Chapter 41

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Violet fell asleep instantly as we started driving.  I could tell this was a lot, definitely more than we bargained for.  I took a slow breath, I couldn't stop hearing the pleas in the rooms around me, the desperation for escape.  I didn't realize I'd clench my fist until she whimpered.

Those bastards didn't deserve to live and like Violet, I wanted them all to burn.  Brenda was finally dead, I was a little upset it was Violet to deal the final blow, but it was just.  She died because she touched me, not harmed her.  She was hers kill.

I shook my head, noticing how much I was starting to think like them.  I glanced at my mate, blood crusting on her clothes and in her hair.  She was beautiful, powerful, and dangerous.  The inferno she lit incinerated anything that came too close.  You didn't have to touch the flame, but I didn't even feel the heat of it.  She was on the very edge of her control, I could feel it as she voiced her desires.

I kissed her hand again, thanking Nyx for our safety.  Yes, we had a huge hiccup, but we got who we needed out and were now safe.  As I pulled up to the mansion, Apollo and Romulus were there instantly.  Both were worried and then relieved as I lifted her out of the car.

I didn't have the heart to stop Apollo as he looked her over, touching her arms, legs, and face.  "Not a scratch on her... amazing."

I smiled softly down at her.  "She needs to rest... where can she sleep?"

Romulus nodded, watching his brother with sad eyes.  "This way..."

She sighed and turned her face into my arm as we up the steps, making my heart flutter.  She did this at night, burying her nose into my side or chest without realizing it.  If she was restless I could wrap her in my arms and she'd nuzzle my chest before settling.  It always made my heart swell, knowing she found comfort in my arms or by my side.

I nodded to them and closed the door, going straight for the bathroom.  Luckily, Violet was small, so maneuvering her and running a bath didn't prove a difficult task.  I removed her clothes and carefully placed her in it, afraid if I didn't hold on she'd slip under.  She grumbled in protest as I washed the blood from her hair, never opening her eyes.

I chuckled.  "You overdid it, My Love."  Even as I said it, her skin started to heat as well as the air around us.  I switched the water to cold, knowing if I didn't she'd boil me alive without realizing it.  I closed my eyes and concentrated on the air causing it to move slightly.  I finished cleaning her and wrapped her in a towel, drying her enough to lay in the bed.

When I went to change myself, she reached out and started to move restlessly.  I sighed and pulled her to my chest until she settled.  "We're okay..."  I braced myself and took the fastest shower of my life and was back in bed just as her hands began to search again.

I chuckled.  "Needy..."

She grimaced and bit my chest... hard.  I hissed and quickly unlatched her before she broke the skin by accident.  It wasn't that I minded her marking me by any measure, I wanted her in her complete right mind when she did so.

I frowned as someone softly knocked on the door and tried to keep the frustration from my voice.  "Yes?"

In walked Apollo's sisters and the blonde tilted her head.  "Oh, you've cleaned her already."

The brunette was carrying a soup.  "Maybe she can drink this?"  I sniffed it and she giggled.  "Just chicken broth... we would nothing to harm our master."

The other girl nodded.  "That... and elder brother says she has quite a temper."

"And he would kill us as well."

"He is quite fond of her."

"Renée... Abigail... that's enough."

I glared at them all as she snuggled into my chest and pulled the blankets up to cover her bare back.  "She just needs sleep."

Apollo didn't even come within line of sight, which was the only thing saving his ass right then as Romulus swept in.  He didn't so much as glance in our direction as he ushered the women out.  "You will get yourselves hurt... she is quite territorial this one."

They glanced back.  "She is knocked out and this is soup."

He tightened his grip on their arms.  "I will take care of you myself if you continue to pester them.  Let her sleep."

I pursed my lips as the door closed.  I was missing something that made Violet dislike them instantly.  I sighed and set the thoughts aside as my eyes closed.  She was safe for now, that's what mattered.


I frowned as I woke up, the unrest in the air thick.  "I'm getting tired of this shit."

Sitting up I noted two things, I was naked and Ezekiel wasn't with me.  My frown deepened as I found some clothes and padded out of the room.  I glanced around, grumpy until I noticed everyone was standing outside.  I tilted my head.  "Oooo.... that looks fun.  I like fun..."  I ran back to the room and searched for my knives, smiling as I strapped them on.

I skipped down the steps and the vampires looked at me in surprise as I jumped on Ezekiel's back.  "What's happening?"

He frowned.  "Of course this would wake you."

I rubbed my cheek against his.  "I feel a lot of wolves and some... vampires?  Do I get to kill them?  Tell me I get to slaughter some."

He smiled softly.  "It seems the king has come for us and the captive."

I hopped down and rocked on my heels.  "So... I gets to send heads as well?"

He sighed and smoothed my hair.  "If that is your wish, My Love, yes you can."

I spun on my heel and approached Apollo and Romulus.  "How well do they fight?"

They exchanged a confused glance and Apollo looked at Ezekiel.  "She is in no con-"

I raised my eyebrows as Ezekiel looked away from us.  "You tell her that.  I like breathing."

Romulus chuckled.  "We will keep her safe, let her have her fun."

I skipped over and hugged him.  "This is why your my best friend.  You gets it.  Answer my question."

He smiled.  "Well enough for those coming."

I nodded and pulled him forward.  "Good, come on we have to give them fair warning... or..."  I pursed my lips.  "It's still the king, I promised him heads and delivered..."

Ezekiel wrapped an arm around my waist.  "A little warning won't hurt."

I smiled, anticipation brimming.  "Okay."

Romulus elbowed Apollo.  "Why does she seem so excited about this?"

He sighed as he trailed behind us.  "Because she is... just... let's go."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant