Loki - New pyjamas

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It was Loki's birthday and you bought him a beautiful gift. You were all sitting in a circle in the living room when Loki, suspecting noting, walked in with messy hair. He was about to walk passed all of you Avengers when he turned around and glared at all of you.

'What are you mortals doing?' he asked annoyed. You rose and walked up to him, crabbing his hand and guiding him to the middle of the circle.

'Happy birthday!' you and the Avengers cheered. It took him awhile to realize what you guys said before he smiled.

'Thank you,' he said politely. You grabbed your gift for him and handed it to him. He smiled at you. 'You bought a gift?' he asked suspiciously. You nodded and gestured for him to open it. He did and his eyes went big once he saw what you bought for him. It were a couple of new books and a brand new pyjama. 'Thank you dear,' he spoke and kissed your forehead.

'Brother...?' Thor carefully said. 'We have to go on a mission and we forgot your birthday was today... Y/N reminded us this morning,' he confessed. Loki rolled his eyes.

'I did not expect you remember anyway,' Loki huffed and walked to the kitchen with his present. You trailed behind him and grabbed two mugs to prepare some tea as the Avengers left to go on their mission.

'I'll make you breakfast,' you chirped. Loki smiled and sat down, taking the books out and examining the covers.

'Thank you again for the books, darling, I appreciate it,' he spoke genuinely. You smiled.

'You're welcome. Do you like pancakes?' He nodded.

'Yeah.' You giggled and made him some. You handed him the tea and took a sip yourself.

'Aren't you going to try your new pyjama?' you wondered. He chuckled.

'I'll go and change,' he assured you and went to the bathroom to try on his new pyjamas.

You finished making the pancakes and put two plates on the table. You heard someone clear their voice and you turned around to see Loki in his green pyjamas you bought him.

'Look how handsome you look! Isn't that better than those depressing black ones?' you cheered. He shrugged.

'I like them, but...' he trailed off. You giggled.

'But what?' you asked. He shrugged again.

'I don't want the Avengers to see me like this. I look like Kermit the frog,' he whined. You snorted and approached them.

'Oh come on,' you smiled. 'They do look good on you. Oh and have you felt how soft they are?' you questioned as you rubbed your hand over his sleeves. He chuckled.

'Okay you won. I'll stay in these for the whole day, but only if you go and change to your pyjamas.' He smiled a toothy grin and smiled. You nodded.

'Okay, but first breakfast,' you spoke. He shook his head and pointed towards the bathroom. 'You sighed. 'Okay, I'll go and change...' you surrendered. He snickered and put some pancakes on both of your plates while you changed into your yellow pyjamas.

You came back into the kitchen and you and Loki both bursted out laughing. You went to sit on your chair, opposite from Loki and you both began eating.

'This is delicious,' Loki told you.

'Thank you. So what are we going to do on your birthday?' you asked.

'Haven't you planned anything?' he questioned. You shook your head.

'No, I didn't want to force you to do something you don't want to do. It's your birthday. You can chose.' He nodded and melted at how sweet that sounded. You smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

Once you were finished eating, you cleaned up the mess and were about to do the dishes when you felt two arms wrap around you and pressing you against the sinks. You gasped at the contact.

'I know what we can do,' he muttered against your shoulder while he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck. 'I heard your dreams. And I can assure you that I have that kind of dreams about as well. So let's go upstairs now, shall we?' Your breath hitched in your throat and you nodded. He smiled, picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You whined.

'Loki? It's your birthday. I should be the one carrying you,' you spoke to him. He laughed at your reaction.

'Like you can carry me,' he chuckled. You had to give him that one. 'Come on let's take of these pujamas.' You giggled and he had an enormous smirk on his face.

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