Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I was beyond nervous once we made it back to our room. My heart was a flurry of anxious beats and my cheeks were burning with how hard I was blushing. Were we really about to do...that? Be so intimate with one another, or was I merely thinking too far ahead?

Then again, I would be a liar if I said I wasn't looking forward to such intimacies. I mean, sweet Mary, if my pleasure had been so intense with just William, how much stronger would it be with both him and Anthony? Goodness, I may even pass out from such intense pleasure.

I pulled out of my thoughts when we walked into our room, both William and Anthony sharing knowing looks before they walked further inside, my heart doing a flip as I followed them. And immediately William walked over to his table and pulled out a couple of crystal glasses, grabbing his bottle of whiskey before he paused and glanced at me. "Care for a drink, Mel?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip, nodding as I walked closer to him. "Just a small glass, please."

William nodded and began pouring the dark liquid, while Anthony placed his large hand against the small of my back, smiling so warmly at me, it caused the butterflies in my stomach to intensify. "Are you nervous, Melani?" He asked me, lifting a hand up to my cheek.

My blush darkened and I began nibbling at my bottom lip, thanking William when he handed me my glass. "I am, if I am to be honest," I admitted as I took a sip, the liquid burning the back of my throat as it went down. "However...I know the both of you will be gentle with me, so that eases my nerves a bit."

I shivered when I felt Anthony's lips graze the side of my neck, my toes curling from the contact. "That we will, Melani. I can assure you of that."

My heart began racing wildly in my chest as Anthony pulled away from me to grab his whiskey, downing it in one go before he pulled William to him and locked lips with the blond, my eyes widening when I saw them exchange tongue. My eyes then dropped to Anthony's hands as he gripped William's luscious backside, and sweet Mary I felt like some teenage girl peeping through her crush's window. I felt as if I were invading their privacy, but those feelings completely vanished when Anthony pulled away from William and kissed me, his tongue sinfully gliding against my own. My eyes immediately closed as his mouth danced against mine, my toes curling as my body awoke with arousal, my heart pounding hard against my chest.

After a moment, I gasped in his mouth when William's lips began attacking the pale expanse of my neck, and goodness, it was a strange feeling being loved from two different angles at the same exact time. A strange, but not unwelcomed feeling as I was suddenly turned around with William's lips replacing Anthony's.

Goodness, shouldn't I be doing more than just be kissed? I felt like I should probably contribute in some way, since I didn't want them to feel like they were all doing the work. So...gathering my courage, I pulled away from William, licking my lips as I trailed my fingers down his clothed, broad chest, down to the ties of his trousers.

"Y-You both have brought me pleasure, s-so I would like to return the favor, if that's alright."

William's brows darted high in surprise, and sweet Mary, there he went with those tanned cheeks of his turning bright red and making him all the more gorgeous. "I-If that is what you wish."

*****Scene in Frozen Treats****

One time turned into two, then tree before we all had fainted from exhaustion. And I don't know what woke me, but sometime in the late night my eyes were opening, consciousness crashing into me as I yawned and looked to the side, William's face peaceful as he slept. Anthony was also out cold, snuggled against William's back with his arms thrown around his waist, his eyelids twitching as he dreamed.

I couldn't help the smile that split across my face, my heart filled with warmth as I watched them both sleep. How could I have been so lucky as to have two gorgeous and kind men in my life? I was beyond blessed to have this life with them. And to think I was initially worried that my marriage would be loveless. I'm glad I was wrong.

I frowned when I heard a thump from the other room, my heart pounding wildly in my chest as I sat up and grabbed the candle stick, placing the white candle onto the nightstand before I held breath and lifted my make-shift weapon.

Had that been my imagination? Perhaps it was merely an animal outside, one that was awake in the late hours of the night. I couldn't tell for sure.

When I heard not another sound, I began heading towards the room closest to me, which happened to be the bathing room. I held my breath as I slowly opened the door, peeking my head inside as I gripped the candle stick tightly in my hands. It was dark, especially with no candle to aid me, but it didn't seem as if anyone or anything was in there. So with a quick exhale of air, I pulled back and closed the door, deciding to quickly check the study as well. You know, just in case.

My bare feet smacking against the carpeted floor, I walked around the large bed, my eyes briefly trailing to the men that were asleep there. I hesitated, debating whether or not I should wake them...however, I couldn't help but believe that my tired mind was playing tricks on me, and I shouldn't be worrying like I was.

So I pursed my lips and opened the study room door, candle stick raised in case anyone tried anything funny. Well, if I weren't imagining things. When I saw nothing there, I sighed and lowered my makeshift weapon, pinching my nose as I went to leave. However, I paused when I noticed a book on the floor, a frown forming on my face as I sat the candlestick aside and bent, picking it up. I then glanced up at the bookcase, and sure enough, there was an empty slot for it, as if it had merely fallen.

And now that was the question circling around in my head. How had the book fallen? I peered towards the large window, my frown deepening when I realized it was closed. So surely a gust of wind couldn't have jarred this book from its rightful place. My heartbeat began quickening. A ghost perhaps? I immediately shook my head. That couldn't be it. If this place were haunted, surely William or Anthony would have told me, right?

Perhaps it was a mouse or small rodent that found their way in here and knocked it from its place. Yes, that could be it.

I sighed and put the book back in place, my fingers grazing it's spine as I turned to leave the room. Only...a sharp pain seemed to shoot through me, and for a moment, I couldn't even breathe. And in the darkness, all I could do was make out a dark silhouette, large and intimidating and when I looked down, I watched in horror as the intruder pulled the dagger out of me, my blood dripping off its silver blade as I gingerly touched where I had been stabbed.

Tears began forming in my eyes when I pulled back blood-soaked fingers, the dark silhouette taking a step back before the room around me began spinning, my body smacking against the floor.

And as my blood soaked the carpet beneath me, images of William and Anthony's faces popped into the forefront of my mind, smiling and as handsome as ever, their eyes filled with nothing but pure love for me. Yet here I was, probably bleeding out, my time ticking closer and closer to the end. The only thing I could do before the pain stole away my consciousness, was quietly cry William's name.

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