Chapter Thirty-Four

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Bait. I-I was to be used as bait? What in sweet Mary's name was William thinking? D-Did he not care for my wellbeing? W-What if my assassin actually did come and inevitably finished the job? Why would he put my life on the line like that?

I felt like the world around me was disappearing, my fear rising as I seemed to forget how to breathe. Luckily, William rushed over to me and took my face gently in his hands, reassurance in those beautiful sage eyes of his. "You won't be left alone, Mel. Marvin and I will be hiding in one of the many secret passages in my room. We'll be watching you, but the assailant won't know that. If they come for you, not only will we finally identify them, we will come from hiding and arrest him for treason." He pressed the softest of kisses against my lips. "I would never put your life in danger like that. Marvin and I will protect you, I promise you that."

I took a breath and closed my eyes, placing one of my hands over his as I tried to collect myself. "S-So I won't be alone? You will be there to make sure they don't hurt me?"

William was nodding when I opened my eyes, the man pulling me against him as he held me tightly, pressing his face against my hair. "There's a secret passage across from the bed. It's hidden behind the fireplace as a precaution in case the castle was ever overrun. Marvin and I will be right there until you need us." He pressed another reassuring kiss against my head and pulled back, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "I love you, Mel. I would never try something like this unless I had a plan. Do you trust me?"

I searched his light gaze and saw that he truly believed this would work. Finally, I sighed and nodded, resting my head on his chest, allowing his warmth to wash over me. "I trust you."

"I'm glad to hear that." He pulled away from me and ran his hand through his hair, the blond nibbling at his bottom lip before he nodded to himself. "I'll run this by Marvin tomorrow. I'm hoping he will be on board with this plan, seeing he's rather protective over you."

I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around myself. "Which honestly is a surprise, given our age difference. He...He was rarely ever home, and when he was, he didn't really have a lot to do with any of us...but I'm happy to know he cares."

"Marvin is unique in his own way, but he does care about you a lot," William spoke, soft gaze on me. He then nodded towards the door. "You should probably get some sleep. I'll go over the plan and refine it a bit more before we execute it." He pressed his lips against mine. "Everything will be ok, I'm at least confident about that. Goodnight, Mel."

"Goodnight, William." I paused at the door, glancing back at him as I nibbled at my bottom lip. "I-I love you too." I enjoyed the way William's cheeks turned pink, but I chose not to linger too long as I left the room and climbed into bed, snuggling close to Anthony's warmth before I let my gaze linger on his sleeping face.

I hoped this plan of William's worked. Because if it didn' couldn't be negative about this. I had to be hopeful that this would work, else my negativity could turn the tides. This would work. It had to. And maybe I could finally see the face of the individual who tried to kill me, and who hurt Anthony.

I sighed and tucked my head under Anthony's chin, my hand over his steadily beating heart as I allowed sleep to claim me.

Morning, admittedly, came rather slow to me as I finally opened my eyes, the bed empty as I yawned and sat up, looking around the room and spotting Anthony by the large window overlooking the kingdom, a stern frown on his face as William stared at him.

"It will work, Anthony. You know me, I would never put Melani's life in danger if there wasn't a way to prevent it. Marvin will be by my side in this endeavor as well, and you know for a fact just how capable that man is. He isn't Captain of the Royal Guard for no reason."

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