Chapter 9

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Alastair was silent as we stood before the packs.  He spent all night searching frantically once their scent was lost.  He was pissed at me for my hesitation, for not being there when they needed us, but who could blame me.  Violet literally almost crushed the territory, her power was terrifying, it... I was afraid what would happen if we found her in that state.

I shook myself.  I never had this problem before.  Why was I having it now? 

He still sat silent completely ignoring me and my questions.  What happened?  Why do I feel different?  Why do I fear the very girl who I love?  How was this any different from anything she did before?  I was afraid, sure, but my need to be at her side outweighed all of that.  Every other time... as horrible as the act was, she was my mate and I found it amazing.  What changed?

"Ezekiel... Ezekiel... E!"  I snapped out of it as William shook me.  "You need to address the pack, man.  They are going crazy over where Violet is, we need to find her."

I blinked.  "I..."

He clenched his jaw and pulled me out of the room away from the sharp ears.  "What's your problem?"

I searched the air for my answer.  "Aren't you afraid... what if she... the territory... the packs..."

His eyes widened.  "I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you need to shake that shit fast."


The sudden contact of his fist on my jaw sent me sprawling.  "I really can't believe you right now."  He was trembling, furious.  "That is your mate and you have fucking doubts now?"

I held my face.  "No, it's just... Will... something happened.  I can't..."

He took slow deep breaths.  "What?  You're scared of her all of the sudden?  Ezekiel this is the same girl who's killed thousands by herself and reveled in it.  She stood against the Warden and the King, no issues.  What?  A little earthquake and suddenly she's too dangerous?"

I gaped.  "You're not listening..."

He crouched down to my level and gave me a long look.  "To what?"

I knew I needed to pick my words carefully as it sounded like Xavier started to get their pack ready.  "I couldn't feel her, Will.  Something happened.  I don't feel...  before nothing she did mattered because I had to be with her.  Now, I just..."

"Sounds to me like you don't deserve her."

I clenched my jaw as the smooth, deep voice cut into our conversation.  "What did you say, Leech?"

He came to stand over me, distress radiating off of him.  "She's your mate, you tell me."

I rose to my feet.  "You act like your doing anything better right now."

He looked around us.  "My trackers have been searching since she left.  Her brother has had theirs out as well. I see most of yours are still here... did you really run off to find her or did you just waste time?"

As I stepped toward him, William held me back.  "Apollo, we've been searching as well."

He turned his gaze to my Beta.  "On your orders... not his.  Funny, before she wielded the dark you never hesitated.  Hell, you wouldn't be here now, you'd be searching."

I averted my gaze, he was right.  I always followed her even when she didn't want me to, but now... I loved Violet, I couldn't deny that, but the urge to have her in my line of sight always... it wasn't there.  "I love my mate.  We will find her."

He turned as I brushed past.  "I wonder which is winning, your love... or your fear."


I didn't think my heart could break any more than it already had.  It was my own fault, I chose to conceal my presence to see what was happening in my absence.  You need to go out there.

I know...

You're not moving... you need to face this.

I bit my lip and wiped away my tears.  I took a breath and strode out behind the council members of both packs as Ezekiel spoke.  "... stop until..."

I could feel his whole heart wasn't in it.  "There's no need."

He fell silent as all eyes snapped to me and he slowly turned.  "Violet..."  I could see he was relieved as he rushed to me, but he hesitated before he embraced me.  "You're safe..."

I quickly wrapped my arms around him before stepping away and facing the packs.  "Sorry for making you all worry..."  I could feel the relief and happiness in the room.  "I had to go to keep you all safe.  I... lost control and for that I apologize.  I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again."

I was mildly surprised by the proud smiles that spread across both packs faces, it gave me pause.  Are they not afraid?  "I... thank you, please get some rest today."

As they began to clear out, my shoulder was clapped.  "Good to have you back."

I smiled at my twin.  "Aw man, nothing fell on you?"

He chuckled.  "Nope, good call on dashing though... I know you absorbed that energy, but..."

I lowered my gaze.  "That's not what made me lose control, Zay."

He gave me a curious look.  "Then wh-"  I sadly glanced at where Ezekiel was hanging back... watching.  He turned and his jaw clenched.  "What did he do?"

I sighed.  "Him... nothing... just... we need to have a talk."

Concern crossed his features.  "Find me after... I'll have drinks ready."  I only nodded and he wrapped me in his arms.  "Whatever it is... you're not alone.  We're here for you."

I clung to him, feeling the emptiness in my chest.  "Thank you."

He released me and glared at Ezekiel.  "He better fix it or William may become the new Alpha."

I touched his sleeve.  "It's not his fault, Zay.  It's mine..."

He frowned.  "You act like I care."

I smiled softly.  "Take care of Zoey until I get there?"

He nodded.  "You know it."

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