Chapter 38

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Now that I thought about it, Apollo was the only person Violet insulted on a regular basis, usually when he was getting on her nerves.  Again, I was stuck as another man seemed to be attracted to my mate.  On top of that, he knew who she was and approached me about her safety without either of us knowing him.

Nope, I didn't trust him.  She groaned as she was shown the cars she could choose from.  I, on the other hand, was impressed, it was like a luxury car garage, everything top of the line or limited edition.  She glared at me.  "Pick your fucking jaw up off the ground.  This is ridiculous."

I bit my lip.  "But... Violet, this is amazing."

She threw up her hands dramatically.  "Fuck it.  We're going on foot, less likely to be seen anyway."

Apollo was in front of her in an instant.  "Just... wait..."

She frowned at him.  "The key is not to draw attention.  I don't know cars, but judging by my mate's reaction, none of these will do."

I growled as Romulus touched her sleeve.  "I may have a few better options for you."

Apollo and I were glaring at him as he led her away unfazed.  "They will kill you."

He shrugged.  "Unlike them... I really have no interest."

She pursed her lips.  "Another one of those..."

He shook his head.  "You don't have the right equipment, My Dear."

I blinked and she smirked.  "Very honest of you."

He watched her from the corner of his eye.  "And..."

She tilted her head.  "And what?"

He seemed to relax.  "Yes, you and I will get along just fine."

She glanced at us and stuck her tongue out as we now looked contrite.  "Childish."

She smiled as she looped her arm through his.  "I. Don't. Care.  This is my new best friend."

Apollo grumbled under his breath, but I heard it.  "That didn't take long... damn him."

I raised my eyebrows and he turned his face away from me.  On second thought... I may like this Romulus after all.  He casually showed her around as we came to another garage.  "Hopefully, these are better for your needs."

He had keys in his hand already and pushed a button to raise the door.  Violet smiled as 'normal' cars came into view.  "Better, much much better."

Apollo clenched his fists.  "These are not suitable f-"

Romulus raised his eyebrows.  "If we were aiming to chauffeur her to an engagement or impress, the others would do just fine.  This, Brother, is better for the task at hand."

Violet turned to him slowly.  "Brother?"

He smiled.  "The younger of the two, but yes.  Please, choose what best suits your needs."

She looked at Apollo.  "Never said you had a brother."

He averted his gaze.  "Two sisters too, but they are else where."

Romulus chuckled.  "No, they are waiting patiently for our Alpha's return."

I never knew a vampire could get so pale.  "You... called them here?"

He shook his head.  "They caught wind of what was going on and have been working tirelessly to aid as they can.  I guess they just want to see this creature our brother has been keeping to himself.  I can see the appeal, but that was very selfish of you."

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