Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. The sound of my heart pounded through my ears as I sat awkwardly by William, my body tensed with nerves. Any second now, Arthur was going to walk through that door. Only a few moments until he was finally sentenced for his crime and I could finally be free again. No more worrying and looking over my shoulder, or wondering if he was ever going to come back and finish the job. I would be free.

Biting at my bottom lip I squeezed William's hand under the table, the man glancing at me before he gently squeezed my hand back, silently reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. And I trusted him. I knew he would never let any danger befall me, and even if Arthur escaped, he would have to go through William first before he could even think of trying to get back at me.

That thought alone had me relaxing as I threaded my fingers through William's, enjoying the warmth of his skin against mine. After a moment in relishing the warmth of my husband, the double doors finally opened, and there he was, his brown hair a wild mess as he struggled against Anthony and a familiar blond guard, Marvin walking behind them with a longsword against Arthur's back.

My heart began beating painfully against my chest when those sinister blue gaze met mine, his lips pulling into a snarl as he began struggling harder. "Y-You abomination! Do not sit there and act as if you have not committed a sin! You will pay for this demon!"

"Enough of this!" King Henry spoke loudly, smacking his hands against the wooden surface of the table. "Arthur Ainsworth, second son to Lord Jeddiah and Lady Mary Ainsworth, you have been presented before the court under allegations that you tried to force yourself upon the future Queen of England, Lady Melani Featherborn. How do you plead?"

"Please, my brother would never go near that horrendous cow-"

"Shut up, Edith. Or it will be you standing trial," Henry warned, causing Edith to quickly close her mouth. He turned to Arthur. "How do you plead?"

The glare Arthur sent my way caused goosebumps to crawl up my flesh, causing me to shiver at its intensity. "I never tried to touch him. I'm not guilty."

My heart stopped and the room was so silent one could hear a pin dropping. Oh sweet Mary, please tell me he wasn't about to expose my secret in front of the entire court. What if Henry demanded proof of my gender? My family and I would be done for. Even Marvin glanced at me with worry swimming in those light blue eyes.

My gaze darted towards Arthur as the sneer remained on his tanned face, my heart beating painfully in my chest to the point I felt like I was going to fall unconscious. "I have seen his anatomy, Your Highness, and I can firmly say that it was not the anatomy of a woman."

William slammed a hand on the table and stood up, glaring at the brunet man. "That accusation is completely preposterous! Father, I have laid with Lady Melani on multiple occasions since our wedding night, and I am surely confident in saying that my wife is no man."

Arthur snorted then. "If that abomination were a woman you would have never laid together anyway, since women lack that extra fleshy bit you seem to enjoy so-mmph!" He was cut off when Marvin shoved a rolled up piece of cloth into his mouth, causing anything he had to say to be muffled and unrecognizable.

"I apologize, Your Highness, but Lord Arthur here was annoying me with his false allegations about my sister. I have grown up with Lady Melani and I'm sure even our own mother will agree with me on the fact that Melani is the only girl to five boys. Whatever Lord Arthur claims, is only a means to stir an already cooked pot." Marvin spoke confidently, causing my brows to dart up at how sure of himself he sounded.

I then turned my attention to Henry as he nodded and looked at me, jump starting the nerves from within me. "Lady Melani, please stand up and tell me the details of the attack."

Gulping, I nodded respectfully and stood up, feeling nervous with so many eyes on me. "U-Um," I gulped and looked at William, who gently took my hand and threaded his fingers through mine, "William a-and I were in his training room as he was trying to t-teach me how to defend myself in case there ever came a time a jealous noble wanted to steal the crown from m-me. H-He was then summoned by you, Your Majesty, and so he left to fulfill his duties as prince. I-I was waiting on Anthony to escort me to my chambers when Arthur c-came in and attacked me, calling me such harsh and cruel names." I wiped away a couple of tears before I placed my hand over my heart, both Henry and Beth's eyes filled with sympathy as I recalled those terrifying events. "I managed to get away at first, but h-he tackled me to the g-ground and began pulling down the trousers William had let me borrow. I-I was scared to death. So terrified I felt as if I would have had a heart attack right then and there. But I gathered myself somehow and kicked him in his manhood before I ran straight to my chambers, staying there until Anthony found me."

"Anthony Locke, can you tell me what state Lady Melani was in when you found her?"

Anthony nodded, those beautiful teal eyes darting towards me. "She was hiding under the bed when I finally was able to find her. She was tear-stricken and her body would not stop shaking. She was terrified, and after she told me what Arthur had done to her, we came straight to you."

"Yes, and I remember quite well how Lady Melani was shaking." Henry spoke with a frown on his face, those blue eyes on me before he turned to Beth and began quietly speaking to her.

My palms were sweaty, and my heart was pounding painfully in my chest as I watched them, nerves wrecking my entire body as I awaited their decision on Arthur. One moment passed, then two and three before they were finally pulling back and looking at Arthur, the man glaring back up at them.

"Lord Arthur Ainsworth, Her Highness Queen Elizabeth Featherborn of England and I have come to the conclusion that you are guilty of all charges and is sentenced to spend the remainder of your days in the dungeons."

Lady Mary gasped while Elliot and Edith stood up. "Surely such sentencing is too harsh for your nephew," Elliot spoke, the blond man gesturing to his younger brother.

"It is absolutely deplorable that you think we will just sit around while an innocent man is condemned!" Edith growled as her blue eyes filled with anger and rage.

"I may be your uncle, but I am still your king." Henry's blue eyes darted between Elliot and Edith. "Arthur attacked the future Queen of England. He should be beheaded for his treason, yet I am being lenient and let him live. Do not make me regret my decisions."

Elliot rolled his eyes and plopped back down in his seat while Edith growled and stomped out of the room, enticing Lady Mary to follow her.

And finally, Henry looked towards the blond guard and Anthony. "Lieutenant Hastings, Locke, escort my deranged nephew to the dungeons on the upper floor. And Arthur, I do hope you learn to regret what you did as this decision was not easy for me to make. And with that, court is adjourned."

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