Chapter 116

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I felt... incomplete as I opened my eyes to the world.  I felt alone.  But when I looked at the girl with snow colored hair, much like my fur, I knew what I had to do.  I stopped the whine that threatened to escape my throat as I licked her face.

Her blood stained hand weakly pat my neck.  "Bring them to us, Amethyst..."

My heart broke at how weak she sounded.  The blood loss didn't help, but I knew this vampire would fight to the death to protect her.  The van came to a stop and I went toward the door, ears pressed to my head as I growled when it opened.

I didn't give the bastard responsible for my emptiness time to process as I shot out and ran for home, to our mates, to our brothers.  I felt him give chase and went as fast as I could until I heard a shout in the night air.

I closed my eyes and kept moving forward.  Stay strong, Violet.  We'll come for you.

They snapped open when I caught the scent if others who blocked my path.  Wolves...  I growled at them, I didn't have time for this.  They didn't react or move as I took a threatening step towards them. 

A brown one tilted her head and looked in the direction I was going before howling.  They cleared the way and I shot through them without a second thought until they began to chase me.  No, I felt no danger from them, they were following.  Well damn...

They weren't even struggling to keep up as I was half way to the territory.  I could see the lights ahead and howled towards the full moon.  We'll be there soon...


Our heads snapped up as a white wolf barreled into the territory with 10 others.  Amethyst...

I dropped to my knees as we worriedly began to look her over.  She growled and nipped at my hands.  "Hey..."

Alastair chuckled.  That's my girl.  I see she attracted some strays...

She huffed at us and trotted to Xavier who pat her head.  "We're ready."

Her head bobbed and she sped back out of the territory the wolves she brought going with her.  I didn't think twice as we shifted and went to join her.  She was definitely smaller, but still had the same white fur with purple flashing through it where the moonlight hit.

We looked ahead, determined.  We're coming... just hold on, Violet.


"Good..."  I grimaced as I was lifted out of the van.  "Less to worry about."

I couldn't move and the world was spinning.  "Go to hell, Apollo."

He chuckled.  "I've been there for a long time, Mage.  Courtesy of you of course."

I glanced back at the van as I was carried away.  Romulus was still knocked out, but he was healed which gave me relief.  I'm sorry... but...

"You got her?"

"Where i-"

Apollo hissed.  "It doesn't matter we have to do this quickly."

A woman whined.  "Just her?"

Another scoffed.  "Look at her, she is too weak to complete the transition."

The corner of my mouth lifted.  "Good.  Now drop me here and leave me alone."

I kept my expression neutral as I was slapped.  "Bitch... this is all your fault.  Y-"

My eyes widened as she hit the wall of the place I was brought to.  I recognized the brunette, now coughing up blood as more poured from her gut.  "Touch her again and I will kill you."

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