Every Fig Will Be Okay

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Yeah, I still haven't heard anything from Will, so it's official he doesn't care

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Yeah, I still haven't heard anything from Will, so it's official he doesn't care.

Steph knows as well now, my mum must've rung her as soon as I left the other night because almost as soon as I got in she was on the phone to me. Her reaction was a mixture of excitement and pissed off in equal measures — she couldn't wait to be an auntie, but at the same time, she couldn't believe that I'd told Sam before her. It didn't matter how many times I tried to tell her that it was accidental — the pregnancy and telling Sam before her — she just wouldn't have it until I agreed that she could come to the scan.

Ugh, she's such a massive drama queen.

I've been reading again to see if Doctor Miranda Carr had any useful advice on how to deal with all these major arseholes I'm surrounded by.

"Now that you've broken your happy baby news to all of your friends and family; you are probably facing many questions about your list of potential names," was all she had to say.

It couldn't have been further from the truth, no one cared about names, except for Sam who still insisted that I call his nephew Harley because it was a bad-ass name.

And by the way, Sam has been so annoying; he keeps coming around all the time. He turned up after work last night with a Boots carrier bag and a Chinese, so I guess he's not all that bad.

"That's everything you should need for the first trimester," he said, handing the bag over. "It's really important that you're getting enough folic acid."

"What are you even talking about?"

"Don't you know anything? I read all about it on the internet, you need to start looking after yourself properly. Folic acid is important for the development of the spine," he said with a huff.

Jesus, I can't put up with this for the next six months.

12 Weeks Pregnant

You are now in the final week of your first trimester and although only around 6cm in length your baby is fully-formed. Your baby will be moving around a lot, but you won't be able to feel this just yet, as they still have a lot of space to move about freely. Your baby is capable of producing urine!

Your bump is beginning to blossom, and you may start to worry about stretch marks, don't! They are perfectly normal, and around 90% of women will experience them during pregnancy; they will begin to fade once you've had your baby and things settle down.

If you've had your dating scan you will now be the proud owner of a set of ultrasound images of your baby.

Dr Miranda Carr
Pregnancy Matters

Dr Miranda CarrPregnancy Matters

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