Chapter 20

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I growled when I heard someone knock, driving into Violet until she tightened around me and removed myself as she convulsed.  "If you horny hounds don't get your shit together, I'm coming in whether you like it or not!"

She chuckled as she recovered.  "Do it, asshole!  I dare you."

There was a pause.  "I hate you!  I hope you have a painful trip to hell!"

She giggled as stomping could be heard down the hall and a door slammed.  "He mad... too bad his mate is working for the enemy."

I rolled so she was resting on my chest.  "What if he really came in?"

She rolled her eyes.  "He's not stupid.  Come... we have to prepare."

I frowned.  "I'm happy here."

She slowly got off the couch.  "That's too damn bad."

She let me hold her hand to the next room and was quickly snatched away as we entered.  "I will kill you..."

I could only shake my head as she laughed and her brother tried to pin her.  It took 2 minutes before he admitted defeat.  "Say it..."

She tightened the hold on his arm and he grimaced.  "I yield, Mighty Master of Death!"

She giggled and released him to sit at the counter.  "Uh... this looks dangerous."

I chuckled as William scowled at her.  "I cook better than E."

She balanced her chin in her hands.  "Never seen it before, I don't trust it."

He held a hand to his chest.  "You know just how to hurt a man."

She smirked.  "Steel... the pain doesn't last long if placed properly."

He raised his eyebrows.  "You would know all about that."

She giggled.  "I know many, many things, Beta... comes in handy."

I frowned as he chuckled.  "Mayb-"

I pulled her away.  "That's enough."

She pouted.  "What'd I do?"

I glared at the impromptu chef.  "Nothing."

She scowled.  "Aw come on... I like talking about killing things."

William chuckled.  "Same and my pack lacks the bloodlust to entertain it."

She smirked.  "Let's get the night over with and I'll happily oblige."

I growled and she looked up at me surprised.  "What?"

I glanced down at her.  "No."

She searched my face.  "Are you... jealous?  Wow..."

I frowned and stared at the wall.  "Shut up."

She looked towards the kitchen and back at me.  "I am yours, no one else's.  Of anyone not in my pack, he knows that.  He knows what it means to cross that line."

The softness of her voice relaxed me.  "I know... just... you like him better."

She gaped.  "What makes you say that?"

I sighed.  "You don't threaten or harm him.  Hell, you poisoned your best friend and me... not him."

She giggled.  "Because his actions matter little to me and he is not of my pack.  Ever realize I tend to ignore or overlook those who I have no interest in?"

William laughed.  "Yeah... worry when she starts hurting me, then she actually cares."

I paused.  "That's fucked up."

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