Chapter 107

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As Violet came in, I held up a steaming cup for her.  "We both need it."

She sighed and slid into the seat, looking at everyone scattered on the floor.  "I missed the fun part."

I bit my lip.  "Yeah..."

She touched my hand.  "Ezekiel, I kn-"

I shook my head.  "You don't need to explain, Violet.  This is you... this is the girl I love."  I flipped my hand to take hers.  "This is the wolf Alastair loves... we know you both will do everything in your power to come back to us."

She sniffed.  "But... if you chose differently it wouldn't be so.  We hurt you a-"

I chuckled and put her fingers to my lips.  "You scare the living hell out of us.  It's not the powers, your bloodlust, or your frightening ability to weild any weapon expertly.  All terrifying, but... that is nothing compared to the purity and selflessness of your hearts and souls.  The same hearts and souls that would sacrifice themselves to bring happiness to others."

She shook her head.  "You're all wrong, at least about me."

I rounded the counter to cup her face.  "Why?  Why do you thi-"

My breath was stolen as an onslaught of emotions hit me.  Rage, hate, bloodlust, sadness, fear... the weight of it all crushing me.  "This is just a taste, Ezekiel..."  I clutched my chest as it worsened, collapsing to my knees.  "This is just a breath of my darkness..."

I gasped as it suddenly lifted.  "Then... it is you that is wrong."  She watched as I struggled to my feet and put my forehead to hers.  "Because if this was anyone else, My Love.  The world would have burned in it a long time ago."

She smiled, pity in her eyes.  "If you say so."

We finished our tea and I picked a spot in the floor to hold her.  Still, I could feel she was far from sleep as I rubbed her back.  What can we do?

Alastair paced restlessly.  Besides kill everything and be done with it?


He huffed, on edge from what we just felt.  One step forward... everyday, every time... and dance on that vampires fucking corpse when we get to her.

I sighed, feeling the wheels turn in her head.  How will they do it?  Amethyst...

He stopped his pacing and laid down.  I don't know how or if they can become one again in this life.

I tried to control my shock, but Violet looked up at me curiously.  I shook my head and kissed hers.  You mean...

Yes and I'm telling you now if not...

I understand, but they still haven't split.

He thought for a moment.  Much longer and it won't matter then.  If they are one, the only thing he can do is kill them.  But I see why she wants Amethyst apart from her, I'm grateful for it.

I nodded.  It would kill her...

His rage surfaced and they looked up at us again.  "Just processing..."

She searched my eyes.  "We can't tell you because we don't know, but this is the safest way for all."

I laid my head on top of hers.  "We know.  We need to sleep, another big day tomorrow."

She sighed, they finally seemed to come to a conclusion.  "Okay..."

Somehow, we still woke before everyone and felt a familiar pull.  We unraveled ourselves and threw on a jacket.  "Violet?"

I paused and turned.  "Apollo."

His disappointment was evident when he saw our face.  "You seem to be merging beautifully."

I touched below my right eye.  "Seamlessly actually."

He tried to hide his despair.  "Good..."

I sighed and looked back towards the house.  "You understand, I don't want whatever you have planned for me."

His eyes widened.  "I don-"

"I don't do well with liars."

He averted his gaze.  "How could you possibly understand?  You don't see that you are being used until it kills you."

I looked at my hand.  "Unless I can't die right?  And stripped of my hold over the elements."

He took a step towards me.  "It's not that bad.  You will still be just as powerful, just different.  I heard wh-"

"I don't want that, Apollo.  I want this.  This life right now."

His eyes turned red.  "At what cost?!  You slave for a goddess who cares nothing for what you have already done!"

I shook my head.  "I am no slave.  With or without her, this is my choice."

I watched as he got closer.  "Choice?  What choice?!  You're childhood consisted of fathers who wanted you dead, you were made to lead a pack at 14!  Then fight for survival, fall from cliffs, fight off whatever king..."

I closed my eyes.  "Yes... I lived every horror you speak of and more, but still here I stand, making this choice."

My hair shifted as he was in front of me.  "And he lets you."

I didn't move.  I'm asking you now, but if he touches me your answer may matter little.  May I kill him?  "I told you.  I am no slave and neither is he."  I met his gaze.  "He chooses to support me, by my side, rather than hinder me and poison my pack from within.  Don't like it, leave."

Again, I was denied, but I had an out for something at least as a memory surfaced.  "If I do this then..."

I smiled softly.  "I refuse and no longer want you bound to me in any way."

He staggered back.  "What?"

I bound him in shadows and touched the Moon Mark.  "I, Alpha Violet, wolf, mage, daughter of night, cast you and yours from my service."  He snarled.  "You have proven a danger to me and my pack, one that cannot be allowed to remain."

He gasped as I channeled all of the energies into him.  "Please... no..."

"I free you of this burden, that has proven too great for you to bear.  I wish you no ill will and hope this is a much a relief to you as it is to me.  The Goddess of Night as my witness and with her blessing, you are released."

I stepped back as he tried time rip away from his bondings and the elements were freed from his body.  He slumped to the ground when I released him, his shoulder as bare as the day I met him.  "You..."

I could still feel most of the vampires stir and their surprise.  "You are free.  Any action you take now you take of your own free will, nothing holding you to what you feel is best for me whether I agree or not."

He was shaking as he looked up at me.  "Why?"

I turned to continue on my way.  "Because now, you are the only one to blame for what follows.  You alone will face the consequences of your choice."

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