Chapter Eleven

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Oh. My. God. It was finally that day, the day where I was to be wed with William, Prince of England. I was a mess of nerves and I was surprised that I didn't pass out when I stood from my bed. People were bustling all over the place outside, yet I was in my room, wearing the dress that wonderful seamstress tailored for me. It was a gorgeous gown, as most of her creations were, with a square cut neck lined with gold, and long bell-like sleeves that went past my hands. Currently I was sitting in a chair, wincing as one of the female servants brushed the tangles out of my hair, the brush catching some particularly bad ones before she managed to smooth them out.

But my goodness, by tonight I was going to be royalty. How in the world was I going to cope with such an extravagant title? I would be Princess Melani Featherborn. I was honestly still in shock. Not to mention tonight is the night William is going to lay with you, my perverse mind spoke up, causing my face to burn in shame at the lewd thought. That was right. I would no longer be a virgin tonight. Oh great, here the world goes again spinning like a wheel.

I took a few deep breaths to bring me back into the world of the living, although, my heart still raced in my chest, my nerves jumping back and forth. I could do this. I could totally do this. But, what if I passed out from the nerves on the walkway? What if I passed out and everyone laughed at me because of it?

Ugh I really did not like being this nervous.

"There you go, my Lady." The servant spoke up before she pulled out a small mirror and held it in front of me, allowing me to see the intricate braids and curls she added to my hair. My bangs still framed my face, and I couldn't help but allow a small smile to form on my lips.

"You did wonderfully, Amira. Thank you."

Amira beamed before she turned and began gathering her supplies, another servant making her way up to me, makeup held in her hands. "I'll try to do something a little more natural, but if you want something fancy, be sure to let me know," the brunette spoke, placing the makeup on the table Amira just cleaned off.

"Natural is how I usually have my makeup," I told her, watching as she nodded to herself and poked her lip with her index finger.

"I'll go extravagant. Not too extreme though, my Lady. I wish to accentuate your eyes and your lips. Hmm, perhaps line your eyes in gold and gloss your lips with a light pink? Yes, yes, I can see it now. Maybe I'll even add some blush as well."

I gave her a shy smile, wringing my hands in my lap. "Do what you will."

"She's nervous," Amira spoke, giving me a soft smile, "I do not blame you, my Lady. William is a handsome man and he is so kind and wonderful. It would be worrisome if you were not filled with butterflies."

"I hear from some of the women that he packs quite a nice package too, if you know what I mean," the brunette giggled, causing Amira to gasp and place her hand over her mouth.

"Tina, do not say such lewd things." She gave me a little wink. "But I have heard the same."

I tried not to snort at that, knowing that William very much preferred men over women anyway. I bet those other women were trying to seem impressive to their female friends. Little did they know they would never have a chance. I allowed my eyes to close when Tina began applying the gold powder to my lids, my mind barely focusing on the conversation they were having as my makeup was done.

After that was finished, Tina and Amira were admiring their work when a knock sounded on the door, causing both girls to squeal with giggles as they gently grabbed my arm and told me to stand up, before Amara opened the door. Anthony poked his head in, his eyes widening slightly when he caught sight of me.

"Wow. You look absolutely gorgeous, my Lady."

I felt the blood rush to my face as I averted my eyes, feeling quite embarrassed at the compliment. "T-Thank you, Anthony."

"I feel like we did an excellent job bringing out those pretty eyes of hers," Tina said with a flirtatious smile on her face, her eyes basically glued to the raven haired man.

Anthony nodded, allowing a warm smile on his tanned face as those teal eyes remained on me. Finally, after a moment he bent his arm and held it my way, silently telling me to grab it. When I did, we walked out of the room, the hallways still filled as people rushed to the gardens, where I was to be married. "You really do look beautiful, Lady Melani," Anthony spoke, glancing down at me.

I gave him a small smile, subconsciously grabbing at my dress as we walked closer to the doors that led outside. "A-Are you sure I do not look too simple?"

"I'm sure, Lady Melani. You will make all of the noble women out there jealous, and that is nothing to be ashamed about." He tilted his head, stopping just at the doors. "Look at me."

When I did, he had a warm smile on his face, his eyes soft as he gently cupped my cheek, his hand cool against my flushed skin. "Don't be so nervous. You will be happy, I promise you."

I took a deep breath, nodding as I tried to put on a brave face. "I know I'll be happy. But that doesn't stop the nerves from fluttering around within me."

Anthony chuckled and my heart exploded when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against my forehead, giving me an encouraging smile before he opened the doors and allowed the sunlight to nearly blind me. Once I was used to the brightness, I could already hear the music playing when Father approached me, not speaking one word before he extended his arm out for me to grab. Feeling a frown form on my face as hurt pierced through me, I grabbed his arm and took a breath, ignoring the way Father acted like I wasn't even there.

Once we began walking down the isle, my heart clenched in my chest when I caught sight of William, the man looking absolutely dashing in the white suit he wore, his hair pulled back from his face. When he caught sight of me, those sage eyes widened slightly as a smile split across his face, making him look even more handsome as I walked closer and closer to him. Noble families from different nations watched me, and I felt a little nervous from all of the attention. But that was alright. All I should be worried about is the man in front of me, his eyes glittering as he stared at me when I finally reached him. I let go of Father's arm and stood in my place as the priest stood by us, a bible in his hands.

Though, to be honest I didn't really pay any attention to what he was saying. This was it. I was on my way to living a better life with a man who didn't see me as a hindrance, despite what my subconscious tried to tell me. And Anthony was right. I was already much happier around the two of them than I was around my own family, so I shouldn't have felt so nervous.

And when the priest finally spoke those words, those five little words, I closed my eyes as William leaned forward, pressing his soft lips against mine, sealing the marriage.

I was no longer Melani Rosethorn. I was now Princess Melani Featherborn of England.

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