Spreading the news

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On my drive back home I felt relieved, it really had helped me to speak about my worries, although my biggest sorrow was still a secret kept by Abi and me. Josh was already waiting as I entered my house. He seemed to be kind of nervous, he was playing with his fingers and avoided eye-contact with me. "Hey Josh, you're okay? You're acting kind of weird?", I raised my eyebrow and turned into his direction. It was clearly visible how unconfortable Josh was feeling back then. He actually seemed kind of shy to me. "I don't know how to say it, but...I thought the mirrors should be cleaned today...and as I stepped into your bathroom", he started speaking hesitatly. Suddenly I knew what the reason for his awkward behaviour was. "and than you saw the pregnancy test", I completed his sentence. He started to blush and turned his face to the floor. "I'm sorry, really sorry Miss Swift, but I just...saw it and I could't help myself but take a closer look", he said quietly. "It's alright, don't worry...it was not your fault", I said taking one step closer to him. At this moment I was not sure how I should think about Josh knowing my secret. "So...did YOU do the test?", he asked hesitately. I nodded: "Yeah... surprise I'm pregnant", I tried to sound funny but it was not really working. "Wow that's...eh...really a surprise". I'm not sure what Josh was thinking back then. He tried to smile at me, but I could see some sadness and disappointment in his eyes. Nobody said something for a while. "Okay ehm, I guess it's something good, I mean babys are awesome, and yours will be...just perfect", he mumbled. I didn't know what to respond so Josh chimed in again: "Ehm, the plants are waiting, I should better go out and water them", he continued and tried to sound enthusiastic. "Sure.., the plants need you", I nodded and watched him leave the house. Wow that was weird. I was tired...telling people about my pregnancy was really fraught. I decided to go upstairs and went outside to my balcony. I made myself confortable on my light brown wicker chair, than pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Abi.

Taylor: Hey Abi, guess what ..I just told Mum about the pregancy...

Taylor: ...and Josh🙈

Abi:No way!! Those are great news....how did she react?

Abi: And you told JOSH about it?....🤔 why would you want him to know it??

Taylor: Actually she was really happy about it. It really surprised me....she even cried.❤

Abi: Oh honey, that's soo cute. I'm so happy for ya!😍

Taylor: And Josh knows it...because he found the test. 🤦

Abi: Ohh, well...you didn't pack it away?😅

Taylor: Nope

Abi: Okay so any other people knowing about the pregnancy yet?

Taylor: No, just you, mum...and Josh.

Abi: Okay, so when are you going to tell it Jackson?

Taylor: Idk...I really don't want to...Abi...what if he's not the father?😥

Abi: Yeah that is definetly something you should check... 😕

Taylor: Do you think I can ask my gynecologist how I can make a paternity test...maybe it's even possible while being pregnant...

Taylor: Or do you think it's weird to ask about that...🙈

Abi: Oh it iiiis weird...but you have no choice honey!? 🤷😅

Taylor: Guess your right😒

Abi: So who do you want to be the father?

Taylor: Josh.

Taylor: Haha just kidding...😂

Abi: Ehhm Taylor, don't tell me Josh is also an option???????😲😲😲

Taylor: Haha calm down...he's not. 😂

Abi: You're sure? I would't blame you...he's hot. 🔥

Taylor: Oh shut up...😜 I AM SURE

Abi: But you would want him to be the father?🤔

Taylor: Maybe, I guess it would be easier with him...Idk...however, I can't choose the father...not anymore.

Abi: Okay so let's keep it realistic, Jackson or...the mysterious guy?👤

Taylor: Abi...I don't know. I can't imagine having Jackson as a father...but maybe it's better to have him, than someone I'm not even able to get in touch with.😞

Abi: True.

Abi: Maybe we can track him somehow?

Taylor: I don't think so...how? By filing a missing persons report?

Abi: Mhh, it could work...🕵

Taylor: Oh come on🙄

Abi: Alright, so try to stop racking your brain. First of all you're going to check your babys health, after all, that's what matters, right? ❤

Taylor: Yeah you're right...and than I will ask about the paternity test.

Abi: Exactly...one step after another. We can start searching for... "your secret lover" when we know who is the father.

Taylor: Oh don't call him like that. 😒

Abi: Sorry for that...but it was not me making out with someone while not even knowing a single thing about him.😋🤷

Taylor: Abi, stop that! I'm already feeling guilty.🙈

Abi: It was just a joke, there is no need to feel guilty. It just had happened... 💋

Abi: Okay honey, I'm getting tired now and I guess you could also handle some sleep.😪

Taylor: That's for sure. I'm feeling so tired now. Like there is a little human engulfing my energy. 👶

Abi: Haha. Oh baby I still can't believe your pregnant...😍🙈

Taylor: Same.😅🙈

Taylor: Good night Abi, love ya!❤☄

Abi: Love you too...sweet dreams honey!❤

Hii, thank you for reading! :)
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