Bingo & Baby Showers

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Aaron's asked me go to bingo with him tonight — bloody bingo, can you believe it? Still, I suppose it's better than being dragged to Zumba!

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Aaron's asked me go to bingo with him tonight — bloody bingo, can you believe it? Still, I suppose it's better than being dragged to Zumba!

* * *

Never going to bingo with him again. It was ten times worse than Zumba, at least there I can try and hide in the back.

"'Scuse me, 'scuse me, one fat lady comin' frew," Aaron shouted at the top of his voice when we were going to the toilets.

No chance of hiding with his gob, I knew I shouldn't have let him drink those vodka slushies. And I didn't even win a single penny.

 And I didn't even win a single penny

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Baby shower today. Meeting of the mother's later. Wish me luck.

* * *

You didn't wish me luck did ya?

Baby shower. What a fucking disaster.

I didn't need to go to local village hall.

I didn't need to be surrounded by blue confetti and streamers and balloons.

Why does a kid who isn't even born yet want a party in their name and what use is a bouncy castle?

I could've done without a game of guess the chocolate, who wants to sniff a dirty nappy?

And like, who's idea is to have a game of predict the weight?

"Ooh look at her, she's massive," my auntie said, while putting her hands on my stomach, "he'll be eight, nine pounds at least!"

Cheeky bitch! She was much fatter than I was.

And I should've known that my mum and sister would get absolutely wasted on champagne, but why did they have to get Will's mother involved? They barely knew her.

The baby shower was supposed to be for me, but why were they all drinking and singing karaoke? They wouldn't even have noticed if I was there of not.

In fact, they didn't notice me leave. I called Will and got him to meet me, shouldn't of done it, but I did. And he was really bloody drunk!

"I thought you said it was girls only, why's Aaron there? He's not a girl!"

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