Chapter Twelve

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His lips were so soft. Much softer than I had imagined a man's lips to be. And he most definitely seemed to know what he was doing as he slowly kissed me, the crowd around us cheering as our marriage was finalized. When we pulled apart, I was pretty sure my face was bright red. And when I opened my eyes, William was staring down at me with a small smile, sage eyes sparkling before he looked away from me and nodded towards the little band. When they began playing soft music, William gently took my hand and led me back down the aisle, leading me back inside the castle.

"Well, we're officially married now," he spoke, softly enough that I could still hear him. He glanced down at me. "How do you feel?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip, my mind continuously going back to that finalizing kiss, the way his lips felt against mine. I blushed and kept my gaze averted. "Free, honestly. I know it's weird to say, but I'm happier around you and Anthony than I am around my own flesh and blood. I realize it's pretty sad of me to say that, but my entire life was set around what Mother and Father wanted of me, and I understand being royalty is the same thing, but to me it's not quite the same."

William looked sad for me, but he nodded anyway as he smiled and waved at a few individuals that passed us. "Speaking of family, I saw that your father spoke not a word to you as he was bringing you to me. I don't know what excreted in his breakfast, but he seems like a jerk."

I chuckled and gently swatted his arm. "To be honest he is, although I will never tell him that. To be honest he hasn't had much to do with me my entire life. I believe it is because Mother took me under her wing and didn't really allow Father to be...well...a father to me. Maybe it was because Mother was grooming me for you." I looked up at him, looking deep within those sage eyes. "What about you? How do you feel now that we're officially married?"

William surprised me when he blushed darkly, his sunkissed skin flushing red as he averted his eyes. "Honestly? Nervous. Because Father will be expecting us to...well..."

Now I was the one with a blush on my face once I put together the rest of his sentence. That's right. We were supposed to begin trying for an heir tonight. Oh sweet nuggets, now here I go being nervous again. Quit that, I scolded myself as I bit my bottom lip, there is no need to be nervous over something you knew would eventually happen. Yet, what if I messed up? William will guide you. What if I seemed too needy?

"Ah, here we are."

I pulled myself out of my doubting head and looked around the dining room, smelling the different kinds of food that were laid out on the large tables. My stomach immediately rumbled and I blushed darkly when William sent an amused smile my way. "Come, we sit up in the center table." I nibbled at my bottom lip as he led me up the short stairs to our table, before we both took a seat. I noticed Anthony giving me a nod before he left to no doubt begin leading our guests inside.

"Oh yes, how do you like the decorations? Mother thought light pink and gold was the way to go, and I do actually agree with her." William spoke to me, causing me to blink and glance at him.

"They're very nice," I responded truthfully, taking a gander at the large room. Streamers of pink and gold swung from the ceiling in elegant swoops, and each large table had a pale gold table cloth draped over them, a few of the tables being decorated with flowers and food. Her Highness really did put a lot of thought and effort into this, and I had to make sure I thanked her when I saw her again.

Dinner came and went faster than a tsunami decimating an entire town, and the next thing I knew I was wearing nothing but a thin robe as I was escorted to William's room. The individual who allowed me entrance let me know that my husband would only be but a moment, and to just wait until he came back. And once they left I nibbled at my bottom lip, heart beating so fast in my chest that I was surprised I hadn't fainted by now.

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