Chapter 103

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I searched the sky as the restlessness I felt, wouldn't calm.  What's wrong?

I scowled.  Damn this connection... somethings off that I can't pinpoint just yet.

I could feel my mate's steps redirect.  I ca-

No.  I'll be fine... go find something productive to do.

He sighed.  Let me know if I can help.

Smiling softly, I felt motion behind me.  No worries, Love... Apollo may die today though.

What is h-

Calm yourself, Xavier will enjoy himself if he gets out of line.


He was not pleased as I called for my Beta.  "Violet..."

I didn't bother to stop my stargazing.  "Yes?"

He shifted uncomfortably, which was very unlike him.  "Can we talk?"

I gestured lazily.  "Is that not what we are doing?"

Apollo heaved a breath.  "Seriously."  A thought began to occur to me as I shrugged.  "Why... I know he is your mate, but if you have a ch-"

"He has always been my choice, Apollo.  I never gave in to the mating pull or anything like that."

He got tense.  "Not always..."

I closed my eyes.  "No.  Not always, but... I wasn't the one to fuck that up now was I?"

I felt the breeze that came with him getting in front of me.  "Yo-... Romulus..."

I shook my head.  "There was a girl, she was of fire nature.  You rejected her because of me."

His eyes widened.  "Then you know we wer-"

I sighed.  "Anything that was between us is now history.  I choose Ezekiel... in this life and every one after."

His fist clenched.  "Seems you've made up your mind..."  His eyes were shifting as he wrestled with his thoughts and stood.  "Have a good evening."

I looked at the ground and shook my head.  "Why not just fuck up already?  He just has t-"

I smiled sadly at my twin.  "He has to survive in order to make his plan work."

He glanced between my eyes.  "Still one?"

I nodded.  "Until we start acting against each other it will be so.  But... I need something from you, Brother.  You will hate it."

He sat beside me and grabbed my hand.  "Let's see if I agree first."

I looked towards the territory.  "He has a few ways to get me to agree... You, Zoey, Ezekiel..."

He bit his lip.  "I'm the easiest to take out technically without all the extra help..."

I put my hand on his cheek.  "And are my equal in all things, Big Brother. He will not kill you, but Zoey is far too weak to be placed in that position."

He sighed.  "It's a last resort, but... if it comes to that I am with you, always."

I smiled.  "Thank you..."


The vampire continued to annoy my mate and her resolve was breathtaking.  "Okay... really need you to focus."

I scowled and prepared.  "Could have tried me."

William vanished from sight and our fight began.  "And piss Violet off?  No."

My brow furrowed as I tried to sense him.  "True..."

I sent a wave of light towards where I felt him and he dove from the shadows.  "The problem will be what he wants to do and..."  We attacked each until we were at a dead lock.  "How he will get around to doing it."

The wheels were turning in his head, the mind much like my mate's and her brother's.  "Just killing me wou-"

I jumped back as he tried to kick my head.  "Death sentence... whatever he does he needs leverage.  Getting you involved in general is a fast way to die."

He grunted as I got his chest.  "Then... her siblings would be the best..."

We both froze.  "Touching Xavier is suicide with just him."

My heart sank.  "Zoey..."

What's wrong, Love?

I took a breath, trying to calm myself.  Where is Zoey?

She didn't seem confused at all by the question.  Safe.


I understand you're worry, but I need you to trust me.  Right now in this moment she in safe.

I took a slow breath, heading back.  Where is she?

She sighed.  At the park with Derek, Ray, and Peter.

Thank you.

William caught my shoulder.  "Pretty sure th-"

I glared at him.  "I don't care William."

He sighed and I felt better as soon as she was in my sights, playing with her friends.  Eventually, she looked up and ran into my arms when she saw me.  "Having fun, Princess?"

She giggled as I tickled her.  "Yes.  Why are you here?"  I sighed and shook my head, which she took into her hands.  "No matter what happens, I will be safe."

I frowned.  "Been talking to your sister."

She shook her head eyes dimming.  "If it must happen, it will.  We can't stop it."

I held her tighter and went towards the packhouse, now pissed.  Wonder what she said to make you mad.

This isn't a fucking game.  She's our...

Violet hummed.  Ice cream... I think we would like ice cream.

Zoey beamed getting rid of all traces of her old soul.  "Yes!"

Violet chuckled.  Meet you two there, Ladybug.


I know, Love.  I am more than aware of how you feel.


Ice cream, no need to frighten her.

Now, I felt guilty, she was right.  Okay.

Zoey jumped to the ground to hop in front of Violet, excited.  "I like chocolate."

Her emotions had been brought to a still as she watched her sister.  "Mmmm... Yogurt?"

Zoey looked at her horrified.  "Nooooo.... you said ice cream!"

She smirked.  "Well, we was Amethyst and I..."

"And me.  Finnick wants strawberry, the weirdo."

I smiled at the siblings and an ease settled over me.  Whatever comes their way... they will be ready.

Violet laced her fingers mine.  "I thinks, you gets banana."

I gaped.  "I hate bananas."

She giggled as she tugged me inside.  "Exactly."

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