Chapter Thirty-Two

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It was...agonizing seeing Anthony so pale and limp, his breath ragged while he slept. But I was at least relieved that he was alive. It was pure luck that one of the Healers had been traversing through the halls and had heard my cries for help. And we were even luckier that he, not only was able to identify what the tea had been laced with, but also happened to have the antidote on hand. It really did seem like God had been watching over us, but...the question still remained.

Who was behind this?

Was it someone I knew? Was it the same individual that had tried to kill me before? After all, it was my tea that had been laced with the poison. So whoever it was, was pretty serious about killing me. And that terrified me.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my heart nearly jumping out of my chest until I realized it was only William. The poor man had bags under his eyes from crying so much earlier, and his skin was paler than normal as he gave me a barely-there smile.

"How's he doing?"

I glanced down at Anthony, my heart aching as I gently placed a hand over his. "He still shows no sign of waking." I felt tears form in my eyes as my thumb stroked the back of his hand. "I-I worry he may be in a coma."

William placed his hand against Anthony's forehead, a frown on his lips as those beautiful sage eyes turned towards me. "Anthony is a strong man. If anyone can pull through this, it's definitely him. And hopefully the herbs Thomas is bringing back will aid in his recovery."

My mind jumped to the wizened Healer, and I could only pray that he brought those herbs quickly, for Anthony's sake.

"I'm scared," I admitted after a moment of silence, tears springing in my eyes as I turned my attention to my husband, the man immediately frowning as he pulled my body towards him and held me, trying to soothe me by rubbing at my back. "S-Someone really wants me dead, a-and I have no idea who it is. What if they try to come after me again when they find out I'm still alive and that they got the wrong guy? What if you get hurt, o-or worse? I-I can't live with myself if anything happened to you too."

"Shh," William tightened his hold on me, and I don't know if he realized it, but his body was shaking as he nuzzled his face against my neck, "everything will be alright. Y-You have to have faith. We'll figure this out as we had with the situation with Arthur."

I jumped in fright when the room door opened, my body relaxing when I realized it was only the Healer finally back from his runs. Now, Thomas was a short man, only taller than me by a mere hair, with long silver hair and small brown eyes, his body covered with a modest grey robe.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding, and watched as Thomas hobbled his way over to us, those grey-brown eyes on Anthony. "How does the boy fair? Any signs of consciousness yet?" He asked as he sat down his basket of herbs.

William tightened his hold on my hand, the man shaking his head sadly. "Unfortunately not. I'm hoping those herbs you have there will help bring him to a conscious state."

Thomas began tossing various herbs and oils into a bowl that appeared to be made out of stone, the older man grinding the ingredients together with a spoon, stick thing, whatever it was. "This concoction I'm making should surely wake him up." He then paused in his actions, brown eyes gliding towards me. "How is your wound fairing by the way, my Lady? You tore those stitches pretty badly and I know I fixed them, but if you are feeling any pain, I do have a powerful pain killer remedy that may aid in lessoning any agony you may be feeling."

I placed my hand lightly on my wound and gave him a barely there smile. "I'm fine for now. I'd rather you help Anthony than me, right now."

William shook his head and turned towards me. "Let me take a look at it. I know your adrenaline from today's events are dulling your pain, but I want to make sure you're alright."

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