I adored myself with sparkling, expensive jewelry. I ended up putting a light dusting of makeup on my face before I finally took a breath, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I reached for the door. I closed my eyes, silently reassuring myself, and after a brief moment of hesitation, I opened the door and began making my way to the ballroom.

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