Chapter Twenty-Five

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When consciousness finally grasped me, I could feel just how sore I was from our...nightly activities. And it wasn't a painful ache, oh no, it was a nice dullness that reminded me of the most pleasurable thing I had ever experienced. And to think I spent that wonderful time with my husband.

As I opened my eyes, I nibbled at my bottom lip and glanced up at William, the blond's eyes closed as the slow drum of his heartbeat thudded against his chest. I then smiled to myself, gently tracing my fingers across the blond stubble that lined his jaw, my heart racing in my chest when those thick lips twitched before falling still.

This gorgeous man had deflowered me, and I couldn't be happier.

Then, a moment later he opened his eyes, revealing those sage colored gems which, surprisingly, looked nearly clear in the sunlight. He blinked once, then twice before his gaze sharpened and he looked at me, those lips peeling back into a smile. "Good morning, Mel. How are you feeling?"

He turned onto his side as I smiled softly back at him, my chees turning pink when he placed a hand on my bare waist. "Good morning to you too, William." I placed my hand over his when he began rubbing my side, my smile widening before I bit my bottom lip. "There is a dull ache to my backside, though, it really doesn't hurt too badly. My legs may be limp though, since some of the positions were...let's just say I never knew I could be that flexible." My cheeks darkened with crimson as lewd images from last night popped into the forefront of my mind.

William shifted and laid on his stomach, eyes still on me as he nodded. "I remember thinking the same thing when I shared my first time with Anthony."

My brows raised. "And how was your first time like with Anthony, if it is alright for me to ask?"

A fond smile made its way onto those soft lips of his, those sage eyes clouding over as he delved into his past. "I was but a mere fifteen, a boy growing into a man, and Anthony and I were playfully bantering back and forth in the training room when he managed to pin me down. We laughed amongst each other, and in the next instant, Anthony was kissing me." Those light eyes trailed over to me. "I was shocked at first, after all, we were both men and I hadn't discovered my true self just yet. But I knew, despite the fact another man was kissing me, it felt right. Before I knew it, the both of us were nude and tangled in the most sinful of dances."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I shifted onto my side, staring at the other man. "Goodness, you were so young. I feel strange knowing that I've lost my flower only now."

William smiled and grabbed my hand, gently lacing our fingers together. "Do not feel ashamed, Mel. It may take longer for some to be comfortable doing such a thing, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that."

We both jolted when there was a knock on the door, my heart racing as William got up and pulled on some trousers before he opened the door, revealing Anthony.

"Goodness, Anthony, you startled us," William spoke as the raven haired man made his way into the room, pushing a small trolley with food on it.

"Well, I figured you both want breakfast seeing as you both missed out this morning. I didn't mean to scare anyone." Those teal eyes landed on me and I felt my cheeks warm when a smile blossomed on those thick lips. "Good morning, Melani."

My heart began racing wildly in my chest as I shyly averted my eyes. "Good morning to you too, Anthony."

When I peeked at the other man, his smile only widened, causing the butterflies to go crazy in my stomach. He then turned to William and pecked him on the cheek. "Your father has set up court for Arthur's sentence, later this evening. He wishes for not only you, but Melani as well to be there," he said as he lifted one of the lids off of the plate, revealing a delicious meal of sausage, eggs and toast.

My stomach rumbled at the sight and as I pulled myself out of bed, William answered him, lifting up the lid to his own meal. "I hope Father does not go easy on that sniveling little brat. He deserves to rot until the end of his days for hurting Mel." He picked up a sausage and took a bite, pursing his lips as he pointed the other half towards Anthony. "What is Edith up to, I wonder? Is that hellish woman plotting against us, now that her favorite brother is locked away?"

I grabbed my plate before I sat down at the small table by the fireplace, eating as the other two men conversed.

Anthony shrugged as he poured William a small cup of coffee. "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. She refuses to even leave her bed chambers, from what I hear."

William pursed his lips, narrowing that light gaze. "She's definitely up to something, I can feel it. She's not the type to sit back and allow this to happen."

Anthony nodded. "Precisely. Which is why I plan on going to Anderson. They spend enough nights together, so surely he's heard something."

William snorted. "I'm surprised she's still laying with him. I was under the impression Arthur was the one betwixt her legs."

I choked on the eggs I had in my mouth, Anthony wincing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Really, William?"

William shrugged, briefly tossing his hands up in the air. "What? They spend so much time together, I wouldn't doubt it if they were laying with one another."

"Are they not brother and sister?" I wondered when I finally caught my breath, watching as William shrugged once more, those sage eyes turning towards me.

"That never stopped anyone in the past."

I scrunched up my nose, pushing my plate away from such a horrible thought. I really did hope such a thing was a mere rumor, because that was just...ew.

"In any case," Anthony spoke, no doubt trying to change the conversation, "you both should probably bathe and dress in something...courtly. I would join you, but sadly Captain Rosethorn needs my assistance with Arthur."

William pouted before he moved closer and placed a hand on Anthony's waist, my cheeks turning pink when the blond leaned closer to him. "You won't even join us for a quick bath? I mean, you did say court is later this evening, so surely you can spare a few minutes of your time."

Anthony raised a thick brow, gently grabbing William's forearm. "You and I both know it will be much longer than a few minutes, if I choose to join the both of you. Besides, we need to prep the prisoner before his sentencing. And sadly, that requires my presence." He leaned forward and gently kissed the blond, both men exchanging tongue before they pulled apart. "Now, after court, I can come by for the night if I am still welcomed."

William nodded as my heart began racing. "You know you're always welcomed." He turned to me. "Right Mel? Do you have any objections to Anthony spending the night with us?"

My cheeks turned crimson as I shook my head, bravely putting a smile on my face. "I've no objections to that." I really didn't mind him spending the night, but sweet Mary I had a feeling we were going to be doing much more than sleeping, and goodness was I beyond nervous.

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