Mother Knows Best pt.2

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My bloody mother's been at it again

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My bloody mother's been at it again. Do you remember how she said that she wasn't going to harass me anymore? Yeah, well, it was a lie.

The whole day she's had me walking around shops, buying crap that I most likely won't use and definitely don't have the space for. Did I really need a plastic baby-sized bath and a little hammock/seat thing to put in the actual bath? And how many shoes does a kid who can't walk need?

Still, at least she took me for lunch, but she ruined that too. Kept going on about how I needed to start eating properly, even though I have been, well, I've been trying, it's hardly my fault I can't cook. And she's been sending me links to houses on different websites all week, and yeah, they're nice, but I could never afford one of them.

"You'll go back to work after you've had the baby, will you?"

I hadn't given it much thought. "Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I'll look for something else, I kind of miss working at the salon," I said.

"Have you spoken to Aaron about this, to see if it's a possibility?"

"No. I thought I'd stay where I am, for now, get this whole being pregnant thing out the way first and then ask him. I'll probably need to go on some courses or something first, make sure I'm up to date with everything."

"You could do those now, no time like the present to start building your future."

Ugh, she's so pushy and bossy. Where did she think I had the time or spare cash to go on bloody training courses?

"Let's have a look when we get back, if there are spaces, you might as well get yourself booked in."

She was insufferable.

"Driving lessons too, don't forget."

She really was too much.

"Have you thought about childcare?"

"Uh, no." Why were there so many things to think about?

"We've been speaking, your dad and me and well, I could look after the baby while you go to work if you want me to that is."

Of course, I wanted her too. I've heard the horror stories around the office about how Jess' wages barely cover the nursery fees. "So, why bother coming to work then?" I asked her one day.

"Well, I don't need to come to work, but I kind of do," she said. "I just need to get out of the house sometimes, to remember who I used to be. I'm more than just a mother, you know," she said. "I love my kids, but I've got to love myself too."

I suppose it kind of made sense, but it could when you had the luxury of a husband with a killer salary. But at the same time whenever she said it, I wanted to punch her in the face!

"Have you heard from Will?" My mother asked before she'd given me the chance to answer her previous question.

I don't know why everything had to be a million miles an hour with her. "No," I lied. I mean I hardly think a drunk text at quarter to five in the morning counted as hearing from him anyway.

"We should go soon; I'm going out tonight." It was Michael's gig, his band were playing at a bar in town, so a few of us were going to watch him. I didn't want to, but when he asked me in the kitchen, I didn't feel like I could say no. "It's a work thing," I didn't have the energy to deal with my mum's disapproval. No doubt she thought I was going around the town with Aaron again, but guess that kinda counted as doing something so you didn't forget who you were before kids, like Jess and her job, right?

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