Chapter Twenty-One

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"Drink this, it'll help soothe your nerves," Anthony told me as he handed me a steaming cup of tea, those tea eyes sympathetic as he sat down next to me.

After the whole ordeal with informing everyone of my situation, William had asked Anthony to take me back to the room while they searched for Arthur, and to keep me here as they dealt out his sentence. And I knew he was trying to keep me safe...however, I felt like it was worse not knowing what was going on in that conference room. Was Arthur going to spill my secret? Was he going to come up with some elaborate lie that painted me as the villain? What was going on in that room?

"Melani, I brought you here so you wouldn't burden yourself with worry," Anthony spoke, softly, causing me to look at him as he gently placed a hand over my knee.

I sighed and placed the tea aside, pursing my lips while I leaned forward and placed my elbows on my knees before placing my head on my hands. "I want to know what's going on. I want to know if Arthur is going to pay for what he attempted to do to me, or if he's going to use his coin to buy his freedom. I-"

I shut my mouth when Anthony gently grabbed my face with his hands, those teal eyes like a sea of determination as he stared at me. "I assure you that will not happen. Arthur attacked the future queen of England, his money will mean nothing to the royal family. He will pay for what he has done, I promise you that." He nibbled at his bottom lip before he pulled me to his chest and held me, his hand rubbing at my back soothingly. No words were spoken, but then again, there was no need for anything to be said. All he had to do was hold me against him, and already I was feeling so much better, as if a weight had been lifted off of my chest. They had my back, he and William. There was no way that they would allow Arthur to walk after what that dreadful man tried to do to me. And knowing that made me feel much better as I leaned against Anthony, resting my head on his broad shoulder.

I nibbled at my bottom lip after five minutes of silence, and finally stood up, sighing as I turned to face the other man. "Um...well, I have to bathe now. After training with William, and after that ordeal with...with Arthur, I'm pretty sure I smell worse than a pig's behind." I felt my face burn as I averted my eyes to the floor, twirling my fingers together as an idea popped into my head. "W-Will you join me? N-Not in an intimate way, I just d-don't want to be alone." When I risked a glance towards the other man, I almost giggled at the shocked expression on his face.

Those teal eyes were wide, his mouth agape as he blinked and finally nodded. "I-I ah...if that is what you wish." He awkwardly cleared his throat and gestured to the bathing room. "Lead the way, Melani."

Feeling embarrassed, I nibbled at my bottom lip and made my way into the bathing room, my face darkening when I reached for the shirt William had provided for me and pulled it off. My sweet Mary, was I really about to see Anthony naked? I held my breath as I peeked over my shoulder, my mouth going dry when I saw that tanned, chiseled chest of his, my heart thumping as my gaze trailed over a few scars and abs, right down to his hips. And as soon as I saw him reaching for his trousers, I squeaked and whipped my head back around, my heart racing a mile a minute in my chest.

Oh sweet Mary, what in the world have I gotten myself into?

I gulped as I dropped William's trousers to the floor, my body now completely on display as I nibbled on my bottom lip and scurried into the bath, suddenly feeling shy. Why was I feeling so shy all of a sudden? He had seen me naked before, yet here I was feeling like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. It only worsened when I felt the water ripple around me as Anthony climbed into the bath, taking a seat next to me.

"If I am too close to you, do not hesitate to let me know. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Anthony spoke softly.

I nibbled at my bottom lip and risked a glance towards him, seeing only sincerity within those teal eyes. And to be honest, I wasn't uncomfortable. Shy and embarrassed? Yes. But uncomfortable? Not even in the least, surprisingly. So, I surprised both myself and Anthony when I scooted closer to him and pulled his arm over my shoulders before I leaned against him. My heart was racing wildly in my chest, but, by being this close to the other man, I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine.

I then exhaled and closed my eyes, just enjoying the comfort Anthony was providing me. His skin, while wet, felt warm against mine, and the longer I sat there, the heavier my lids began to feel.

I was pretty sure I had fallen asleep, because eventually Anthony gently woke me, up, my eyes opening as a yawn escaped from between my lips. And when I was fully conscious, I found that we were still in the bath, with Anthony's eyes on me. "You fell asleep, Melani," he said, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You should probably wash yourself and go to bed. I-I ah, would have washed you myself, but I didn't want to without your consent."

I nodded, rubbing at my eyes as Anthony turned and grabbed the rose scented oil and soap before he turned to me and held the items out. "Here. If you feel more comfortable, I'll turn my attention away while you wash yourself."

I shook my head and pushed the items back towards him. "Y-You can help me." I don't know where I had gotten this boldness, but I actually kind of liked it. I liked being confident in myself.

After a moment of hesitation, Anthony nodded and handed me the oil before he pulled the top off of the soap and dropped some of it onto a body sponge. I bit the inside of my cheek, my cheeks burning as I began lathering some oil into my hair, shivering when I felt the sponge against my back. I swallowed when my body began heating up, little tingles darting up and down my spine as Anthony drew the sponge lower against my back, and in a moment of pure boldness, I whipped around and pressed my lips against his, surprising the other man.

Of course he was surprised, but after a moment his eyes fell closed and he began kissing me back, the sponge dropping to the water as he threaded his fingers through my hair, holding my head in place when his tongue darted past my lips, tangling with my own.

I don't know why I was feeling like this. I didn't know if it was because of the events earlier today wanting me to be with someone I trusted? Or was it because I knew that, no matter what, he and William were there for me.

All I knew was that it felt right.

..........................................................................................................................(Scene in Frozen Treats).........................................................................................................................................

Anthony pulled away from me, embarrassing me when he licked his lips and gave me a smile. Although, we both jumped in fright when William's voice sounded, the man leaning on the wall as those sage eyes bore into us.

"While I wouldn't have mind watching you two go further, however, I'm afraid I have some bad news."

My heart immediately sank, the pleasure long gone as fear took its place. "H-he told-"

William shook his head, sighing as he pushed away from the wall while running a tanned hand through his hair. "Thankfully no. But then again, he wasn't really there to tell."

Anthony immediately frowned. "You don't mean..."

William crossed his arms over his chest. "Arthur was nowhere to be found. We searched everywhere and yet there was no sign of him. Marvin has posted guards at every castle entrance in case he tries to sneak back in. But Melani, I promise you we will catch him. And he will pay."

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