Chapter 127

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Excitement was in the air as we all knelt before Nyx's statue. "Still your hearts and the words will come naturally if you and your wolf are ready."

We all closed our eyes as we spoke in unison, our wolves' thoughts mingling with ours. Getting here was hard, but we pushed our limits until this morning when we woke.  We all felt the pull to come here. The air was peaceful and sure.

I almost cried with joy when I felt Amethyst becoming one with me again, but kept speaking with the others. Finally, we all looked up at the statue. "And we do this with the blessing of Night."

The elements that were stirring stilled as we all looked beside us to see the wolves were gone and I touched my right eye. I've missed you so much...

Amethyst was jubilant, both of us more at peace than we had been since before we knew what we had to do. And I you, let's kill them next time.

I giggled erupted from my throat. Agreed...

I looked at the other all staring off into space as they got used to their passengers. I knew this was made more possible by us separating, that's how the wolves found their masters, but still... it was not an experience we were willing to relive.

I squealed as I was twirled in a hug. "This is amazing!"

We were jolted and tackled. "I... Can't... Breathe..."

"You're a wolf!"

"You're fine!"

We fell apart laughing. We did it, we finally made it to this step. I closed my eyes and Amethyst settled to enjoy this feeling with me. The joy that came with weeks of hard trials. Being blatantly rejected because we weren't ready. The pain of being apart from the other half of our souls.

Finally, for this moment at least, we felt happy. Better than the two weeks before the event, better than bringing David home and our twin being able to be with his mate, better than coming home after falling off a cliff. Right now, in this moment, we felt true peace.

We knew once we left this place and ventured back into the world, it would end. We had a palace to topple, a monarch to overthrow, people to save, others to guide. Then after, when the dust settled on this current adventure that was our lives, there was still more.

We knew who we needed to find a little red headed girl with blue and grey eyes. We felt no pull to seek her just yet, but she was connected to the darkness I knew so well. She got there in a much worse way than those I had already led out and unlike them, she was still able to move.

She did not fall into the despair the other so quickly accepted. She was out there and she was fighting, just like we were. She felt what we felt, an impending doom that would swallow us all if we ignored it.

I set those thoughts aside to bask in the moment again as my friends, now wolves were talking excitedly about celebrating. Yes, a celebration is definitely in order...


Will ran up to me, panicked. "They're gone. Why? W-"

I looked off into the distance and couldn't sense my mate, but somehow knew they were on the territory. "They are here, just doing something we have no business interfering with."

He groaned. "But... all of them?  Come on man... we go-"

I smirked. "You are starting to act like me. I got just the thing to get your mind off of it while we wait."

He sighed and followed me to Xavier's. "Ready to piss her off?"

He beamed. "Hell yeah. She deserves it for running off again."

Everything was ready by the time we sensed them and our heads whipped up. "They're coming..."

I already knew they would come looking for us, especially after they saw the territory was empty. We cut the lights and waited in anticipation. I beamed when the door opened. "... thinking. They ca-"


Violet and her group froze as the lights turned on and we jumped out. However, we did too as their scents hit our noses. "What the fuck is this?"

Will and I came from our places and I was in front of Violet instantly, nearly crying when I saw one grey and one purple eye. "It's done?"

She slapped my hands away as she looked at everyone suspiciously. "If this is what we think it is, we will kill you all and trust me, we are fully capable."

Xavier scooped his sister up. "Finally! This is so much better than your birthday!"

She growled amd they were in the floor wrestling as everyone cheered. She got him pinned. "Say the words asshole."

He laughed. "I yield, Demon Wolf Sister."

She released him for Zoey to launch into her arms. "You're whole again!"

Violet spun and tossed her in the air. "Yes, Ladybug... we are..."

She squealed as she was tossed to Xavier. "Stop it! Help!"

Derek caught her midflight per usual and smiled at my mate. "We're proud of you, Alpha."

Xavier nodded and looked at the other all now heterochromatic. "All of you, you worked hard to get here."

Everyone cheered again and Violet disappeared as soon as they began to converge, greeting the not so new wolves. I glanced around to see her scowling with Julia at her side, whispering to each other. They didn't like being touched or all the attention. No one complained as a few of their closer friends went to congratulate them.

I joined our mates and admired their eyes. "We've missed you."

She scoffed. "We were right here."

I kissed her deeply. "We know, but we missed you just the same. Happy birthday."

Her head tilted. "Is that today?" She looked at the decorations. "That's what all of this is for?"

I nodded. "Yes, My Love."

She smirked. "Well too fucking bad. We celebrate our mergings today. Ha!"

Suddenly, she was gone and the packs fell still as her aura filled the room. "Change of plans. Thanks for the birthday party, but... I hate it.  So, we come together to celebrate the successful transitions, creating new wolves among us. Which means I'm not included."

She smiled at the group. "I am proud of each of you. Amethyst and I pushed you until you thought you would die and possibly almost did. This is not a small feat and it is something worth celebrating. You were all already a part of our family and packs, but... today we welcome you as two beings that became one. Congratulations."

Everyone was in an uproar as she vanished again and I went to hunt her down as the festivities began. It wasn't too hard since she finally opened up to me and I could sense her happiness and peace. "Avoiding the people?"

She smiled never taking her eyes from the night sky. "No... just basking in this for as long as I can."

I laced my finger through hers. Yes, I may have made these plans and worked tirelessly to make her birthday one she would love, but I had to agree with Xavier. This was so much better, their souls were finally at peace after being apart for so long. She sighed blissfully as I pulled her into my lap and rested my head on hers. Yes, this is a moment worth staying still for. Whatever comes after, we handle together.

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