Chapter 4

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"Talk to me, Ladybug."

My little sister frowned.  "Everyone is finding their mates and won't have time for me."

I sat across from her on the bed.  "Why do you think that?"

"I never see RayRay anymore since he showed up.  ZayZay found that girl, he will be the same."

I thought about it for a moment. Aurora had been more occupied since the vampires came, I never thought anything of it.  "And me?"

She shrugged.  "ZeeZee still let's you spend time with me all the time, he's there most of it, but you still get me after work and play with me and put me to sleep."

I nodded.  "But there was a period where I would leave you with Ray or Zay to do things with him."

She rolled her eyes.  "For a day maybe, but you called or I called you all the time."

I pursed my lips.  "Not the point, Ladybug.  Zay and Ray both love you, you can't have them to yourself."

"Why not, ZeeZee let me keep you.  I just have to share, but he includes me in everything.  You don't love me less because he is around."

Now I understood and it broke my heart for her.  "Zoey, they don't love you any less.  Maybe if you talked to Ray, she would understand."

She pursed her lips.  "She's always around him now."

I felt Ezekiel outside the door.  "And... ZeeZee is always around."

She rolled her eyes.  "Not always and not when he first showed up.  That's different anyway."


She looked out the window.  "ZeeZee loves me, like you love me.  He tried very hard for me to like him, even when I was mean to him, he kept trying to be my friend."

I smiled.  "Yes, but he also had to put up with me, who you take a lot after.  He had practice."

She sighed.  "So... he could have just tried to take all your time like Peter does RayRay.  No, he would get off the phone and call back later.  Now, he let's you be with me alone before bedtime."

I sighed.  "It's different, Ladybug.  And Zay won't change because of Lucinda."

She frowned.  "How do you know?  She comes with two kids already."

I closed my eyes, not really knowing how to explain it to her.  "It sounds like to me you need to actually tell them both how you feel.  Ezekiel came and changed for us... that much is true, but you were with me at all times, he saw that.  You aren't with those two as much."

She narrowed her eyes.  "Now, they won't be around at all.  It's not fair."

I dropped my head as the door opened.  "ZeeZee!  Help!  She's making me talk to grown ups."

He sat beside her and smoothed her hair.  "And why are we talking to adults?"

She crossed her arms.  "Because their mates are stealing them away."

He chuckled.  "You used to think the same about me."

She pursed her lips.  "That was before."


"You showed me you wouldn't."

He nodded.  "So, if they don't know, how can they show you they won't?"

She sighed.  "I don't know."

"Think about this, Ray's mate is here, part of this pack.  Zay's is a rogue she has no pack to go to.  I am an Alpha, just like Violet... who would have been more likely to take who away?"

She thought for a moment.  "You... bu-"

"No buts... I had to work extra hard to show you I wouldn't take her away from you or her pack.  At least they are here and have no pack to take them to."

She looked at the floor.  "That's true..."

I smiled, I loved when he would help when I was at a loss.  "Also, you would scream at me that I couldn't take her away, so I knew why you were upset.  If you don't say anything how can they know, Princess?"

She pursed her lips, knowing she just lost the battle.  "They don't... fine... I'll think about it."

I tugged her hair.  "The sooner you talk, the sooner they know and can work with it so you don't hurt as much."

She swung her legs.  "You two don't play fair."

I hugged her.  "We don't like to see you hurt, Ladybug.  Especially when you work so hard to fix everyone else's."

She sighed.  "I know..."

I kissed her head.  "We'll let you figure out how you want to go about it, okay?"

She smiled.  "Thanks Vivi and ZeeZee."

Ezekiel laced his fingers through mine as we left and closed the door.  "She'll be okay."

I sighed.  "It's not like she has a choice... none of us do."

He tilted his head.  "What do you mean?"

I stared at his chest.  "Humans... they get to choose who they love and yes, they fall in and out of love, get their hearts broken, divorce... but it's their choice.  They don't have a mating pull, but us... you know who that person is and the way the world is now they have the right reject you... shattering you forever.  Or like us, you end up together and that's it, everyone else is just someone to pass the time.  It's a double edged sword really."

He watched my face.  "You would rather have the choice?"

I shrugged.  "Judging by my personality... it would have always been you.  I don't like people or to socialize.  The idea of love at first sight is still baffling to me because well, I didn't feel what you felt.  There was no instanteous this is my person, you worked for it, I fought it once I knew, so... I really don't feel it made much of a difference to me."

That would be correct...  I tilted my head.  Even before... you chose him without the pull.

He smiled softly.  "Apparently you've always been that way."

I scowled.  "Alastair can stop talking now."

He chuckled.  "Well either way, it seems we were meant to be, so I can't conplain."

I rolled my eyes.  "You prefer it?  The mating pull?"

He thought for a moment.  "I don't know... I may not have found you in time without it.  There's no way to tell."  I bit my lip, I didn't like the idea him of choosing someone else, but if he would be happy...  he lifted my chin with my finger.  "I'd choose you everytime."

I regretted this conversation.  No one in their right mind would choose someone like me.  "Yeah... let's go join the others."

He held me in place.  "You don't believe me?"

I shook what I was feeling, it didn't matter and it upset him.  I sighed.  "I'm glad we don't have to find out."

He frowned.  "There's nothing wrong with you, Violet.  It was you before there werewolves, it'd be you no matter what we were.  I love you."

I smiled more for his benefit than anything else.  "I'm happy to hear that."

He stroked my cheek, relaxing.  "Good."

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