Chapter Four

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"Lady Melani, thank you for finally joining us," William spoke, causing my cheeks to burn in shame as I took my seat next to him.

"I apologize. I-I was bathing."

William raised a brow. "I can see that-"

"William, son, leave the poor woman alone," chided an older woman, and judging by her similar looks to the prince, it didn't take a genius to know that this was Queen Beth. Her eyes, similar in shade to William's, darted towards me. "You will be excused for your tardiness this time, Lady Melani. But do take note that breakfast is at eight, not eight-twenty."

"O-Of course, Your Majesty. I will endeavor to make sure I am here on time in the future." I nervously twirled my fingers together, not liking all the attention that was put on me.

Queen Beth merely smiled at me, nothing but kindness on her beautiful face. "Wonderful, I do hope you like iced rolls. The ones we have here are filled with raspberry jelly."

The nervous weight in my gut eased up, and I felt more relaxed as I nodded my head, placing a small, shy smile on my face. "Yes, I absolutely love iced rolls. I used to eat them every day until..." I trailed off, averting my eyes as I nibbled at my bottom lip.

"Until what, dear?" Queen Beth pressed, raising a delicate brow.

I cleared my throat, placing a fake smile on my face. "Ah...well, my mother thought it best if I began eating a healthier diet, since I was too overweight for her liking. S-So I began eating salads and fruits for breakfast, while my brothers got to eat whatever they wanted."

"How absurd! And your own mother did this to you?" I glanced up, meeting the steeled gaze of Queen Beth. "Dear girl, such harshness will not be tolerated here. If you want to eat iced rolls, you are free to have as many as you wish. You are a beautiful young woman no matter what others say.

I felt my cheeks warm as I shyly smiled and averted my eyes, happiness bubbling within me. "I-I thank you for your kind gesture, Your Majesty. It really does warm my heart at your acceptance of me."

Queen Beth smiled widely. "Well, you are to be married to my only son soon, it is only appropriate that I treat you as my own daughter."

I blushed darkly, so unused to all of these compliments. Not even my own flesh and blood treated me so kindly, which was sad, but I grew used to it. So this was a pleasant change indeed.

After breakfast, I found myself back at the library, lounged comfortably on one of the couches as I read my latest favorite book. As my eyes skimmed over the page, I gingerly reached out and grabbed my cup of tea, taking a small sip. My company, only Anthony this time, stood by, keeping on guard as he sat in his own chair, one long leg over the other. His beautiful teal eyes were clouded over, as if he were thinking deeply about something important.

Sighing, I marked my place in the book and placed it aside, nibbling at my bottom lip as Anthony snapped his gaze towards me.

"Are you finished reading, my Lady?" He wondered out loud, leaning forward in his seat.

I shook my head. "Actually, may I ask you something?"

Anthony blinked, a thick black brow raising. "Of course, my Lady. What do you wish to know?"

I tore my gaze from the man in front of me, staring down at my perfectly manicured nails. "If it is alright for me to you know Prince William well?"

Anthony shifted a bit in his seat, looking a bit uncomfortable as he began drumming his fingers against his clothed thigh. "Ah, yes, I do know him pretty well. We practically grew up together." He bit his plush bottom lip, glancing up at me through his lashes. "Why do you ask, my Lady?"

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