Loki - Freedom - Smut

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'You can't be serious dad!' you whined. 'You never let me do anything! Why can't I go to shopping on my own?' Tony, your father sighed.

'I don't want my baby princess to get hurt. Besides, there are plenty of people who have bad intentions,' Tony argued. The Avengers rolled his eyes.

'Alright,' you gave in. 'I'll just go to my room,' you lied. Tony nodded and smiled. He tried to give you a hug, but you dived under his arms. He sighed, but let you go to your room. But the thing is... you didn't went to your room.

Instead if taking the elevator, your dad would definitely see that, you took the stairs. You ran outside and realized that didn't bring any money. You cursed yourself, bit you knew if you would go inside, you would be caught. So you went to a free location. The library.

It just started to rain when you reached the library. You went inside and saw that no one was there. Of course no one was there. You strolled through the library for awhile before you saw a man. No, it wasn't a man. It was a God. Loki Laufeyson. Your footsteps echoed through the room and he looked up with a frown. He busy on his phone, which surprised you. Since when did he had a phone? He smiled up at you as you went to sit next to him to see what he was doing. But he quickly hid his phone.

'What are you doing?' you asked, curious. You had kind of a thing for him.

'Doesn't matter,' he sneered and looked back at him phone before he smirked. 'I just received a text in the Avengers group chat. Aren't you supposed to be at home? Dad's little princess isn't allowed to go out that late all by herself.'

'Shut up,' you hissed. 'First of all. Im not a princess. I'm a Queen.' Loki smiled genuinely at you and chuckled.

'Yeah, but you do understand that I must take you back?' he questioned you. Your eyes widened.

'No, you can't,' you told him sternly. Loki grinned.

'I can,' he spoke. You got up and crossed your arms.

'Nope, I'm planning on taking the train to...' you wandered off.

'To where?' he asked with an amused voice.

'I don't know yet,' you replied. Loki snickered and stood up as well.

'Let's take you home,' he said with a smirk and took your arm. You pulled away from him and ran out of the library.

'No!' you yelled as Loki teleported in front of you. He smirked and grabbed you before throwing you over his shoulder. 'Put me down this instant!' you demanded while kicking your legs. On that moment, Loki's phone went off. He picked up.

'Yes?' Silence. 'She's with me, Stark... Okay. No... No I will not... fine.' Loki put the phone in his pocket again and put you down.

'What was that about?' you wondered. Loki smirked.

'Your father changed his mind. He will let you go explore the city for one evening. But I will be by your side... I get paid for it,' he explained. You sighed.

'I do not need a babysitter. I'm fine on my own,' you said. Loki grinned.

'Come on. We can have some fun.' You rolled your eyes, but then nodded.

'I don't have any money,' you muttered. Loki chuckled.

'We don't need money. We can perfectly entertain ourselves. So what do you say? Together with your crush exploring the city?' Your eyes widened at his words.

'How do you know?' you whispered. Loki shrugged innocently.

'Just a wild guess, but you just confirmed it,' he responded. You cursed yourself, which Loki laughed at. Wanna go for a drink?'

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