Chapter 105

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Frowning, I laced the least few drinks of the evening before stepping into the packhouse's councilroom.  "You came..."

I smiled at one of the girls I whispered to.  "Yes, to take you somewhere safe."

A young boy clutched the violet in his hand.  "How?  If the-"

I smiled softly.  "It is your choice, but we protect ours above all else.  Unlike those who seek you, we expect nothing except you not disrupt the peace others like you have found."

The Alpha of this territory, Theodore, stepped forward with two children.  "We have heard of your pack and their bloodshed."

My head tilted.  "We've killed thousands who tried to do the same to us.  I will not deny that."

He smiled.  "I heard the king got heads in return."

I smirked.  "Yes, him, the warden, and Alpha Luke is the most recent to receive our presents.  We just can't seem to stop breaking the toys they send us.  Shame..."

He relaxed more as he chuckled.  "These are my children, they... said they are expected after..."

He looked at the door behind me.  "Well, can't give them something you don't have."  I knelt to their level.  "There will be a girl and two boys who will greet you and take you to other children in the morning.  They'll show you the ropes."

They beamed.  "Friends?!"  I nodded and looked at the door as someone knocked.  "Naughty, Naughty..."

Theodore looked panicked.  "I told n-"

I took the kids hands.  "Don't scream."

I stepped into his shadow and Romulus looked at them surprised.  "So young..."

I nodded.  "We have company.  Wonder what the scent of blood does to a party..."

He pouted.  "I miss the fun?"

I handed the kids off to one of my wolves and they went for a van.  "No, I need you to move strays or kill the ones trying to get in."

He nodded as he took my hand.  "Killing sounds fun, but alas I am a vampire."

I giggled as everyone looked at us in shock.  "Vampire attack, the horror!"  I turned to the people in the room.  "He is one of mine, move quickly while I... have some fun with some unwelcome visitors."

He began to go back and forth as I threw the door opened, punching the throats of the first two at the door.  They were in shock as I broke a neck, then kicked one into the wall, knocking him out.

The Alpha joined and I looked at him.  "Try not to spill blood, really not my style, but..."

He nodded as he strangled two.  "The scent would alert the guests."

We moved quickly until the hall was clear and I linked with my pack and Ezekiel.  They are coming for us, prepare for the worst.

I looked at Theodore.  "A little late to bring it up, but... alliance?"

He smiled.  "Definitely."

I nodded.  "Return to the masses, we'll clean up here."

He straightened his clothes before striding out.  "Thank you."

Romulus was at my side.  "That set is moving."

I sighed as we began to collect the bodies and took them to the woods.  "I'll move carefully, but they are getting restless and frustrated."

He put a hand on my shoulder as they burned.  "The goddess is with you.  Get who you can."

I nodded and we returned.  "That's the plan."


We worked quickly when we got the alert and my heart was pounding as we reached the meeting point.  Both me and Xavier sighed in relief when we saw Violet, but it quickly dissolved when headlights surrounded us.

Xavier hit the gas.  "Get ready to jump."  I didn't question it and gripped the door knob.  "Now!"

I rolled to my feet and ran to Violet as it barreled into the trucks blocking our path.  She wrapped her arms around me and glared as wolves came out with guns.  "Hands up!"

She didn't move.  "Or what?"

I looked at her alarmed.  "Vi-"

"Or you die!"

She smirked.  "Who sends you?  Luke or the king?"

I heard clicking and tensed.  "King Alfr-"

She giggled.  "This is rich, still refuses to fight his own battles.  Weak..."


She took my hand and looked at them all.  "Tell that fucking coward come face me himself and stop sending his wolves to slaughter."  They all fell to their knees, gasping.  "Tell him to stop hiding and letting others do his dirty work."

Her grip tightened.  "Tell him I was here and spared your lives so you can deliver this message to everyone that will listen.  Any who still follow that bastard when I make it to the palace gates will die and burn with him and I won't be sending an army of wolves ahead of me.  It will be me in the flesh, fighting to help all of those you harm and I will show no mercy."

I blinked and we were in a car.  I took her face in my hands grey and purple eyes shining.  "I love you."

She smiled as Xavier pulled off.  "That fucking vamp is letting them breathe a little longer, but..."  She looked at Romulus.  "We need to chat.  In private."

He nodded.  "Of course."

When we got in the territory I gaped.  "Whole fucking packs, Violet?"

She beamed.  "They came!"  She flung herself through the window as though the door or the car coming to a halt was a bother.  "Well, hello!"

Xavier chuckled as he stopped and got out to join her.  "Theodore's pack will be along after, we have some of ours there just in case."

She nodded and clapped her hands.  "If you haven't figured it out, I pissed off the king."  Everyone chuckled and she twirled.  "So, I bring you here because it's safer and well... I really want him to have a show of force."

She turned to some of her pack.  "Get them settled and I need the Alpha of each pack to meet me in... 1 hour.  We have fun things to discuss."

She turned to me as everyone dispersed.  "Trust me, Love?"

I put my forehead to hers.  "With my life."

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