Chapter 102

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"Okay, you're favorite dress so far."

I sighed.  "Ice Princess... I got to be mean and cold and all of my weapons were well hidden."

Romulus smiled as he nodded looking through material.  "Okay, so something breathable... form fitting?"

I tilted my head back and forth.  "Yes and no, I think... flowy sleeves and skirt, hides stuff and moves well."

He pull out a deep blue stretchy material and a baby blue transparent one.  "Silver snow flakes and accents?"

I bit my lip.  "Switch, light inside, dark outside... shiny silver will stand out more in my mind."

He nodded and found a cerulean and navy combo.  "Nice... okay..."  He rummaged until he found sheer silver material.  He layered them and it matched perfectly, so I nodded.  "Now, a princess needs royal hair."

I pursed my lips.  "Mmmm a crown braid and waterfall down the back."

He smiled.  "We can pin some crystal and silver icy things to make the crown believable."

I swung my legs.  "That sounds cool.  Now, I can't be all light and girly though."

He nodded.  "Dark nails and I know you will hate it but... a little dark around the eyes and on the lips.  Make your pale skin stand out."

I nodded.  "And if we do shoulderless, a choker and gloves because we don't touch peasants."

He chuckled.  "No, getting their filthy scent on you just would not do."

I bit my lip.  "My mark will show, huge plus."

He tugged the neck of my shirt down to look at it.  "Yes this will definitely be out.  So, I think your sleeves can be longer than your dress."

I tapped my chin.  "I like leggings and boots."

He rolled his eyes.  "Compromise, sheer navy tights.  What boots will match that?"

I narrowed my eyes.  "No tights... just navy thigh high boots... heel not too high."

He sighed.  "We'll lose the gloves or kinda, sleeves, but you display the dark nails."

I nodded.  "Shimmery silver shit in my hair, so it dazzles as it moves?"

He took some in his hand.  "Ice blue shimmery shit.  Your hair is already a white silver."

I sighed.  "And purple..."

He nodded.  "True... I'll find something suitable.  Now, for after this incredibly unnecessary announcement."

I caught his hand.  "Are you against it?"

He shook his head.  "I just know you... it's annoying at worst, but making a spectacle of things always made you upset."

I blinked.  "Be honest with me... would you prefer I chose Apollo?"

He grimaced.  "Fuck no.  I love my brother, but he... I didn't like how he treated you.  I hated it.  It is the reason you left to begin with and why I followed when I could."

I searched his face.  "You can tell me, Romulus."

He sighed and looked out of the window.  "He insisted on trying to make you less than what you are.  The fighting, your powers, just... it was almost as though he wanted you to be less than him."

I furrowed my brow.  "I don't understand."

He thought for a moment.  "Back then... it was a disgrace for a woman to be more powerful and deadly than a man.  Violet... you were and are the most powerful caster and now wolf I've ever met.  Your brother runs a close second, but it was never an issue because..."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora