Loki - Shopping

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You were dragging Natasha down the mall. Although she liked shopping with you, there was something off about her. It was like she wasn't herself.

You walked into a shop and  picked some clothes you wanted to try.

'Have you seen something you like?' you asked Natasha. She shook her head. You scowled and looked around for something nice for her to wear.

You strolled over to a black piece of clothing that caught your eye and held it up.

'What about this?' you questioned her. She shrugged, but hummed.

'Why not?' she mumbled.

'Is something wrong? You are giving me the impression that you do not enjoy spending time with me...' She hummed quietly and smirked.

'No, I do enjoy spending time with you, Lady- I mean, Y/N, but this is boring,' Natasha told you.

'But I thought you liked shopping with me!' you whined. 'Come on, let's try our new outfits.' You dragged Natasha along with you. You both chose cabinets next to each other.

You tried on your outfit, a cute red dress and stepped outside to wait for Natasha.

She eventually stepped outside with a glare on her face.

'What?' you asked kn a dull tone.

'It doesn't suit me,' she spat.

'It does. You look good in that dress,' you argued. 'Aren't you happy you tried it on?' She rolled her eyes, but nodded. There was the Natasha you knew.

'But now that I tried on something you liked, can I pick something for you?' You nodded.

'Sure, I'll strip,' you joked.

'That would be entertaining,' she purred. You awkwardly cleared you throat. And the Natasha you knew was gone again. Was she high?

'Okay...' you muttered to yourself before you stripped from the dress and waited until she would be back.

Ages later, she returned and opened the curtain, her gaze lowering to you chest.

'Here,' she whispered as she handed you a matching red bra and knickers with a hint of black lace. You raised an eyebrow.

'Why would I try that on?' you inquired. She laughed deviously.

'Just do it. I want to see how it looks on you,' she stated. You closed the curtain with a glare and did as she requested.

'Nat?' you squeaked as you peeked from behind the curtain. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and smiled at you. She entered the cabinet and examined your body, her eyes wide and full of mischief.

'Well,' she simply stated as she looked at you through the mirror. 'That's pleasant to look at.' You rolled your eyes. 'I'm sure Loki would like that.' Your eyes widened. How did she know you had a crush on him?

'W-What?' you questioned. She smirked and put her hands on your shoulders. 'How do you...?'

'It's quite obvious you like m- him,' she told you. You bit your lip and stared at your feet while your cheeks turned a crimson red. 'You do like him, right?'

'Yes,' you breathed out.

'So... what are you going to do about that?'

'I-I... nothing,' you said. She frowned at you. 'I'm just going to wait until that feeling fades I guess...'

'Why?' You sighed.

'Well... he is a God... and I'm a mortal. It's quite obvious he wouldn't like me. I'm sure he thinks very lowly of me. And I don't want to bother him by confessing my feelings for him. I'd end up humiliated and embarrassed,' you rambled. She chuckled and you watched her through the mirror. 'What?' you snarled. She wrapped her hands around your waist while her head rested on your shoulder.

You cleared your throat.

'Could I please get dressed now?' you said awkwardly as your gaze once again descended to the floor.

'No,' a silky male voice said. 'Because Loki indeed enjoys the view.' Your head snapped up and your eyes met with the God of Mischief.

You stood frozen in his arms as he placed his lips on your neck.

'Lady Y/N,' he purred. 'How could it ever cross your mind that I would not have a crush on a beautiful and smart woman like you?' You inhaled sharply as he placed a kiss on your neck. He hummed approvingly as he kissed your jawline while his hands played with the straps of your bra.

'I'll pay for this,' he said as he let the strap go. You shook your head, a frown on your face.

'I don't get it. Are you saying you like me back?' you squealed as it crossed your mind that you had just spilled your biggest secret. He grinned and turned you around so you were facing him.

His lips found yours and they moved in perfect sync. He caressed your cheek as he slowly and passionately kissed you.

He pulled back slightly to stare into your eyes.

'Does this answer your question?' he whispered. You nodded, grinning from ear to ear. 'Good, now, put on some clothes so we can leave this shopping center. It's full of pathetic mortals.' You rolled your eyes.

'You know I'm a mortal, right?'

'But you're not pathetic,' he defended. You smiled and kissed his nose before shoving him out of the cabinet and changing back into your clothes. Oh, and Loki paid for everything... with Tony's creditcard...

Loki one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon