Chapter 64

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I watched as William paced, which was very out of character for him.  I knew better than to comment, he was just introduced to and spent time with his mate.  Those humans offended her, I saw as their words struck her.  He did too, if not for Violet getting in the way, they wouldn't have seen daylight.  "So.."

He glared me.  "They hurt her, E.  They..."

I nodded.  "Very aware..."

He turned in his heel.  "She wouldn't talk to me about her time in school without Violet.  I want to know and she won't..."

I sighed, I knew this look well.  I was the same way with Violet.  "I mean... at least she's talking, not fighting you, you know her name..."

He slowed.  "Yeah..."

I pursed my lips.  "She will not stand for it.  You know this."

He looked at me in dismay.  "She doesn't have to go back to that.  I don't want her to."

I sighed.  "Okay... tell me how that's going to work."

He looked up at the sky for a moment and scowled.  "Nevermind..."

I nodded.  "I feel your pain.  Trust me, but she is with Violet at least."

He sighed in defeat.  "Yeah... yeah... shut up."

He looked up hopefully and I knew why as Violet's scent reached me.  "See... she came back."

He frowned at me.  "I hate you."

I chuckled.  "Join the hopelessly mated club."

He immediately went to Lilly's side when she came into view.  Violet facepalmed and shook her head.  "... fast as us.  Give her time to process.  You're just as bad as your Alpha."

He gaped.  "Am not.  I actually left instead of stalking her and being by the door as she came out."

I scowled.  "I will kill you."

All of his anger vanished.  "No you won't."

I wrapped my arms around Violet.  "So... we think it is best to avoid being in town until it's time to leave.  He is very new to this and I need him not to fuck this up."

She giggled.  "Agreed."

"So really... where do I sign up?"

She smiled at Julia.  "There is no sign up.  The Goddess created you with someone else in mind and vice versa.  It's a matter of finding that someone."

She frowned.  "But you guys know..."

She sighed.  "It's a double edged sword, Julia.  Our mates can reject us, leaving us scarred for life knowing that the one person made for us in this world refuses to love us.  We also know that person is out there and some of us wait, like Will did, until we find them and never do."

She smiled up at me.  "We are truly blessed to have found ours and not known the pain of rejection.  You humans, however, you can fall in and out of love.  You choose... again it has its downfalls.  Heartbreak, complicated family situations, if you find your soul mate after you are with another... just messy all the way around."

Cedric sighed.  "So... we won't get wolf mates?"

Violet shrugged.  "Could be another type of shifter, a vampire, another human..."

He paled.  "Shifter... Vampire."

She rolled her eyes.  "Not all bad, not all good.  Our pack has them all, we all live peacefully."

All of the humans smiled and Julia touched her sleeve.  "Are they like you?"

I smiled.  "If you mean kind hearted, but a little on the mischievous side.  Yes."

She bit her lip.  "And they don't..."

Violet pulled away from me and embraced her.  "No one would touch or interact with you in any way that would make you uncomfortable.  We do not condone it."

She sighed.  "I'd like to see this place.  It sounds nice."

My mate nodded as she pulled back.  "One day, I hope it is so."

Lilly grabbed her hand.  "I can come too?"

She smiled.  "I couldn't keep you away if I wanted to.  I do value my own life to a certain extent."

Will was beaming.  "Good."

Lilly blushed.  "And they don't... they're not mean?"

He grasped her shoulders.  "Not if they want to live."

Her blushed deepened and he quickly took his hands away.  "Sorry..."

He shook his head.  "I like it."

That didn't help as she got redder and tuck her face into Violet's shoulder.  "Help me..."

Violet chuckled.   "That is not my forte."

I pulled her back to me.  "Come on... we only have a little time left."


I held Zoey close and stay tucked into Ezekiel's side as we returned to our group.  It hurt, I hated it, but we had to go back.  The whole fading into darkness did not sit well with me.  Zoey hugged me tight.  "We'll all come back here right?"

I kissed her head.  "Yes, Ladybug.  In two weeks."

She bit her lip as Derrick took her and Ezekiel crushed me into him.  "Stay safe."

I nodded inhaling his scent.  "You too.  The Season is almost over.  I hope to be done before the time comes."

I felt his tears in my hair as I left some on his shirt.  "Me too."

I stepped out of his hold and grabbed Aurora's hand.  "Make sure they don't go around destroying my territory.  I don't want to have to kill as my first act when I come back."

She smiled sadly.  "They'll be dead before you arrive."

We hugged as Xavier grabbed my collar and forced us apart.  "If I didn't know any better, I swear..."

I giggled.  "Keep them safe, Big Brother."

He rolled his eyes.  "I'll be the one to end them all.  Don't worry."  He wrapped me in his arms.  "Just come home, you can bring all the strays you want.  Just bring your ass home."

I nodded.  "I will, just be prepared for them as well."

He sighed and handed me a bag as he let go.  "Anything in particular for next time?"

I smirked.  "Just your ugly face and these lovely people."

He chuckled.  "We'll see... maybe... maybe Lucinda can come too."

I smiled softly.  "I'd like that."

My heart was heavy as I returned to mate and quickly kissed his cheek.  "I love you."

He smiled.  "And I you... in this life and the next."

I nodded and went to join the others.  Lilly grabbed my arm.  "I just met him.  Why do I feel so sad?"

I eyed the bag she was given and chuckled.  "Just roll with it.  One day, you will meet and never part again."

She glanced back.  "I... I really hope so."

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