Chapter Twenty-Two

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"A-Are you sure you've checked everywhere? Every floor, every room...even the dungeons? Surely he couldn't have disappeared that quickly without even one soul noticing," I wondered, rubbing my arms as fear clawed away from me.

William gave me a sympathetic look and nodded his head as the older man took a swig of whiskey, his nose pinching for a moment before his face relaxed. "We have. But rest assured, Mel, that dreadful man will not make it off of these grounds without being noticed." He nibbled at his bottom lip for a moment, his eyes growing sad as those sage depths turned towards me. "Mel, I know I've said it already...but I am so sorry. If only I had stayed there a moment longer, Arthur wouldn't have gotten to you."

I shook my head and pulled his hand in between mine, threading our fingers together before I looked up at him. "You didn't know that was going to happen, William. So please stop blaming yourself for that."

William gave me a soft smile, tucking my hair behind my ear before his attention was stolen away by Anthony. "Check in with Captain Rosethorn. See if there has been any sightings of my dreadful cousin, or if he still avoids the gazes of our people. And tell him that I will join in his search after I consult Father about what punishment will best befall Arthur."

Anthony nodded and stood up, those teal eyes darting to me before the taller man left, leaving me with my husband. We were silent for a moment, then, after a few more seconds in silence, William gently squeezed my hand and turned to me. "I really am sorry. And I know it wasn't my fault, but I cannot help the guilt spreading through me. I could have been there, yet my duties as a prince had me elsewhere while Arthur was attacking you." He sighed and shook his head, lowering his gaze. "Sometimes I wish I was born but a simple commoner. Life would be so much simpler, then." He bit his bottom lip and tilted his head. "But alas, God has chosen a different path for me. So I must endure." He nibbled some more at his bottom lip before raising that gorgeous sage colored gaze back up towards me. " change the subject, mostly for the sake of our sanity...did you enjoy your time with Anthony?"

My cheeks burned scarlet at the question and I immediately averted my gaze, my heart racing as images from earlier popped into the forefront of my mind. Every lewd thing Anthony and I did. Goodness, I couldn't even look at William without my chest tightening in embarrassment. "Y-yes," I answered honestly, my cheeks darkening when I risked a glance towards William, seeing the smile on those plush, soft lips of his.

"He is quite good with his mouth, is he not? Just know, it gets quite a bit better when he uses other parts of him to bring you to your peak." William tilted his head, sage eyes boring into me as my face burned. "Was that your first time finding any sort of relief?"

"Y-yes. I-I now know why some kill for such pleasure. The feelings that come from s-such actions are indescribable."

William nodded in understanding, his gaze dropping to the empty glass in his hand as he tilted it and placed it down. "Trust me, it gets indefinitely better when you're with someone you care for and trust." He turned his body towards me and held my hands with his. "After this whole ordeal with Arthur is solved, if you want to, Anthony and I can show you the true intensity of pleasure. And if you want, you can watch Anthony and I, and learn some of the intimacies love-making entails."

I was surprised that my face was able to redden even further than it already had been. Did William just seriously offer me watch him and Anthony in such an intimate way? And I couldn't help the dirty images that found their way into my head, of both men being together in a heated dance of intimacy. My face flushed and I hid my face behind my hands, listening as William chuckled.

"Mel, there is no need to be so shy. This kind of thing is natural and beautiful." I felt him tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, which enticed me to remove a hand and glance at him. "You will learn that in due time, I assure you." He then sighed and stood up, pulling his honeyed locks back with a leather tie. "I hate to leave you, however, I want my bastard cousin found. And I will not rest until I know you are safe." I blushed when he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled away, he nibbled his bottom lip, his eyes telling me that he really didn't want to leave. Finally, he sighed again and pulled away from me, before fastening his long sword to his belt. "Lock the door behind me when I leave. Only open it if it is Anthony, your brother, or I." He placed his hands on his hips. "It may not be your style, but I do have a couple of books in my nightstand. It's not much, but perhaps it will help you to pass the time quicker."

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