Chapter Sixteen

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"So, we all know now that Melani cannot conceive a child, yes?" William asked as we sat at a small table, my cheeks still pink from a few minutes ago. I mean, I had been naked in front of both of them. Heck, it was hard to even look at either man without my face turning to resemble a tomato.

Anthony blinked and shot me a side glance, his cheeks pinkening before he turned away from me and nodded. "Obviously."

"And Father will be wanting to hear news of an heir sometime soon. So, I propose a plan to find a newborn baby when the time comes, and claim that it is Melani's."

My brows rose. "Find a baby? You...You're not suggesting that we kidnap a baby, are you?"

William's sage colored eyes darted in my direction, his lips pursing as his brows furrowed. "What? No, I would never steal an infant. I'm actually kind of hurt that you would assume such a thing. No, what I'm suggesting is we find a soon to be mother who does not want to raise a child, or cannot afford to, and offer them the chance to have their child grow up in royalty. I doubt any sane mother would say no to her child having a good life." He leaned back in his seat, running his hand through his blond hair. "I admit, it's not a perfect plan, but hell, any plan is better than Melani and her...his...entire family being tried for treason. And frankly, it's the only plan I have for the moment."

Anthony nodded to himself and turned those bright teal eyes in my direction. "It's not too bad of an idea." He then frowned and turned to look at William. "But what if the child grows up not resembling either of you?"

William bit his bottom lip and looked down at the table. "I-I haven't fully thought that out yet." He sighed and looked over to me, making me blush darkly when his tanned hand landed over mine. "But it is a start." He then pulled his hand back and cleared his throat as he stood up, stretching his arms up towards the ceiling, revealing a small sliver of tanned flesh. Flesh that my perverted self was apparently gawking at.

Feeling the blood rush to my face, I tore my gaze away, embarrassment filling me when I saw Anthony's amused smile. I nibbled at my bottom lip. "So, we find a child in a month's time, or are we wanting to give the illusion that I am...pregnant, before that happens?" I wondered out loud, staring at William as he lowered his arms and gave me a look.

"Well, of course we will be giving the illusion of you being pregnant. We'll probably have to stuff your dress with various pillows, depending on how long you've been "with child", and when the time comes to give birth, so to speak, we will produce the child we had obtained."

"You will have to bribe the handmaiden, you do know this, yes?" Anthony asked, raising a black brow.

William nodded, scratching at his stubbled jaw. "Of course I know this."

I pursed my lips, before I brushed my hands against my robe and stood up, giving both men an embarrassed smile. "Well, I'm sure we'll discuss more of this at a later time. I'm feeling quite hungry right now, since William," I looked towards him, enjoying the way the man blushed as recognition crossed his handsome features.

"Crap. I forgot your breakfast." I squeaked when William rushed over to me and pulled my face in his hands, giving me the most apologetic look I had ever seen. "I am so sorry I forgot. Father had distracted me with endless questions about our...romantic night together, so to speak. Your request completely slipped my mind."

I gave him a small smile and placed my hand over one of his, gently patting it. "It's fine, William. I understand you had a lot on your mind."

William gave me a warm smile and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek, causing my face to turn bright red as I averted my gaze, feeling those butterflies back in my stomach. "You are too kind to me, Mel." The man turned away from me, his gaze on Anthony. "You can accompany him to the kitchens if you want. I still have a couple of diplomatic things I need to see to before dinner tonight."

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