My Momma is Smart

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PhotoCred: maddixkelly

"Getcher cold stuff here, fellas!" I smiled as my son continued to yell at the construction workers across the street from us. We had moved into the developing neighborhood about half a year ago and even though being woken up by drills and hammers made moving tempting, I loved it here. Before this house we had lived with my parents and before that we had been unhappy in a small apartment. This was home.

"Whatcha got for me today, kiddo?" I heard a gruff voice ask. I smiled as I saw a regular customer of my son's step up to him. "How ya doin' Miss?" He asked towards me and I replied with a polite 'fine' before watching my son.

"Just the usual, Dave. Otter pops are on sale two for a dollar if ya want one of those." He popped open the two coolers that were sat on top of his wagon.

"I think I'll take a gatorade and two otter pops. Do you have the soda pops flavors today?" Dave asked as he retrieved his wallet from his back pocket.

"I've got all of the flavors." He points at a piece of paper that he had written the flavors on in coordinating crayon colors. "Even the weird ones that mom says are healthy," he whispered so I wouldn't hear making a face with his tongue stuck out and nose scrunched up. "She says they're organny." I stifle my laughter with my hand so he wouldn't know I could hear him.

"Gross! My wife tried to get me to eat organny stuff and it just tasted funky." Dave grimaced as he handed Boston some money.

"You can grab your things while I get your change," Boston motioned to the coolers as he pulled out his change box that was covered in stickers. "It was a buck for your gatorade and another buck for your otter pops and you gave me five so five minus two is..." he trailed off as he did the math on his fingers. "Three?" he spoke unsure, turning to me. I nodded and his grin grew as he got three dollars out of his box and gave them to Dave. "Here you go, Dave! Thanks for giving me your money!" I cleared my throat, getting Boston's attention before Dave responded.

"Thank him for his business, not his money, sweetie."

"Oh, right. Thanks for your business, Dave." Boston stood and held his hand out to Dave to shake.

"Thanks for keeping me hydrated, kiddo. I'd be a goner if it wasn't for you," he shook Boston's hand before turning and walking back to the construction site.

"Momma," I heard Boston say. I looked up from my book to him. "What does high-raging mean?"

"Hydrated means to have drank enough water that your body is able to be healthy even when it's really hot outside. Does that make sense?"

"Kinda. So to be hydrated is to not be thirsty?" I smiled and nodded at him.

"If you don't drink enough water and get dehydrated then you can get really sick." Boston nodded in understanding and turned back to his coolers. He placed his money box under his wagon in the shade as he shut his coolers so his product would stay cold. I held back giggles as he reclined his little lawn chair and put his sunglasses on so he could lay out.

"Don't worry momma, I remembered sunscreen."

"Thanks baby. You're the smartest." We continued to lay back for a couple more minutes before the real rush started.

"Hey little dude! I'm new here, what's good?" I glanced up and saw a well-built man in jeans and an olive t-shirt that clung to him attractively.

"Everything in my shop is good. What's your name?" Boston stood up and held his hand out for the man to shake. His eyebrows rose in surprise before he squatted down to his level, taking his small hand in his.

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