Chapter Eight

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The ballroom was massive when I finally reached it, noble families all over the place as I took a breath and walked forward, searching for either William or Anthony. My heart deflated when I caught sight of neither man, and I began to wonder when they would show up.

"Melani, you look dashing tonight." Blinking at the familiar voice, I turned to face the eldest of the Rosethorn children, Marvin practically towering over me with his strong form.

At thirty-two, he didn't look a day over twenty-five, with his chiseled jaw and dashingly bright blue eyes. His brown hair was gelled back, and there seemed to be a five o'clock shadow dashing across his sunkissed cheeks. And he looked so formal wearing his Royal Guard uniform, with the signature Captain's insignia over his right breast. While we weren't exactly close, thanks to our significant difference in age, he was indeed the most tolerable of my siblings.

"Marvin, I'm surprised to see you here. How are you fairing? It's been so long since we last spoke."

Marvin placed his hands behind his back as those bright artic blue eyes surveyed the area, stopping briefly on another blond guard, before they snapped back to me. "I've been faring as well as anyone in my position can. It's been stressful, but I'll manage." He tilted his head. "I heard from the Rosethorn Gossip Vine that Mother and Father have arranged for you to marry His Highness, Prince William. Is that true?"

I felt my face warm, my cheeks no doubt flushed as I averted my eyes to the floor. "Y-Yes, that is true. We are to be wed next week, actually."

I glanced up as Marvin nodded to himself, a thoughtful look crossing his handsome features. "I've met Prince William before. He's a kind man when he wants to be." He looked down at me. "Congratulations, little sister."

My blush darkened, of course, and I could only smile shyly. "Thank you, Marvin."

"Ah, Lady Melani, there you are," William's voice sounded from behind me, Marvin immediately bowing respectively.

"Your Highness," my eldest brother muttered.

William wrapped an arm around my waist, sage eyes guarded before he recognized the other man. "Ah, Captain Rosethorn, it is quite a pleasure to see you again. How fares your pet dog?"

I blinked, my brows pinching together as I looked at Marvin. "You have a dog?"

Marvin nodded. "Yes I do. A pitbull by the name of Pixie." He turned his gaze to William. "And she is doing quite wonderfully. Actually. She's just had puppies."

William smiled warmly, causing my heart to leap at how handsome he looked. "That's wonderful. I may be inclined to snatch a pup, if I am to be honest. Dogs are wonderfully loyal and impeccably adorable. If that's alright, of course. I'll even pay you a hefty sum for one."

Marvin snorted and held up a gloved hand. "There's no need for payment. You can have one as a wedding present."

"Why thank you Marvin, that is so kind of you," I spoke genuinely, before I began wringing my hands together. "So, many of us are present? A-Are Mother and Father here?"

My brother pursed his lips. "Mother and Father could not make it, I'm afraid. Something about a business proposition with the Goldengers." I tried to ignore the way my heart clenched painfully at their absence. I don't even know why I felt so sad, especially since I'm always a disappointment to them anyway. When I felt a hand on my shoulder, prompting me to raise my gaze, I looked up, seeing Marvin staring at me reassuringly. "Don't be discouraged, sister. Besides our parents, all but one of us are here."

I sighed and nodded, playing with my fingers as I nibbled on the inside of my cheeks. "I'm assuming that Maddox is the no-show." It wasn't really a question. It was more of a statement, really.

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