Chapter Two

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The room Henry brought me to was massive, the bed alone looking like it could fit about twenty people on it. Couches laid in a semi-circle in front of the large bed, and in front of that was a stone fireplace that was flanked by two small quarts tables. The color of the room was mostly natural browns, with everything being lined in gold. I may not have been new to the world of luxury, but this was quite a lot. Well, not the furniture, per say, but the bed that took up half the room and everything having gold in it. It was a bit much, to be honest. And this was just his bedroom?

"Make yourself at home, Lady Melani. If you wish, I could have a servant bring you something to eat, or drink."

I turned my gaze from the impressive room, giving His Highness a shy smile. "I am quite fine. But I thank you for offering."

Henry smiled warmly at me, before he gave me a nod and left me to do my own bidding. Not that I even knew where to begin. Would William get mad at me if I began snooping around? I mean, a woman has to know something about the man she's marrying, right? I nibbled the inside of my cheek, tentatively taking a few steps towards the bed before I reached out and gently touched the blankets. Ah, silk. The softest of cloth in my opinion.

I let out a breath and fell back first onto the bed, grimacing when I saw an image of my own face staring back at me. A mirror over the bed? What use does William have for that? I scrunched up my nose, watching as my reflection did the same. Is he a narcissist? What, did he like seeing himself as he went to sleep? My cheeks pinkened. Maybe he just liked watching him pleasure himself.

My good god, Melani! Get your mind out of the gutter! I scolded myself, hiding my face behind my small, pale hands.

"And what, pray tell, are you doing on my bed?"

I squeaked at the sudden question, and all but fell off the bed, my face crimson as I immediately stood up and brushed down my dress. "I-I apologize, I...felt a bit tired from my journey and thought it would be nice for a nap," I lied, keeping my eyes averted as William walked further into the room, this time with a white shirt on.

"You are a terrible liar." I snapped my gaze up as William grabbed a glass bottle from the quarts table from beside the fireplace, dark liquid swirling inside of it as the blond man poured himself a drink. He then paused in his actions, sage eyes darting towards me. "Perhaps you would care for a drink?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip. "W-What is it?"

William raised a thick brow, glancing down at the glass bottle. "Rum. I always have a glass after my training session."

I scrunched my nose in disgust and shook my head. "I'll pass. I'm not really one for liquor." The last time I had any liquor I ended up puking my entire dinner out while all of my elder brothers laughed at me. Though I most definitely was not going to tell him that.

"You do realize women are allowed to drink liquor, right? You don't have to drink only fancy wines, ah...what was your name again?"

My mouth dropped open. Was he being serious right now? "You're pulling my leg, aren't you? Surely you're not serious."

William gave me a droll look, gingerly taking a swig of the rum he had poured himself. "When my father told me that I was to be married in a month, I was in such a state of shock that I failed to hear the name of my fiancee." He gestured to me. "So please, enlighten me, my Lady."

I crossed my arms over my chest, an action not befitting for a woman of my stature. "My name is Melani Gold Rosethorn, youngest, and only daughter to Lord Maximus and Lady Camille Rosethorn."

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