Chapter 14

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I paused when I saw Lucinda nervously sitting on the couch.  Oh... this is gonna be good.

She glanced up when she saw me, eyes shining with fear.  "Your brother... he told me to wait here..."

I smiled.  "Well, that means he has more restraint than I give him credit for."

She paled.  "The Season, it started... I don't thi-"

I nodded for Ezekiel to go up and sat across from her.  Okay... clearly not the time.  "Has anyone approached you?"

She frowned slightly.  "No."

I raised my eyebrows.  "Disappointed?"

Her eyes widened. "No, but usually me-"

"Not here."

She paused.  "What?"

I took one of her hands.  "You heard me.  Not here, at least on my side of the territories.  My pack knows who you are and will do nothing to you."

Her breaths came quick.  "They know what exactly."

I lowered my gaze.  "That you are Xavier's and his alone.  Our pack is close and our bond strong, they've know since he and Zoey showed you around and got you settled."

She gulped.  "Then..."

I smiled softly.  "Has he done anything to you?"

She relaxed.  "No, he has been the perfect gentleman... except with you."

I giggled.  "I am his twin, that is our way.  He will not act on his desires, he will not force you into anything, no action he takes is to make you or those kids uncomfortable.  The same goes for anyone one of us, even if you leave this place... you are his and we will act as such."

She searched my eyes.  "You're very different from yesterday."

I sighed.  "Eventually, you will learn.  That is, if you choose to stay for the right reasons."  I smirked.  "Besides, he is not here and it's no fun teasing if my target isn't present."

She clutched my hand as I stood.  "What about the other pack?"

I tilted my head.  "What about them?"

She glanced out the window.  "You said your pack acts this way... the other..."

I chuckled.  "Will be dealt with if they come near you."

She paused.  "Why?"

I met her gaze, seeing there was a story behind her concerns.  "Because you are his... that makes you ours.  Ours to keep safe, ours to protect.  Telling you that you have nothing to fear won't help you, but you'll see.  You have nothing to lose sleep over here."

She calmed.  "So long as I make the right choices."

I shrugged.  "Or don't get caught making the wrong ones, however you prefer to look at it."

She sat silent, thinking as I went to my old room.  Ezekiel sat, waiting on the bed.  "We won't come near her."

I smiled.  "You act like you had a choice."

He chuckled.  "What is it with you and strays?"

I thought for a moment, my eyes finding the ceiling.  "Not really sure... maybe because... at the heart of it all, that's what I am.  That's who we are."

He pulled me into his lap.  "That's not true."

I sighed.  "This... is something you couldn't understand, Ezekiel."

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