Chapter Five

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"What ails you, Lady Melani? You were so adamant about going into town, yet here you are as silent as the grave."

I pulled myself out of my thoughts upon hearing the sound of William's deep voice, my cheeks flushing involuntarily. "N-Nothing ails me, Your Highness."

"Melani, please refrain from lying to me. It is unbecoming of you."

My blush darkened and I turned my gaze away in shame, biting my bottom lip harshly. Now...should I tell him, or keep it to myself? I mean, he seemed to be able to read me already, so surely he would see right through another lie. My heart began beating wildly in my chest as I lifted my gaze to meet his, a frown forming on my lips. "U-Um...well, back at the castle, I saw how you...ah...looked at Anthony. A-And it was the same soft, sweet look that lovers give each other, and I apologize if I am stepping out of place, but-"


I stopped mid-sentence, my face pinching in confusion. "Yes to what?"

William averted his eyes, pinching at an imaginary piece of lint. "Anthony and I...we are lovers. Have been for...well...eight years."

I nodded my head and glanced down at my gloved fingers, trying not to feel disappointed. "I-I figured there was something between the two of you. Especially with the way Anthony spoke of you. "I sighed and began nibbling at my bottom lip. "Is that why you've never married until now?"

William nodded, snorting when he looked at me. "It is very uncommon for a Prince to be unwed past the age of fourteen. However, I managed to convince Father to hold my marriage off since I wanted to "focus on my studies". I'm honestly surprised it took him this long to force a wife onto me." He let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head, causing his shoulder-length hair to swivel about. "Father only wishes for me to produce an heir. He is getting up there in age, and probably figured that it was about time I began...well, for lack of better terms, getting to it."

"Is that all I will be? Someone to produce an heir for your throne?" I wondered out loud, though, my voice was rather quiet. My did I hate this constricting feeling in my chest. It felt as if I were being weighed down by rocks.

William lowered his gaze. "No. I may not be able to love you in the same way I do Anthony...but I am not averse to making a friend. And if you feel inadequately loved...I will allow you the option of another male lover. One who will not shy away from being intimate with you."

My cheeks burned so hotly I was surprised I wasn't melting. Did he seriously just suggest I have a side lover?

Apparently I had voice my inquiries aloud, for William's brows pinched together. "Of course. I don't think I can satisfy you in the way a woman was made to be. I apologize if I've offended you in some way. It was not my intention."

I shook my head, giving him a shy smile. "I-I'm not's just, I grew up surrounded by males, yet I cannot woo a man to save my life. You mention me having a side lover, yet the only reason I'm going" my cheeks darkened in embarrassment and I refused to sway my gaze away from my lap, "to lose my virginity, is because your father is expecting an heir from me." I chuckled pathetically. "I-I know it's pretty pathetic-"

"It is not pathetic," William interrupted, his plump lips pulled into a frown. "You're just shy, and there is nothing wrong with that. From what I heard about Lady Camille, she sheltered you the most, kept you isolated from your peers. Now that you're free from her grasp, you can finally begin opening up, and begin making friends. So no, Lady Melani, you are in no way pathetic."

I opened my mouth, my heart pounding in my chest as I went to respond to him, only for the carriage to slow to a stop. Immediately snapping my mouth shut, I watched as William gave me a small smile before he opened the door, stepping out of the carriage. I then inhaled deeply, gathered my skirts, and followed the blond man, squinting my eyes at the sudden brightness.

When I finally got my wits about me, I blinked and gaped at the sheer amount of people that bustled all around us, everyone completely unique in their own way as they shopped, or conversed.

"There's so many people," I muttered to myself, yelping unceremoniously as a small child almost ran into me, her eyes wide before she muttered an apology and ran off, leaving William to silently chuckle at me as he kept those sage eyes off to the side.

"That was not funny, William." I pouted and grabbed my skirt, huffing as I walked over to one of the many vendors, my cheeks flushed in embarrassment. How could I have known that, that girl would run into me? I didn't. So he had no right to laugh at me. Hmph.

"Ah, a pretty necklace for a pretty woman?"

I blinked, glancing at the dark skinned older gentleman, who had a crooked smile on his face as he held a gorgeous ruby necklace in my direction. "M-Me?" I wondered out loud, pointing sheepishly at myself.

The man's grin widened. "Of course! These fine rubies would look dashing against your gorgeous pale skin, my Lady. Tis a crime to not even consider this fine piece of jewelry!"

"She's not interested in fake jewels, Amond." William spoke from next to me, causing me to jump from his sudden appearance.

The other guy, Amond as William called him, gasped and placed his hand over his heart. "Fake your Highness? I assure you, these rubies are just as real as you and I-wait!"

In the middle of Amond's spiel, William had gently grabbed my upper arm and pulled me away from that vendor, Amond calling out to us until we disappeared into the crowd.

I nibbled at my bottom lip, glancing at my betrothed from the corners of my eyes. "I thought those rubies looked real."

William seemed to mentally roll his eyes, before glancing down at me. "Of course they looked real. Lady Melani, men like Amond thrive off of fooling people. People like him make fake gems by coloring glass, and then turn around and sell it for hundreds of gold. Maybe even platinum." He stopped and turned towards me. "You need to be a little more careful."

"O-Of course," I stammered, feeling my cheeks warming.

And of course, leave it to William to see said blush. "You blush quite a bit, Lady Melani."

My blush darkened as I averted my eyes, nervous little butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. "I-I do not." Goodness me, what a terrible and obvious lie. I didn't even sound the least bit convincing. I was positive William saw right through me, as he always seems to do.

"Right." William looked around, seeming to be in search of something before recognition crossed his features, and he began dragging me over to another vendor, this one smelling of something sweet.

"Oh! Your Highness! To what do I owe this pleasure?" Chirped a girl who looked no older than twelve, her dark face heavily freckled as she stared at William with large brown eyes.

William gave her a kind smile, one that seemed to be genuine as he pulled a gold piece out of his pocket. "My fiancee and I would like to purchase some of your jelly filled croissants. The blueberry ones, if you will."

The girl's cheeks turned bright red as she hurriedly nodded and snatched the gold coin, before grabbing the delicious looking desserts. And as William handed me mine...I couldn't help but feel as if this was going to be a good day. William actually bought me something, and despite earlier, he seemed to currently be in a good mood. I definitely wasn't complaining, though. I was overjoyed that he seemed fine with my presence, if even just for now. I couldn't have asked for a better day, even if I tried. Especially with my dirt luck.

I just hope that it lasts for a while.

A/N: Welp, and here's the last chapter for the day! I will try to make a schedule for this, but with my jobs being one of the only ones still opened, I will have to work around my schedule. But alas, a new story for you all to enjoy! 

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