Chapter Nineteen

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"I rather feel like an idiot," I mumbled the next day in the training room, the wooden sword heavy in my small hands.

William's brows pinched together as he expertly swung his staff around, sage eyes on me as sweat dripped from his brow. "And why is that?"

I pursed my lips and dragged a hand across my face, grimacing when my hand came back drenched. "It's just...I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm sweating like a pig , I'm completely off balance, and the trousers you have provided to me are continuously trying to slip to my ankles." I huffed, turning my gaze to the side. "I told you I was not cut out for this, especially since I lack the athleticism that you and Anthony seemed to be blessed with."

William sighed and placed his weapon against the wall, before he walked over to me and placed a large, warm hand against my cheek. "Mel, it saddens me greatly to hear you speak like that about yourself. Not everyone is cut out for this, true, but no one is born knowing exactly how to do certain things. Hell, when I was younger, I could barely even lift that little wooden sword you hold in your hand. So, you have me beat on something, at least. Besides," a mischievous smile formed on his full lips while my brows pinched together, "you look rather delicious wearing my clothes, all sweaty and flushed like you are." I shivered when he placed his lips against my ear, his hand resting on my waist. "It makes me want to nibble on you."

My cheeks darkened as I gawked at the taller man, William merely giving me an innocent smile as he pulled away from me and settled on the floor. Me? Delicious? I honestly don't know what he was seeing, but I looked gross and probably smelled just how bad I looked. How could I even be the least bit delicious? Besides, could a human be delicious? And, he didn't mean literally right?

I may be thinking way too hard on this. As always.

"You know what? I'm actually up for some basic exercising." William spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts as I sat the wooden sword aside and placed my hands in front of me, witnessing with a dark blush as William yanked his shirt off, revealing that sweaty, tanned, toned skin of his. Goodness, was I really starting to drool? What in Mary's name has come over me?

"Paint a picture dear, it will last longer."

I blushed darkly and rolled my eyes, pouting and crossing my arms as I stared at the other man. "How can I concentrate with you practically naked in front of me?"

William cocked a brow and looked down at his trousers, an amused smile spilling across his face when he glanced back at me. "Naked, huh? Mel, if you want me naked, all you need to do is ask."

"T-That's're such a pervert!" My cheeks burned and my bottom lip was caught between my teeth as I glared as best as I could manage, towards the blond.

William laughed and waved his hand in the air before he gestured next to him. "In any case, would you come join me?" He stared at me with such a pleading look on his face, that after a moment of hesitation, I huffed and sat down next to him. "You know what a push up is, yes?"

I blinked, glancing at him as I slowly nodded. "I may not do them myself, but I do know what that is, yes. I used to watch my brothers sometimes training with Father. Well, the ones who were athletic, anyways." I nibbled at my bottom lip, not really knowing what else to say.

William leaned forward on his knees and planted the palms of his hands against the padded floor. "I want you to try and do at least five of them, ok? We need those muscles of yours, enough to hold a sword if you need to defend yourself."

Not really wanting to do this, I still nodded and mirrored William's position. Although, unlike him, as soon as I lifted my body off of the ground, my arms began shaking like noodles, causing my face to burn red in shame. Come on, Melani. You weight what, a hundred pounds? You can do more than shake like a leaf, I scolded myself, exhaling slowly as I shakily lowered myself to the floor, before pulling myself back up. One down, four to go.

I managed to pull off two and three, but by four, as shameful as it was, I was struggling pretty badly. And when I peeked at William, my heart sank as I watched him do one after another, without so much as a drip of sweat. Then again, he probably has been doing this for a while. Heck, what are you thinking Melani? Just look at his body! Those muscles weren't just for show.

After another minute of me struggling, I finally gave up and laid belly first onto the floor, crossing my arms to give my head something to rest on. And I just watched silently as William continued on, growing breathless before he finally stopped and rolled onto his back.

" just comes so easily with you," I muttered, nibbling at my bottom lip as William stared at me. "I couldn't even do a measly five."

William immediately frowned and rolled over, scooting closer to me before he gently placed a tanned finger against my cheek. "There is nothing to be ashamed about, Mel. You're not used to this kind of exercise." He sighed and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "And for someone who is not used to this, you did exceptionally amazing, and I am proud of you."

I felt my chest tighten as butterflies danced within me, and I didn't even notice that our faces had gotten closer, not until his lips touched mine. My eyes fell shut as William gently rolled me over, hovering over me as his hot, wet tongue clashed with mine, filling my body with heat as I softly grabbed and pulled the leather tie from his hair, causing those honeyed strands to fall loose.

And sweet Mary was his hair the softest thing I had ever felt. The strands were so soft, in fact, that I dare say it put even silk to shame. I ran my fingers through his hair again, loving the warmth of his body over mine. I shivered when his hand slipped under my borrowed shirt, his palm warm, and comforting as it glided across my stomach, going lower, and lower, until-

"I apologize for the interruption, your Highness, but the king demands your presence immediately."

I yanked away from William upon hearing the new voice, and all but shoved him off of me as I scrambled to pull myself to my feet. William blinked a couple of times, before his brows furrowed and he pulled himself to his feet, facing the small servant girl, whose face was probably just as red as mine was.

"Of course. Even though he knows not to interrupt me during my training." He muttered the last part before he faced me, giving me a regretful smile. "I am sorry that I have to leave again. It seems that Father doesn't realize that I wish to spend time alone with my spouse."

I cleared my throat, clasping my hands in front of myself as I nibbled at my bottom lip, too embarrassed to actually look at the other man. "It's alright William. According to the servant, it's pretty important." I risked a glance towards the blond. "I can see myself back to the room. I'll wait for you there."

There seemed to be some inner turmoil that flashed through those gorgeous sage colored eyes before William reluctantly nodded. "Alright. Hopefully this doesn't take me too long." He nibbled at his bottom lip before he placed a hand against my cheek. "I'll send for Anthony to meet you there. Just so you don't have to be alone while you wait for my return."

I blushed darkly when he placed a kiss against my cheek, and I watched as he left with the servant before I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose. Goodness that had been an intense make out session. And it had felt so good, too. My face began to burn as I pulled the tie out of my hair, letting the strands fall loose around my shoulders and down to my lower back. I then sat down on one of the benches for a moment, combing my fingers through the chocolate strands as I nibbled at my bottom lip, my gaze unmoving from the floor in front of me.

What would have happened had that servant not interrupted us? Would we have gone further than kisses and light touches? Would we have gone...all the way? Then again, was William really the type to lay with another man at the risk of being seen? Perhaps he would have ushered us to the bedroom then?

Sweet Mary, this was not the place to be thinking of such lewd thoughts, I thought to myself, huffing before I stood up and turned, only to freeze, my body immediately tensing.

At the door stood none other than Arthur Ainsworth, the man's dark blue eyes on me as he swiftly locked the door behind him, a lecherous smirk on his face. "Why hello there, my Lady."

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