Trip to Spain {4}

Start from the beginning

"I'm so glad you know Spanish. I knew there was a reason we brought you." He laughed.

"Right. You just brought me because I speak Spanish." I nodded. "Y eres inútil."

"I'm not sure what you said but I'm sure it was about how lovely I am," I joked and Jay laughed, nodding.

"Something like that," he chuckled.

Our order was ready so we took our bags and headed back to the beach, talking about how talented some of the people roller-skating along the street were.

By the time we got back to the towels, my parents were out in the water, probably cooling off and admiring the view while they waited for us to get back with the food. Jay and I sat on our towels and started eating.

"Can I ask you something?" Jay spoke right as I took a huge bite of my burger. I looked at him, my mouth full, a bit nervous since he seemed serious, and nodded.

"Would you want to maybe get dinner, just us tonight?" I swallowed my food, wincing since I probably should have chewed a bit more before forcing it down.

"If you don't want to that's totally fine and I understand and we can just pretend I didn't ask-"

I put my hand on his knee and said, "Hey, let me talk, yeah?" He nodded. "Just to clarify, are you asking me on a date?" He hesitated, but nodded again. "I would love to go out to dinner with you, Jay." He smiled and I set my burger down on the paper in front of me.

"On one condition." He looked at me, nervous again. "You have to let me try your burger." I held my hands out and he laughed, passing it to me and letting me have a bite. I pointed at mine and he picked it up to try it.

"You have excellent taste other than liking pickles." I stuck my tongue out at him and took a large drink of water. We traded back and finished off our food, the realization that Jay had just asked me on an actual date, in Spain no less, making me glad I had the excuse of eating for being quiet.

My parents eventually came back to shore and ate while Jay and I laid back on our towels, giving our food time to settle. I was dying to tell my mom what had just happened but had no way to do it with Jay right there. I needed to tell her soon since first of all, she had been wanting us to date since he first started working with my dad. Second, she was going to have to devise a way to make sure my dad didn't try to sabotage and make it a double date. Third, she had to help me figure out what to wear especially since Jay and I would technically be getting ready in the same room so I couldn't change 37 times like I usually do before a date.

"I wanna swim some more. Kristen?" My dad asked my mom.

"No, I think I'm going to lay out a bit longer," she responded.

"I'll go with you, Matt," Jay spoke, standing up and brushing the sand off his trunks. My dad looked at me, silently asking if I wanted to head in with them.

"I'm gonna sit with mom for a bit. Maybe later, though?" He nodded and they walked off to the water.

"Mom," I started as soon as they were out of ear shot. "Jay asked me out!" She smiled and quickly put her bookmark back into her book that she had just got out.

"What? When did that happen? What are you two going to do?" I filled her in and she quickly understood that she'd have to come up with something else for her and dad to do for dinner. She told me she was so excited for me and was glad Jay had finally asked me out, claiming she knew he was interested in me from day one. I rolled my eyes, sure that this was simply because we had spent a lot more time together due to this trip. My dad and Jay had just come out of the water and were heading towards us when we had finally decided on what I should wear.

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