Chapter 26

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I felt his fear to the point I could taste it, but I was proud when he didn't freeze.  When I pulled him out of the vehicle, he took the lead and led me through the trees.  My heart swelled as he began to shift.  Yes, he was scared, but he was pushing through it.

Amethyst howled her approval when she was set free and we raced through the underbrush.  Whoever was in pursuit was hot on our trail, but we scouted out this forest long before we reached our destination.  I felt the others flank us, ready to attack or defend if need be.

To say I'm impressed is an understatement...

I looked over at the large black wolf keeping pace with us.  Maybe... this can work out Zay.

He chuckled.  You doubted it would?

I sighed.  His fear is real... this... this may be too much.

You're doubt in him is offensive, scared or not he's still obsessed with you.  Did you not see that woman he danced with?  Drop dead gorgeous.

I glared at him.  And I bet she wishes she was dead now if you did as you were asked.

He laughed.  I had fun doing it too.  Prepare him... it's coming up.  I got Will.

I nodded and linked with my mate.  Trust us?

He looked over in surprise.  Why?

I smiled.  When it's time, jump, don't hesitate.

I felt his wariness.  I'm not gonna like this am I?

I giggled.  It will be thrilling to say the least, Love.

He felt determined.  We trust you.

I scoffed.  Like you have a choice.

As we broke through the treeline a cliff quickly came into view.  Oh he-


We took our leap of faith and I called on the wind, causing a gust to push us to the other side.  We hit the ground hard, tumbling head over paw until we skid to a stop.  Amethyst and I looked at where other wolves tried to come to a dead stop, some toppling over the edge and started to roar with laughter.

I could see Alastair and Ezekiel were dumbstruck, as was William who kept looking at the three of us and back towards to cliff.  I couldn't catch my breath enough to form a sentence, so we crawled over to our mates and nudged them playfully.

They growled then huffed, making us laugh harder.  We stopped when we heard growls across the gorge and responded in kind.  I looked over at Alastair who shook himself and snarled at them before nudging us to keep moving.  I smiled softly.  They're not running.

Amethyst glanced over at them.  I never expected him to.

I rolled my eyes.  Thanks for the faith in his host.

She laughed.  His host loves you... once he conquers his fears, the two of you will be unstoppable.

My chest warmed at the thought.  I hope so, Amethyst... I really hope so...


Alastair... what the fuck just happened?

He chuckled.  They're amazing aren't they?

I was still processing.  We just jumped... over a fucking cliff.

Amethyst and Violet were dying of laughter as they bumped us with their nose.  Yes... and we lived to tell the tale.

I looked at my Beta.  Alastair is no help... we jumped over a fucking cliff.

I felt his nod.  Yeah... that happened...

My head snapped up as I heard those chasing us growl... or the ones that didn't fall over the edge.  Amethyst growled back, suddenly annoyed by they're interruption.  Alastair bristled and snarled in their direction as well before he nudged her to keep going.

She didn't resist and we were racing through the forest again.  I looked over at them, beautiful silver fur flashing purple when touched by moonlight.  I love her...

Alastair huffed.  Took you long enough to realize that.

I scowled at him.  I always knew, but this... they really are amazing.

I felt as his chest rumbled in agreement.  Also late to see that too.

I frowned, he was wrong I always knew.  Let's just get where we're going... I miss Violet.

He chuckled.  That would mean I knew where we were going... I don't.

I blinked.  What?

He laughed.  Just sit back, trust them, and enjoy the ride.

I smiled softly.  Cool... I can do that.

We kept our pace for two hours before we came to a small town and I instantly went on high alert.  Rogues...

Relax, Love...

Alastair growled as we felt them closing in on us, but Amethyst and Violet were unfazed.  In fact, the only ones up in arms were me and my Beta as we were surrounded.  They glanced around and our mates moved to step forward, snapping at us when we tried to stop them.

The rogues stood motionless until they cleared the way for a petite older woman.  We were ready to attack as she slowly made her way towards us, but our reckless duo went to meet her in the middle.  "It has been some time, Child."

They whined and nudged her.  "A few days... a couple of years?  What difference does that make to an old woman?"

They huffed and nudged her again, making her chuckle.  Xavier moved forward and rubbed his head into her side.  "I've missed you too, young one."

That must have hurt Violet's feelings as she growled and snapped at him before going to Aurora to sulk.  I have no clue what's going on right now.

"Stop being so dramatic.  Who are these young men you've brought with you?"

Amethyst huffed and buried her muzzle deep into her friend's fur before grumbling.  Really, really, lost right now.

Finnick chuckled as the old woman scratched his head.  "Come... get cleaned up and proper introductions can be made."  Our mates didn't move and snarled at us when we went to nudge her.  "Ignore her, Boy.  Nothing is hurt, except her ego."

Her head slowly turned as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.  I'll show her an ego...


She turned her gaze to me.  Don't be on her side.

I sighed, yes, her pride was hurt, but I needed answers.  I'm not... just really confused.

Her eyes rolled.  Look at the woman and figure it out.  With that she went to her brothers side and shoved him.  "No rough housing you two, or you'll both be put out."

I slowly joined them and blinked.  She had long, wavy, silver hair and clear grey eyes.  She was also petite, but held a superior air about her.  Violet... she looks like you...

She chuckled.  I would hope so... she is my grandmother after all...

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