Chapter 74

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I watched as Violet talked to the old man. It looked like he and quite a few others were about to be permanent fixtures. She... is amazing.

Alastair hummed in approval. Our girls have legions at their fingertips now.

I smiled softly. And they all chose her.

He nodded and I looked at were William was introducing Lilly to the pack. She'd cling to him until they made her laugh or did something to make her comfortable. He was on cloud nine, I knew it. Violet must have finished with the man, Goddess, another name to learn, because she appeared behind Lilly and hugged her, snuggling into her shoulder.

William growled, I heard that much, but it made her frown and snatch her away. She said something that had him brooding again until she giggled and released her. Lilly surprised us both when she hugged him tight and scolded Violet.

That only made her laugh as she teased her more, making her blush. The last straw was when she pouted and Violet whispered in her ear. She was cherry red and William looked like a deer in headlights. Violet giggled and disappeared before he could recover, so instead of getting her, he soothed Lilly instead.

I glanced around to see she had moved on to Cedric. I frowned as she sat in Romulus's lap and threw her legs on him. They were surrounded by vampires, all at ease with this. She reached out and grabbed Cedric's ears. Romulus playfully tried to get her off as the rest laughed.

Whatever she was doing it helped because now Cedric was laughing, more comfortable with those around. She pat his shoulder, an encouraging smile on her lips. He pursed his lips and blushed.  Her response, kiss his cheek and disappear before Romulus could react. His eyes turned red until Cedric laughed, shaking his head.

I already knew where she was going next and looked to see her tickling Julia with shadows. She was the only one who stood apart to watch, smiling, but distant. Violet wasn't as teasing or rough with her, in fact, she made no move to touch the girl. She did spend time popping up randomly around her though, making her scowl as she tried to catch her.

When Violet finally got around to touching her arm, they both disappeared. I blinked until I heard key strokes and looked to where Xavier set up sound. She'd play and elbow Julia at the same time. Julia covered her face in embarrassment, until my mate's voice floated over us all.

Things came to a momentary stand still and Julia peeked through fingers, as Violet leaned closer to her. She smiled as the girl shyly sang along, probably thinking we couldn't hear her, but we were wolves. She sounded amazing and we all clapped and cheered when they finished. She covered her face again and Violet gently moved her hands, smiling and speaking softly.

Aurora joined them and soon they had her smiling with them. "She certainly has a way with people."

I looked over at the old man. "Okay... let's start with your name, she just calls you old man."

He chuckled. "She always has, but... Dominic."

I nodded. "Ezekiel... and I agree. She never ceases to amaze me."

He tilted his head. "These kids, in particular... has she told you how they met?" I shook my head. "Lilly... she saw she was being bullied and that was when her antics started. Within minutes she saw something we all failed to notice. Lilly's peers were... she hadn't eaten in days because of them."

He lowered his gaze. "I saw they were giving her a hard time, I just didn't know it was that bad. Julia... was cornered and defenseless in the library. Your mate used darkness to hold the boy in place, completely exposed, absolute proof to what he was trying to make her do. The way the shadows moved in anticipation... she could have killed him and didn't."

I clenched my fists. "Cedric... something about her and the way she did things made him realize he was not happy running with his crowd. She never questioned it when he came to her to warn her about Benjamin and offered to help him instead. His family disowned him when he was found with another young man. He never told her, she never asked, but clearly she showed him compassion and understanding."

I bit my lip. "Why are you telling me this?"

He shrugged. "Interesting tidbits that show how little darkness she actually possesses in comparison to her light. She understands each because she has felt their pain; rejection, isolation, harassment, abandonment... she recognized this and brought them to a place where they didn't have to endure it by themselves, if at all."

I nodded. "She wouldn't tell me, but why were her visitors restricted?"

His expression darkened. "Benjamin... he attempted to drug her with Nightshade, so he co-" He shook his head. "She knew and poisoned him with hemlock.  Then, told him to stay away from her and her friends. Sometime after he tried to get Julia, without the poison, but she sensed her in danger and caught him in the act. She wanted him dead and swore if it were her right he would be. I never doubted it, however... she rendered his hands useless, for the most part permanently. She says her sister could heal him. He doesn't deserve that."

He sighed as she watched her now playing and singing with those around her, smiling, at ease. "This girl who has known so much pain... brings so much relief to others. I believe that is why her light shined so bright during the Reveal, yes darkness responded passionately, but... it never touched her. Only the light."

I knew this light well, I missed it. "Where was she... when the others were going?  She knew it was important to them."

He chuckled as he walked away. "She was there... just a whisper in the wind."

I smiled softly, she wasn't just there for them... she was by their side. I walked over and sat beside her as she played. I saw the flash of uncertainty in her eyes when she glanced at me. What's wrong, My Love?


I frowned. Finish here and we can talk about nothing.

Her lips pursed. Whatever...

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang