Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was beyond elated that Arthur was finally out of my life for good. Well, almost out. He wasn't off the property, just locked away in the dungeons. Then again, I very much doubted he was capable of breaking out. I mean, even seasoned criminals stayed there, so it was highly unlikely that a spoiled little boy of a rich noble family could be that brawn.

I smiled to myself as William chatted with some nobles, my heart warming as I stared at him. After the whole court ordeal, William had wanted to celebrate so he had thrown a small party to commemorate the occasion. Of course this only outraged Edith and had her cursing our name, but what could a small woman like her do, really? Besides, I had William and Anthony to look out for me.

"Melani dear, why don't you come join me for a dance?"

Blinking and pulling myself out of my head, I gathered myself and nodded towards William, my cheeks burning pink as I grabbed his outstretched hand and followed him. We weren't really in the center of the room, but rather off to the side as soft music began to play. With a burning face I placed my hands on his shoulders while he placed his on my waist, my heart racing in my chest when he pulled me close to his warmth. And to think I had experienced such warmth in a more intimate way as well.

"That could have been a disaster," the blond spoke, those gorgeous sage eyes on me. "If they were to have demanded proof of your gender," he shook his head and inhaled shakily, "I don't know what I would have done. Probably have told them about my romantic interests just so you wouldn't have had to deal with the repercussions alone." He lifted a hand and gently brushed his knuckles against my cheek before he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, causing my heart to pound wildly in my chest. "I'm just glad it worked out for the both of us and that bastard is finally behind bars for what he did to you."

I gave him a sweet smile, reading the sincerity in those gorgeous eyes of his. "Well, it's all thanks to you, Anthony and my brother. If none of you had been there, I probably would have been tried for treason. Henry sees you all in such high regards, and I've no doubt that's why he didn't dare ask for proof. Why ask for proof when three of your most trusted and loyal subjects are vouching for the one accused?" I grazed my fingers up his neck until I was able to gently cup his cheeks, goosebumps raising on his flesh as my fingers trailed over his stubble. "Thank you, William, for defending me. I cannot even begin to describe how much that means to me."

William's smile would have made any woman faint with how radiant and gorgeous it made him look. "Melani, I care about you, so very deeply. I would have never risked your wellbeing if I could help it. I couldn't live with myself if I had let any harm befall you. Goodness, I still blame myself over the whole Arthur thing, but blaming myself isn't going to change the past." His thumb gently brushed against my bottom lip.

My body filled with warmth as I stood up on my toes and pressed my lips against his, the world around us seemingly disappearing as we kissed slowly. I shivered when his tongue touched mine, but sadly it ended prematurely wen there was an awkward cough from beside us.

We pulled away and I tried not to faint from embarrassment as my gaze met the light blue one of King Henry, the man merely looking amused as he looked between the both of us. "I apologize if I've interrupted you both, but may I steal my son for a moment?"

I nodded and nibbled at my bottom lip, my eyes averting towards the floor. "You may. I was just about to head to the restroom anyway." My face burned even harder when William lifted my chin and gave me a bold kiss on my lips, before he eventually pulled away and followed his father off to the side.

I gently touched my lips and took the opportunity to find one of the bathrooms, because I really did have to go. I left the ballroom and began walking down the hallways, smiling and waving awkwardly when some of the nobles acknowledged me. I took one turn, then two before I began hearing hushed voices, one of them sounding a lot like Marvin. I slowed my steps and peered around the corner, and sure enough, there Marvin was, talking with the blond guard from earlier. Hastings, I believe Henry called him. I usually wouldn't eavesdrop, but my curiosity was at an all-time high when I witnessed just how close they were standing together, their bodies almost touching.

"You did good, Marvin," Hastings was saying as he gently stroked the side of Marvin's face, "I don't understand why you're being so hard on yourself."

Marvin sighed and shook his head, gently brushing the other man's hand away from his cheek. "I shouldn't have spoken out of turn. It's just, Lord Arthur was irritating me with the hateful things he bellowed against my sister. And, I don't know, I guess I couldn't take it anymore and just stuffed my handkerchief into his mouth just to shut him up. I'm lucky His Highness was so lenient with me."

Hastings pursed his lips and lifted a brow. "I probably would have snapped too if that pompous, spoiled brat was calling my sister those things. If anything, I'm sure His Highness agreed with your actions. I'll be honest, I was getting over the sound of that graining voice as well." My brows darted up in surprise when Hastings leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on Marvin's lips. "Like I said, you worry too much. Try relaxing every once in a while. You'll learn that it does you some good to take a step back every once in a while."

When he kissed him again, I decided it was probably best to give them privacy as I whipped around and backtracked, still completely bewildered over the fact that Marvin was fine being kissed by another man. Did he fancy men as William and Anthony did? Goodness, I had always believed he didn't fancy any gender, seeing as he was so serious and proper all the time. I guess I had been wrong, but you know what? I'm glad I was wrong, because he definitely needed someone to care for him and show him he didn't need to be serious all the time. I was happy for him.

Embarrassed I was snooping in on their intimacy? Yes. But I really was happy for the both of them, and hoped their love lasted until the end of days.

Eventually I was able to find a bathroom, and after I did my business, I went back to the large ballroom and immediately made my way over to William, who was speaking to Anthony before he caught sight of me and smiled. "There you are! I was wondering where you ran off too."

I blushed and smiled shyly, waving at Anthony when he smiled and nodded towards me. "I, ah, got caught up in something." I nibbled at my bottom lip and looked down at my fingers. "I ran into my brother and that blond guard, Hastings. I, ah, they kissed each other."

William's brows darted up in surprise. "Erik and Marvin kissed?"

Even Anthony furrowed his brows in bewilderment. "I thought romance was something your brother didn't care to pursue? I mean, he sure acts like he isn't interested in that sort of thing."

I shrugged, rubbing at my arm as I glanced off to the side. "I thought so too, actually, but I guess even he needs someone to hold him at night. If anything, I'm happy that they find comfort with one another."

William nodded in agreeance and placed his hands onto his hips. "I'm happy for them too. I guess I'm just surprised that there are more of us men who are into other men. I honestly never thought your brother to be the type."

"Neither did I," I spoke, looking between William and Anthony.

"In any case," William spoke with a smirk, those sage colored eyes darting between Anthony and I, "how about the three of us depart to my bed chambers and throw a little private party of our own?"

Anthony immediately smirked, while my face burned red from embarrassment and shock. Was he implying what I think he was implying? If he was...then sweet Mary what was I getting myself into?

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