Chapter Six

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"I think the red suits you very well, Lady Melani. It makes your blue eyes stand out more."

I nibbled at my bottom lip, my cheeks turning crimson as I glanced at the tall mirror, gingerly touching the dress I had tried on. "Y-You think so?" I asked, shyly glancing back at Prince William as he nodded, a thoughtful look on his face.

"I believe so, yes. Not to mention it looks gorgeous with those gold accents sewn in."

"Yes, yes! Tis a beautiful gown for a lovely young woman," the seamstress added, a smile on her chubby, freckled face. She clapped her large hands together and went to grab another gown. "I also think you would look just dashing in a baby pink-"

I gave her a shy smile. "As much as I would like to try on some more of your beautifully crafted dresses, I'm afraid it's getting rather late in the day. Oh, but do not worry, I will most definitely see you again as your dresses are so well done and pretty."

The seamstress blushed darkly, shyly averting her hazel gaze. "That is so sweet of you to say, my Lady."

My smile widened and I went to grab my change purse, only for William to shake his head and pull out ten gold pieces. "For the dresses and your wonderful service," he said, flashing a warm smile.

The seamstress gaped, eyeing the gold in surprise. "Why your highness! You are too generous to little ol' me. I thank you for such kindness."

Looking uncomfortable at the compliment, William nodded his head and ordered for the dresses to be dropped off at the castle. After that, we found ourselves at a quaint little tavern for dinner, William telling me all of the wacky, non-princely things he did as a child while we ate.

"And there was this one time, I believe I was eleven, and I had taken some expensive paints and completely ruined all the paintings that hung in the hallways."

"No," I mock gasped, placing a pale hand over my lips.

William nodded. "I did, all because Father would not allow me a slice of cake for dinner."

"Wow, you were such a piece of work as a child, weren't you?" I giggled, sipping at my glass of red wine.

William grinned, placing down his fork. "I sure was. Luckily Anthony was there to make sure I never got caught." Those sage colored eyes grew soft as he mentioned the other man, his grin turning to a sweet smile. "I owe that man a lot for what he has done for me."

I looked away from him, staring at my half-eaten piece of chicken as I began nibbling at my bottom lip. "Regarding Anthony, if I may ask, how is he handling this...well...engagement?" I peeked up at the blond man though my lashes, watching as he turned his gaze away.

"I...he understands the situation. He knows that it is imperial that I create an heir and have a queen by my side in case, god forbid, anything happens to Father or I." He lifted his gaze towards me. "Anthony loves me, Lady Melani. And I love him. This situation isn't exactly...ideal, but we'll make it work. And at least he likes you, because this would be awkward if he didn't. So...that's a plus."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I'm glad he's so understanding, and that he likes me. Especially since I can be a bit...strange sometimes."

William chuckled. "So tell me, what's it like to grow up with so many siblings? I'm an only child, so I'll never really know what it's like."

I shifted in my seat, allowing a hefty sigh to escape my lips. "To be honest, it's annoying. I'm the only girl to five boys, and the youngest at that. So I was the butt of the joke most of the time. Imagine having a pimple in the direct center of your forehead. One that never pops no matter what you do. That's what it's like to have siblings."

"Wow, five brothers? Actually, now that I think about it, I believe I met one of your brothers once. His name has escaped me though. I think he said he was the eldest?"

"Ah, yeah. You've probably met Marvin. He's in the royal guard, so I'm sure you both have exchanged conversation once." I grabbed my knife and cut off a piece of chicken before placing the small bite in my mouth.

"What about your other brothers? Are they also in the royal guard?" William dabbed his mouth with a napkin, sage colored eyes filled with interest.

I finished chewing what was in my mouth and swallowed, nibbling at my bottom lip. "No, only Marvin is in the guard. Michael and Matthew run a woodworking business together with their families, Maverick, I believe, is still overseas seeking knowledge...and I'm actually not sure what Maddox is up to these days. We were never really close.

"Your parents really like the theme of giving their children names beginning with the letter "M" huh?" William joked, sipping at his whiskey.

I nodded, feeling an amused smile form on my face. "Well, I think Mother did it for Father as...I don't know, an honorary thing. Some of the noble children poked fun at us because of it, but I didn't really care all too much."

William stared at me softly, our meals now finished as the sun finally dipped below the horizon. "Sounds like you had quite a busy childhood, with having so many brothers to keep you occupied."

"No, I'm afraid it was rather boring. I definitely didn't graffiti any expensive paintings, or anything."

William laughed, his sage eyes twinkling as I laughed with him, those butterflies back in my stomach.

Later that night, after we had returned to the castle, I laid in my bed, unable to sleep. My mind was a flurry of thoughts from today. And darn it, I couldn't even stop smiling. This day had been too much fun, and I was finally starting to see the man under the mask, and I don't know why, but I felt like I had accomplished something from him opening up to me.

I bit my bottom lip, grabbing a few strands of my hair to braid absentmindedly. William was actually really charming when he wanted to be, and he seemed to be quite the jokester, if the stories he told me of his past were true. He seemed like a completely different man from the one I had met a couple days ago. And I liked this version much better, too. I could talk to him without being judged from my appearance, and I could tell him jokes that were not very lady-like. It was honestly a breath of fresh air. And sure, knowing me, I would fall for him eventually, even though he would never love me like he loved Anthony. But I was fine with being friends. I would rather us be friends than be enemies, right? Surely that would make for a better marriage.

I stopped braiding my hair, sighing as I turned on my side and stared at the melting candle on my nightstand, the flame flickering oh so softly.

I do wonder though...when William and I do create an heir...would they look like me? Or resemble William more? Would they have my silky brown hair, or coarse blond? Would they inherit the blue eyes that I had gotten from Mother? Or would they be blessed with that gorgeous sage that William had?

I began nibbling at my bottom lip. Would I even be a good mother? I mean, I had absolutely no idea on how to go about raising a child. But then again...did any parent really know? Surely there wasn't a parenting book laying around anywhere, right? I'm sure that if I ever find myself in a pinch, I could go to Her Majesty for advice.

I smiled softly to myself, placing a hand on my flat stomach as I imagined what the future might bring me, my eyes growing heavy as sleep finally claimed it's hold on me.

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