Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Melani. Melani, wake up."

Wrinkling my nose at the deep masculine voice that spoke to me, I turned onto my side and buried my face deeper against the pillow beneath me, too tired to get up and face this cruel world...wait a minute...

I basically bolted up into a sitting position, my head nearly colliding with Anthony's as the man jumped back, almost falling off of the bed. "What are you doing here, Anthony? Where's William?"

Anthony blinked those gorgeous teal eyes and ran a tanned hand through his hair before he pointed. "He's getting out of the bath. Or, well, he was. I wonder what's taking him so-"

"Goodness I swear these trousers fit me last week, yet now I cannot pull them past my thighs," William was saying as he exited the bathing room, and sweet Mary, he was completely naked, too. Everything was completely on display, and I felt my cheeks warm when he turned those gorgeous sage eyes towards me, a kind smile blossoming on that handsome face of his. "Mel! I'm glad you're up! We have much to discuss."

A bud of hope blossomed within me as I sat up straighter, staring at the other man. Could it be so? "You've found Arthur?"

My hope waned when William's smile faltered, his eyes lowering as he shook that blond head of his. "Not yet, Mel. But that is precisely why Mother arranged to spend the day with you while Anthony and I continue the search for him." My face darkend when he walked over to me, still completely naked as he sat down, his eyes on me. "I figured it would be better for you to get out of our room, that way you're not plagued with boredom, or worry." He nibbled at his bottom lip and scratched at his stubble. "You're not opposed to the idea, are you?"

I shook my head, feeling a little smile pull at my lips. "Actually, it sounds like a splendid idea. It's a good way to learn about my mother-in-law, and have her teach me what goes in to being a good queen."

William smiled and thanked Anthony as the raven haired man handed him a pair of trousers. He yanked them on, though, not before my gaze dropped to that ample bottom of his, causing my cheeks to burn red as I immediately averted my gaze to the bed. When I looked up again, the blond had already threw a white shirt on and tucked it into his trousers before he pulled on a light blue coat.

"Oh, yes, before I go, Mother wants you to meet her in her private chambers, which Anthony will escort you to, while I consult with your brother."

I blinked and looked over to Anthony as he gave me a small smile, my cheeks burning when I remembered our time together. Goodness, why am I still so embarrassed about that? I felt like a young blossom crushing over the first man to give her his interest.

Then again, I never really had the chance to crush on any of the noble boys my brothers hung out with, seeing as Mother denied me even that. So was this what it was like to actually like someone? To blush at the thought of them, even after they were intimate?

"Mel? Are you lost in your thoughts again?"

I blinked and turned my attention to William, the man staring at me with furrowed brows. "Oh, ah, I apologize." I chuckled awkwardly and stood up from the bed, shyly wringing my hands together. "I should probably get dressed, shouldn't I?"

William nodded, pausing for a moment before those tanned cheeks turned red. "Anthony and I can leave the room if you are shy about changing in front of us."

I nibbled at my bottom lip and shook my head, feeling embarrassed as I slipped out of my nightgown. "Y-You both have already seen me in my nude state. There's n-no reason for you to avert your gaze."

"There's no need for you to be shy either," Anthony spoke, giving me a soft look, "you're absolutely gorgeous. Definitely nothing to be ashamed about."

William nodded. "I agree with Anthony. You are very beautiful."

Could my face really get any redder than it already was? Because if it could, I would be so surprised, considering I probably already looked like a lobster. They said I was gorgeous. Was I really? I always believed the other women to be prettier than I their kind words really made a warmth blossom in my chest as I pulled out a pink dress and pulled it on, turning around once I was dressed. And I couldn't help but shyly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear when I noticed they hadn't looked away. "I-I'm ready to go."

William blinked, as if he had been lost in his thoughts, and nodded, those tanned cheeks once again filling with crimson. "Alright. I do hope you enjoy your time with Mother. And hopefully we find Arthur and make him pay for his crimes."

He walked over and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips, before he caressed my face momentarily and walked over to Anthony and kissed him as well. And I couldn't help the blood rushing to my cheeks as I watched them exchange tongue before William pulled away and left the room, giving Anthony and I a brief wave.

Anthony then turned to me, smiling softly as he gestured to the door. "Shall we?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip and nodded, following the taller man as we left the room and made our way to Queen Beth's chambers. My heart was pounding in my chest on the way there from nervousness, but I still held my head up high one we made it to her rooms, Anthony knocking on the door before it opened to reveal the Queen of England herself.

And while she was dressed in a more...casual fashion, she still managed to look gorgeous in her blue dress as those sage colored eyes shifted towards me, lighting up before a warm smile blossomed on her face. "Melani, my dear, it has been too long since I've seen your beautiful face. Come, I have breakfast ready for us." Her eyes then shifted over to Anthony. "Thank you, Mr. Locke, for escorting dear Melani to me. Goodness knows the dangers lurking within these castle walls. It is good to know there are some we can still place our trust in."

"Anthony placed a fist over his heart and bowed his head, black locks falling from their neatened place. "Of course, Your Majesty. I live to serve the royal family."

Queen Beth nodded and turned to me before gesturing into the room. I gave her a small, shy smile and walked inside, my eyes widening a bit at the extravagance that met me. A large room with floor-to-ceiling windows, a fireplace that was made from polished marble, with expensive looking table and chairs sitting directly in front of it. And by one of the windows, a second table sat, piled with food that had my stomach rumbling in anticipation. My eyes left the food and grazed over the large, professionally done paintings, across glass cabinets filled with jewelry, back to the table with food as Queen Beth began leading me to it, pushing her long, curly blonde hair over her shoulder. And once we made to the table, I could see the bacon, sausage and eggs that were making such a delicious aroma, a few slices of toast placed beside the meal.

My stomach once again rumbled at the sight of it, and I struggled not to dig right in once I sat down. No. I waited for Queen Beth to take the first bite before I picked my fork up and began stuffing my face, though elegantly, almost moaning at how good everything tasted.

"So Lady Mealni, how has it been, being married to my son? I know he can be quite brass, but he does have a good heart on him."

I felt my cheeks warm as I looked up at her, a smile blossoming on my lips as I thought about my husband. "I have very much enjoyed our time together, Your Majesty. I honestly can say that I'm confident we will be happy until our end." And I really did mean it, too. William didn't seem the type to lash out unless something precious to him was threatened. He seemed so kind and thoughtful, and he seemed to care about me, judging by how he reacted from the Arthur incident. Although I wonder...will William ever come to love me? Or did Anthony hold the entirety of his heart?

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