Chapter 46

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I placed my hand in Ezekiel's as he beamed with pride.  "Amazing as always, Princess."

I pursed my lips and fought my blush.  "Shut up."

He chuckled as he tucked me into his side and we began to move toward the crowd.  "So... one hour...."

I nodded.  "And leave."  He nodded and we did as we usually did, keeping to ourselves until someone interrupted us.

It didn't take long before my sense of smell worked against me.  "Ah... if it isn't Ezekiel and his Luna."

He pulled me closer as we faced the couple.  "Luke and his future Luna, Charlotte... what a surprise."

I didn't miss the disapproval in Luke's eyes or the sadness in Charlotte's.  "I didn't have the opportunity to properly thank you for helping me."

Ezekiel stroked my cheek and I smiled at him.  "She was wonderful, wasn't she."

Luke tensed as his finger casually glided to my neck.  "Yes... I pegged her correctly when I called her an angel."

He chuckled.  "I did too when I responded, but we are glad that you are feeling better."

I looked at his mate.  "You look lovely this evening.  Blue suits you."

She blinked before she smiled sweetly.  "Thank you and your performance... it was breathtaking."

I giggled as I blushed.  "I'm happy you liked it."

Some of her tension left her.  "I wish you could have stayed longer, I fell ill after we got him settled."

My head tilted as I blinked.  "How unfortunate.  I'm glad it passed though."

She sighed.  "As am I."

I could feel Luke becoming disgruntled as I had yet to really acknowledge him.  He cleared his throat.  "Luna... could I bother you for another dance?"

I smiled at him... or more his chest, not meeting his gaze.  "I'm afraid not."

He shifted, agitated.  "I'm sure your mate wouldn't mind."

Again, my head tilted.  "Regardless, I'm not comfortable with it."

He stilled.  "I... if it is what I mentioned last time.  I had nothing but the best intentions."

I frowned slightly as though confused.  "I understand, but for now... my answer remains."

His hand tightened on Charlotte's waist and I turned my gaze to it as she fought not to react.  "I see..."

I looked at her sadly.  "Are you okay?"

She plastered on a smile as he realized I noticed and loosened his hold.  "Of course."

I met her gaze, she was afraid.  "I do hope your evening goes well."

She blinked.  "You really are... dazzling..."

I smiled softly as another blush tinted my cheeks.  "And you are equally so... your mate should count himself lucky to have one such as you."

She turned red as well.  "I suppose..."

I only nodded and looked over at Ezekiel.  "I am lucky as well... I would do nothing to hurt or disrespect my mate.  He is a rare blessing since they are few and far between."

She looked between us as he kissed me softly.  "Likewise, My Love."

That nearly sent Luke over the edge as he took a step towards us.  "Agreed, maybe you'll find yourself more comfortable next time."

I set to playing with Ezekiel's tie as he turned to him.  "We hope you enjoy your evening."

He stiffly nodded.  "You as well."

I sighed softly.  "He is none to pleased."

Ezekiel chuckled.  "Not at all."

Another cleared their throat and we looked at him.  I recognized him, but his name escaped me again.  "Alphas... may I speak with you privately."

I could see he was nearly desperate as he spoke and we both nodded.  "Of course."


I wasn't expecting Sheldon to ask to see us and by Violet's expression, the need concerned her.  He quietly closed the door to his office and a girl stood off to the side.  "Thank you both, I know you have no reason help to us... me, but please listen."

We sat as he did, Violet watching the girl.  "This is Sam... my sister.  I was wondering... if she can go with you."

I tilted my head.  "Why?"

He bit his lip.  "Because you have openly opposed and protected yourself from the king."

That gave me pause.  "And..."

He sighed.  "I received... a request... more like a demand that she be sent to the Grand Palace as a ward.  If not... we will have claimed open rebellion."

Violet finally looked at him.  "Then why not send her if they will take care of her."

He clenched his jaw.  "I've heard what they do with their 'wards'.  They seem to disappear and if they do return it is as shells and nothing more.  I heard they are used fo..."  He closed his eyes with rage.  "I won't do it.  Samantha is my only family."

Violet nodded.  "Then you understand, he will come for you and yours.  He will attack you as he has done us."

He searched her eyes.  "Yes.  If she is safe, I care nothing for that.  We will stand and fight."

"What good are you to her if you are dead?"

He blinked and looked at his sister.  "I... we have agreed she takes priority.  We can hold our own."

Violet looked at me, her mind already made up, as was mine.  We knew what happened in the walls of that place and wouldn't allow anyone to fall into their hands if we could help it.  I looked at Sheldon.  "Form an alliance with us.  We will take her, but at least this way the king will have to think twice before he moves against you."

He gaped.  "You would do that?  After we..."

Violet smirked.  "The enemy of my enemy... besides our territory is far better in terms of the Season."

He averted his gaze.  "I noticed that in my short time there."

She looked at Samantha.  "And you?  How do you feel about all of this?"

Her eyes found the floor.  "He told me what happened while he was there... about your pack..."  She smiled at Violet.  "You had every right to kill him and everyone he sent, but didn't.  I'm happy it is you he chose to turn to.  You are good people."

Violet rolled her eyes.  "My packmates are good people.  I... not so much."

I chuckled.  "Really?"

She narrowed her eyes.  "Want me to prove it?"

I sighed.  "Nope."

She nodded satisfied.  "Get your things, we will be leaving straight from here."

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