Chapter 18

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I was furious for many reasons and one just walked straight through the door.  Ezekiel looked dumbstruck while William, well he just sighed in defeat and plopped in a chair.  "We've been played.  Should have known this was a fucking set up."

I licked my teeth, playing with a blade as my eyes were still trained on my mate.  "Have fun?"

He frowned.  "You fucking left Violet.  How else were we going to find you?"

I threw it, cleanly slicing his cheek.  "Not with your damn hands on another.  I don't give a shit about why you're here."

His hand slowly rose to the cut and he looked at the knife still vibrating in the wall behind him.  "You may be a little upset."

I flared my nostrils.  "A little?"

"In his defe-"

I glared at William.  "Was this your brilliant plan?"

He pursed his lips.  "That he very unwillingly followed... not like your friend gave much objection."

I turned my gaze to her as she pressed her forefingers together.  "You left me with not much to go on..."

I growled and she pursed her lips.  "So... gonna heal him so we can get down to business or not?"  My twin went to retrieve my blade and put it in his waist band.  "For safe keeping."

I huffed and went to Ezekiel touching his cheek gently.  "Be glad I love you or you'd be dead."

He blinked as light energy flowed from me to the wound, sealing it.  "I love you too, Princess.  Still scary as hell though."

I turned on my heel and plopped beside my brother, who sighed and rubbed my shoulders.  "Relax, he's here and safe.  Looking at that fucking book, it's a good thing she allowed them to come."

I raised my chin in defiance and turned my head away from them all.  "I. Don't. Care."

He chuckled.  "He refused her, Sis.  He was very disgusted, even you said as much."

I pursed my lips.  "Serves him right."

Ezekiel came to sit beside me.  "Please, don't be mad.  You can kill William for his horrible plan, if it'll make you feel better.  I'll help."

I looked at the accused out of the corner of my eyes.  He didn't look bothered at all and for good reason.  "He is not mine to kill.  Keep this up and that can change."

He chuckled.  "This was the one and only misstep, I've ever had with you."

I closed my eyes again.  "Exactly."

Ezekiel groaned.  "No knife throwing?  No cuts?  No bruises?  Hell... no threats?"

I shrugged.  "Not mad at him."

Aurora sighed.  "Then, what did I do to deserve poison?"

"You let it happen."

I heard as pages began to rustle.  "Yeah... well, I got what we needed, but still... we need a way in."

I felt Ezekiel tense.  "Interfere and you go home.  You won't find us again, not with all three of us here."

He growled.  "What the fuck are you three doing exactly?"

I sighed and took the book from her to show him.  William watched from his chair.  "At first, we were just going to rescue whomever the king is holding over Lucinda's head, but this..."  I opened it to the first page.  "This changes things Ezekiel and we can't just pretend it doesn't exist."


My lungs failed me as I saw my mate's picture on the first page.  It had a brief description, her name, titles, and a price.  "5 million dollars?"

She only nodded and flipped the page to reveal my face as well.  William whistled.  "1 million?  Not bad... not as good as Ms. 5 here, but still."

I glared at him as she turned the page and her brother was there, same price as mine.  "What is this for?"

She sighed.  "Our capture, however, we don't know what happens after except a bid.  Sounds like a slave trade to me, but that makes no sense."

I looked at those of the Eclipse pack.  "Why not?"

She furrowed her brow.  "We can not be contained, well... me at the very least.  They know this."

I stopped her from flipping pages and made her face me.  "You need to return home and stay there."

She frowned.  "No."

I gripped her arms.  "Violet, they are trying t-"

I hissed as my hands burned.  "I said no.  I will not allow whatever this is to scare me away.  That is not who I am.  Now, if you want to go and hide, do it."

Calm yourself boy and listen.  This... it can't continue.

I closed my eyes, thinking back to the cliff.  "I'm here with you, always."

Violet searched my eyes as I opened them.  "Good."

Xavier slid the book over to him.  "Well, the party makes a little more sense then..."

Violet glanced at the picture.  "Aurora, what did you find after you have a bad case of heartburn?"

She scowled.  "Basically hunters and participants, lucky the girl was easy to manipulate... with you're help of course."

She chuckled.  "Child's play."

I frowned.  "What did you do?"

She smiled up at me.  "Ooo... a little castor seed oil... a friendly face while in distress..."

I narrowed my eyes at Aurora.  "You knew..."

She slumped in her chair, lacing her fingers over her stomach.  "I know a lot of things..."

I glanced between the girls.  "Like..."

They smirked.  "A lot."

I frowned.  "So... we can't just not go home."

Violet sighed.  "We could... you two can't.  BlueCrest would be in an uproar..."

I scowled at her.  "And Eclipse wouldn't?"

She shrugged.  "They know what is expected in our absence and act accordingly."

"But Zo-"

She met my gaze.  "I talked to her before I left.  She will be fine."

I bit my lip.  "You didn't talk to me."

Her eyes flashed purple and she pulled away from me.  "Hard to talk to someone who is not there."

She was upset again, just that quick.  Something was off, even before it was like she just snapped; with Apollo, just now with me.  I ran my fingers through her hair.  "What's wrong, My Love?"

She blinked then scowled, pulling away again.  "Nothing... so we have an event tomorrow, much like tonight.  Then... a week of snooping.  We can return next Monday to regroup and decide what to do from there."

My eyes widened as they all agreed.  "You're not serious."

She frowned at me.  "Wolves, vamps, and casters are being captured.  We don't know why, they are not going by choice.  The more we know the more prepared we are."

I gently took her hands and looked at them. This was dangerous, but... I knew something had to be done.  I couldn't just ignore this, it directly involved my mate.  My hands tightened as my anger surfaced, nothing they could want was good.  If they tried to take her, they'd have to kill me first.

I blinked as my hands were squeezed.  "Ezekiel..."

My eyes met ultraviolet ones, she was pissed as well.  "Tell me what you need me to do."

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