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The next couple days passed by real quick and suddenly I was sitting in the waiting room from my gynecologist. The walls were plastered with thank-you cards, having little babys on them. Maybe someday there would be a card of my own baby...

I got pulled out of my thoughts as my name was called by the secretary. I followed her into a tiny room, the walls were painted in bright orange and it smelled like vanilla and orchids. "Miss Swift. Nice to meet you again.", my gynecolist, Miss Mason, appeared out of an adjoining room and put forth her hand. "Hii", I replied while shaking her hand. My palms were kind of sweaty. Gosh...I was so nervous. "Please take a seat over here", Miss Mason pointed out to a olive green examination couch. "Where's the father?" She smiled. I started blushing. "Ehm he's at work", I mumbled. She nodded.

I swallowed. "Before we start...I have a question...asking for a it possible to take a paternity test of an unborn child?", I asked hesitantly. She shot me a suspicious look. "In which period is your friend?" "Oh ehm, just at the beginning of her pregnancy", I answered. "Actually it is possible, but it's pretty expensive..." "Money is not a problem", I interrupted her, maybe a bit too quickly. "If you want me to, I can give you an information flyer for your friend, when we're finished with the ultrasound". "That would be awesome", I said, kind of relieved.

"So please free your stomach Miss Swift". I obeyed. "This might be a little bit cold". She placed some jellylike mass on my belly. I shivered. It really was cold. "Alright, let's search for your little wonder", she smiled at me encouraging. I gazed at the echograph but I could't identify anything. Unlike Miss Mason. "There it is", she paused the ultrasonic device and placed her finger on the screen. "Here it is...can you see it". I couldn't. "It has only the size of a small gummi bear, that's the we have the back and these are it's tiny legs and arms", she explained. "And now"...she pushed a few buttons..."here we have the heartbeat. A gentle pounding appeared. Immediately my own heartbeat started to raise. It was one of those magical moments you are going to remember for the rest of your life. "That's my baby",  I whispered while tears started to fill my eyes. "The sound of it's's just...". "Magical", Miss Mason completed my sentence. "The sound of's always impressive to hear a babys heart for the first time", she continued. "Oh I could listen to it forever". I was still blown away by the soft and constant little beats coming from the ultrasonic. So let's take a few pictures. She switched the positon of the ultrasonic pulse-echo instrument for a couple times and took some screenshots.

Then she suddenly stopped and took a closer look at the screen. "Is everything alright?", I asked anxious. "More than that Miss Swift...there is another one." My jaw dropped. "There's not?!", I shouted while looking at her, shocked. "You're joking?!". "No I'm definietly not. Congatulation Miss Swift you're having twins", she cheered stroking my shoulder. I couldn't speak. Twins...I couldn't believe it...There are two. Two babys. I took a deep breath. I've always dreamed about having twins but now as it really was happening I felt scared and not happy at all. Yes, twins would be awesome, at the right time...or more important, with a man I love. "You're okay?", she squezzed my hand and looked at me worried. "Yes, it's just...really a surprise", I answered quietly.

Miss Mason handed me a towel to dry my body from the gel. After that I put my shoes back on. While doing so she wouldn't stop talking about all the pros of having twins. She definetly wanted to cheer me up. And to my surprise it even worked. At least kind of.

I nearly had left the room as Miss Mason called my name again: "Oh ehm Miss Swift...just in case your friend is also having twins. A prenatal paternity test is normally not possible when there is more than one baby..."

....I closed the door.


That was chapter seven. Thank you for reading!

What do you think about Taylor having twins?♡

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