Chapter Ten

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"You look beautiful, Lady Melani."

I blushed darkly at Anthony's words, my eyes on the mirror in front of me as the seamstress walked around me, eyeing the ivory dress I was wearing. My long hair was pulled into a bun so that the dress wasn't concealed in any way, and my arms were held open. So far, the dress wasn't exactly anything extravagant, since the seamstress needed to get my measurements right, but leave it to Anthony to have me blushing as red as a tomato.

"It's not finished yet, though, Anthony." I spoke softly, wincing when the seamstress accidentally poked me with a needle.

"Sorry dear."

Anthony leaned forward in his seat, throwing one of his long legs over the other before he laced his fingers at the knees. "That doesn't mean you don't look beautiful, my Lady. I'm sure once this dress is finished, all the ladies in the land will cry with jealousy at your beauty."

"He does not lie, my Lady. You will be the embodiment of pure youth and beauty."

My blush darkened and I averted my gaze from the both of them, butterflies fluttering around all in my stomach. I don't understand it. I wasn't the prettiest girl here, so why did they keep saying how beautiful I was? I was taller than most women, by a few inches, I was as flat chested as a man, and my pale skin was marked by beauty marks and freckles. I had seen women look much more beautiful than I.

However, it did make me feel better inside knowing that they thought of I as pretty. I never really thought so myself, so it was nice that other individuals did.

"I believe I have all the measurements needed. You said you would like some gold accents, my Lady?"

I nodded and turned away from the mirror, nibbling at my bottom lip as the seamstress nodded to herself, poking a pudgy finger against her plump bottom lip. "William mentioned he would like some gold, so you can play with where to incorporate it."

The seamstress clapped her large hands together, a smile darting across her round face. "Excellent! Now," she turned to Anthony, "you must shoo. Lady Melani needs to undress."

Anthony nodded and stood up, giving me a warm smile. "I will be in the other room when you're dressed."

I nodded and watched as he left, the seamstress' brows raising as she stared at me. "I see those eyes, my Lady. You fancy him a wee bit, do you not?"

I sputtered and whipped around to face her, my face flushed. "W-what? I-I do not. I am engaged to His Highness."

She gave me a knowing smile and pursed her lips before she nodded towards me. "I will leave you to your privacy, but please do be careful not to mess up the markings for your measurement." She gave me a wink and left the room, which allowed me the privacy to look back at the floor length mirror, my reflection copying me as I bit at my bottom lip, staring straight into my grey-blue eyes.

Did I fancy Anthony? I mean, he was nice, and he seemed to be a good friend...not to mention he was indeed a handsome man. Did that warrant me liking him? Did I even like him? I mean, he was sweet to me, sure, and was very intelligent. Gah why was I put in such a position?

Get out of your head, Melani and get dressed, I scolded myself before I very carefully pulled the dress off of me, laying it across a chair. I then grabbed the dress I had worn here and pulled it on, yanking the tie out of my hair and allowing the chocolate colored locks to cascade down my back. I frowned, gently running my fingers through my hair. It was getting quite long...perhaps I was due for a trimming? I nibbled my bottom lip. Maybe. I'll think about it.

"Are you finished dressing, Lady Melani?" I heard the seamstress' voice from the other room, causing me to pull myself out of my cluttered head.

I cleared my throat, smoothing down the front of my dress before I made sure I looked alright. "Ah, yes."

The door opened and I jumped, the seamstress walking in there before she grabbed the dress and gave me a warm smile. "I shall have this done before your wedding. My, you will be so beautiful, my Lady."

I blushed. "T-Thank you."

I walked out of the room without another word and saw that Anthony was staring out of one of the windows, his arms crossed over his broad chest before he noticed me and turned to face me, placing a smile on his face. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded, allowing my own lips to split in a small, shy smile. "Yes. Actually, I would not mind some food right about now."

Anthony raised a dark brow, eyes twinkling in amusement. "Food can be arranged. Are you in the mood for anything in particular?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip. "Actually, I'm in the mood for something meaty."

Anthony nodded. "Of course. I know just the place to sate your hunger. They cook some divine chicken chunks that I think you will enjoy."

I felt my smile widen as we left the seamstress' place, the streets still bustling with people of all types, chatter filling the air as we maneuvered through them, making our way to a small little shop that sat at the edge of the street. And I couldn't help but notice the line that stood outside of it, a man poking his head through a little window as he handed food to each person.

"Here's my juicy steak, my Lord. I do hope you enjoy it! Ah, my Lady, what is it you wish?"

I blinked and looked at Anthony, who smiled widely at the older man in front of us, his face so warm that it made my heart flip-flop. "Ah, yes, we would love to have some of your delicious chicken chunks. I'll take the spicy ones, while this beautiful lady here will take the regular."

The older man nodded, a grin splitting across his face as he nodded enthusiastically, giving me a little wink. "Of course, my Lord! That will be two silver pieces!"

Anthony handed the coin over, and we waited only a few minutes before we were handed small little baskets filled with delicious smelling chicken. My stomach rumbled loudly at the mere smell of the meal which had Anthony laughing lightly as I blushed, averting my gaze in embarrassment.

"Come, let us find a place to eat."

I nodded and followed him to a little area with small tables and chairs, taking a seat at the first one that seemed to be open. We then ate, conversing about the wedding and how good these chicken chunks were, and they were. They were absolutely delicious and may have become my favorite food.

"So, is William in charge of planning the wedding?" I wondered as I licked the sauce off my fingers, not noticing how Anthony's gaze dropped so slightly.

The other man blinked and nodded, dabbing at his lips with a napkin. "On some parts, yes. He is receiving help from Her Highness, seeing as he has never planned such an event before. I believe he is the one taking care of the cake and food choices, while Her Highness is taking over the decorations, and pretty much everything else, really."

I nodded to myself and placed the rest of my meal aside, already full. "I see. And the guest list?"

Anthony paused, seeming to be deep in thought. "I'm honestly not sure which one is in charge of that. But I assume it will be mostly the higher known names in the country, and perhaps some from other parts of the world. It is a rather large ceremony and very important to the future of England."

"I understand."

Anthony tilted his head, gently placing a tanned hand on my own. And just his skin touching mine had my heart doing all kinds of tricks, which caused my cheeks to burn. "It is alright to be nervous, Lady Melani. If it makes you feel any better, William is nervous too." He gave me a warm smile, and I couldn't help the way those darned butterflies danced in my gut. "I'm sure everything will go just fine, so you can stop worrying, ok?"

I let a small, embarrassed smile form on my lips. "I sure hope so. Especially with William's cousins causing trouble."

"I won't let that happen, Lady Melani. And I doubt they will try something in the company of the esteemed noble families. They wouldn't want to tarnish their image."

I nervously chuckled. "I hope you're right."

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